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Weekly Online Sales, a Division of Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC Sale - 5092

United States

Postal History
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
9001   image[Florida Territory] Apalachicola, "Apalachicola F.Ty/Apr/8" cds with ms "25" rate on 1838 folded letter sheet to Providence RI, cotton business, vertical filefold, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $200-300
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9002   image[Florida] St Augustine E. Flo, "St Augustine E. Flo/Feb/2" oval, 28x24mm, with ms "25" rate on 1838 folded letter sheet to Providence RI, personal letter, mentions arrival of Grand Caravan of Animals, vertical filefold, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $300
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $300-400
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9003   image[Florida Territory] St. Augustine, "St. Augustine Fl.T./Apr/13" cds with manuscript "25" rate on 1844 folded letter sheet addressed to Newburgh NY, two page business letter, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $250
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $250-350
SOLD for $130.00
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9004   image[Florida] TALLAHASSEE FLOA. 1840 (Leon Co.). Clear oval year dated handstamp with "A" of "FLOA" high, manuscript "25" on folded printed notice datelined Port Leon addressed to NYC, Very Fine territorial usage.
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $200-300
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9005   image[New York] "Sherwoods/ Corners/ N.Y." rare stencilled postmark, superb impression of a fancy blue stenciled c.d.s. with manuscript "Apl 8" date on a partly-printed Cayuga County legal judgment to Bath, New York, with manuscript "Pd. 10" and "paid 10" rates; vertical file fold affects nothing of importance. A truly extraordinary example of this scarce stencil postmark, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $500
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $500-750
SOLD for $400.00
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9006   image[Rhode Island] Newport, three different ovals: 1.) large 53 x 44 mm oval Oct 30 (1822) on a small outer folded letter to Boston with manuscript "10" rate; 2.) Old English style 41 x 34 mm oval in dark green, Aug 21 on a full 1823 folded letter to Bristol with manuscript "6" rate; and 3.), the same 34 x 41 mm oval in red, Mar 14 (no year) on a small outer folded letter to Providence with manuscript "6" rate. A Very Fine and very scarce group.
Suggested Bid $750
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $750-1,000
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9007   imageWells Fargo & Co Galveston TX, 2¢ (U318) with Wells Fargo Express Paid frank to Galveston TX, with violet boxed date & address handstamp (Leutzinger 21-10), Very Fine, with 2010 P.F. certificate.
Suggested Bid $300
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $500-750
SOLD for $150.00
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9008   image[College] Murfreesboro NC, Wesleyan Female College, 3¢ (26) tied by Murfreesboro NC NC c.d.s., on blue shield cameo ad cover, addressed to University of Virginia; ink docketing lower left, Very Fine, with 2005 P.F. certificate.
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $200-300
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9009   image[Medicine] Boston, Mass, Dr. Stephen Jewett's Medicines, 1846-50, with red "Boston, 11 May, 5cts." postmark, addressed to Mystic Bridge, Conn, a little light foxing and a bit of insect damage at left, very scarce early example of this popular topic, Fine.
Suggested Bid $400
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $400-600
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9010   image[Political] "Blaine, The Plumed Knight of Maine", incredible illustrated campaign cover for the Blaine Logan ticket, with Blaine's portrait on the front & Logan on the backflap, franked by 1¢ (206) tied by Philadelphia oval and addressed to Upshur OH, Very Fine, with 2013 P.F. certificate.
Suggested Bid $300
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $500-750
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9011   imageAdvertising cover collection, late 1890's - early 1900's, from 2¢ Bureau with Triangles Issue Era, 50 covers with a wide variety of subjects: Iron and Brass Castings (Gears, Pulleys and Fly Wheels), Multicolor Cherokee Flour, Benzinger's Magazine, Golden Russet Champagne Cider (two covers), American Tobacco with illustrated Indian, Dodge Manufacturing, Schools, Brown and Besly cabinets for office index and filing, New York Condensed Milk Co., Minneapolis Flour, Diamond 54 Service Stations, T. Shriver & Co's Iron Foundry, F.W. Stock & Son's Flour, Eureka Dynamo Belting, Norwich Nickel and Brass Works, I.A. Hall & Co. Reeds, Harness, Lingoes and Mill Supplies (2 covers), American, Jr. Non-Drip Radiator Air Valve (two covers) and many more, a lovely group with great illustrations, generally F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $750
. (Image) (Image2)


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Suggested Bid $750-1,000
SOLD for $450.00
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9012   image1864, letter to Nashville TN, carried outside the lines, cover is addressed to Mr William A Carroll, Nashville Tennessee, In care of Capt Marcumm, of Cop K 173 Regt OVS, To follow the Regt, with long two page letter from his wife, personal letter, with two swatches of fabric, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $200-300
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9013   imageFort Jefferson, 3¢(65) cancelled by "PAID"in circle with "Fort Jefferson Fla/May/1" cds on cover to West Enfield NH, post office was open from 1861-1868 with a peak population of 1,729, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $250
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $250-350
SOLD for $250.00
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9014   imageCivil War patriotic covers, group of 6, includes blind embossed U.S. Sanitary Commission Soldier's letter, corner ad U.S. Christian Commission Soldier's letter, flag facing right (Bischel 5465, W 2973), flag facing right (Bischel 5396, W-unlisted), and two unposted; mixed condition, please review, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $400
. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

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Suggested Bid $400-600
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9015   imageWashington On Shield Label Pensacola FL, 3¢(65) tied by target with "Pensacola Fla/Nov/18/1864" double circle cds on cover with red, black & blue affixed label(Bischel 203, W-Unlisted) to Mount Vernon ME, reduced at right, Extremely Fine.
Suggested Bid $250
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $250-350
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9016   image[New Jersey] Blairstown, "JVD", 3 covers: postmasters monogram in purple ties 3¢ green (158) on cover to New Hampton N.Y., matching "Blairstown N.J. 7 Sep 1877" cds; accompanied by two different "V" in circle cancels in purple (faulty) and black, F.-V.F. covers.
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $200-300
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9017   image[New Jersey] Oceanic, "Star", bold & well struck purple fancy & CDS ties 2c (183, x2 singles), New York Transit & buffalo receiver backstamps, Very Fine cover.
Suggested Bid $150
. (Image)

Suggested Bid $150-200
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9018 28b image1857, 5¢ bright red brown, type I (Scott 28b), vertical strip of 3, tiny corner crease, tied by two New Orleans c.d.s.s, Jul 29, 1858, on folded letter to Nantes, France by French packet via New York and Paris.
Suggested Bid $2,500
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $2,500-3,500
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9019 64 image1861, 3¢ pale pink (Scott 64), tied by Burlington VT c.d.s. on cover addressed to Fort Kent ME, Very Fine, with 1975 A.P.E.X. certificate. Scott $775 .
Suggested Bid $400
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $400-600
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM
9020 73 image1863, 2¢ black, wrapper use (Scott 73), tied by indistinct MA c.d.s. on home made wrapper, addressed to No. Sutton NH, Very Fine. Scott $75 .
Suggested Bid $100
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $200-300
SOLD for $55.00
Closing..Mar-22, 09:00 PM

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