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Europe and Colonies continued...

Italian Area continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6601 1866 var imageItaly, 1992, 850L Castle of Arechi, shifted colors and missing blue variety (Scott 1866 var), black, magenta and yellow each misaligned, blue omitted, o.g., never hinged, F.-V.F., unlisted, signed Avi, accompanied by his 2010 SBPV certificate.
Sassone 1544A var.
Suggested Bid $50
. (Image)

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Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6602 2447 var imageItaly, 2004, 45c Venus of Urbina, Missing Value (black) (Scott 2447 var), complete pane of 100, an astonishing variety without denomination, o.g., never hinged, Post Office Fresh, Very Fine, catalogs at €450 each stamp, with 2016 SBPV/ASEP Avi certificate.
Sassone 2370Aa; €45,000 ($50,440).
Suggested Bid $1,300
. (Image)

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SOLD for $700.00
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6603 o C42-C47 imageItaly, Airmail, 1933 Zeppelin complete (Scott C42-C47), light cancels, rich colors, F.-V.F.
Sassone S.1508. Scott $2,690 .
Suggested Bid $350
. (Image)

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Scott $2,690

SOLD for $200.00
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6604   imageItaly, 1930, aviation History Vignettes, set of eight depicting major Italian aviation events between 1826 and 1930, Extremely Fine, rare, .
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image) (Image2)


Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6605 o E1-E13 imageItaly, Special Delivery, 1903-25 complete (Scott E1-E13), F.-V.F. Scott $237 .
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

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Scott $237

SOLD for $20.00
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6606 J16 imageItaly, Postage Due, 1903, 2L blue & magenta (Scott J16), used with 5c & two 10c Dues (J5-6) tied by Parma c.d.s.s, 20 Aug 1928 on a Registered Official cover sent by railway post from the Ministry of Communications in Bologna on 18 Aug; reduced irregular at right.
Sassone S 29.
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

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Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6607 o O1-O8 imageItaly, Officials, 1875, 2c-10L complete (Scott O1-O8), F.-V.F.
Sassone S.1700. Scott $479 .
Suggested Bid $70
. (Image)

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Scott $479

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6608 o C16 imageItaly: Trieste Zone A, 1948 Airmail Overprinted A.M.G. F.T.T. (Scott C16), F.-V.F. Scott $350 .
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

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Scott $350

SOLD for $20.00
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6609 1-6/S.10-11 imageItalian C.L.N. Local: Cuvio, 1945, Bandieri Brothers, both types in se-tenant pairs (Sassone 1-6/S.10-11), o.g., lightly hinged, Very Fine, only 300 mint sets were issued, plus another sets of pairs were affixed to envelopes.
Sassone €5,000 ($5,600).
Suggested Bid $180
. (Image) (Image2)


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Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6610 o J13var imageItaly: Fiume, 1919 2c Postage Due Strip of Four Imperf Between (Scott J13var), strip of four 2¢ postage due imperf between 2nd & 3rd stamps, Fiume cds, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $60
. (Image)

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Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6611 29-33 imageItalian Occupation of Rhodes, 1930, Hydrological Congress, 5c to 30c part set (Scott 29-33), o.g., lightly hinged, F.-V.F. Scott $328 .
Suggested Bid $50
. (Image)

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Scott $328

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6612 Q8 imageItalian Colonies: Eritrea, Parcel Post, 1916, Small "ERITREA" overprint, 4L slate (Scott Q8), o.g., lightly hinged, exceptionally fresh, Fine.
Sassone PP 8; €1,100 ($1,230). Scott $875 .
Suggested Bid $60
. (Image)

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Scott $875

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6613 43785 imageItalian Colonies: Tripolitania, 1924, Manzoni complete (Scott 11-16), a bright, fresh set, o.g., typical centering, Fine.
Sassone 11-16; €800 ($900). Scott $499 .
Suggested Bid $180
. (Image) (Image2)


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Scott $499

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6614   imageLuxembourg, [Stamp Dealer] 1898-1938, 8 items: 2 postal cards & 6 covers (one reg.), Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Suggested Bid $26
. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6615 E   imageMonaco, 2016, W.W.F. Girelle Paon souvenir sheet, small original watercolor paintings of the male and female of the species—as pictured in the top stamps of the sheet—by the co-designer, M.C. Lemayeur; each about 6½" x 3½" and signed by the artist in separate small presentation folders with handwritten inscription (in French), "Very cordially, Bernard Alunni [the other co-designer] - M.C. Lemayeur.
Suggested Bid $350
. (Image) (Image2)


Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6616   imageNetherlands, 1941, 5 "Belasting" covers, to 1965, the "Belasting" etiquette indicates that the item is free from customs duty and are unique to the Netherlands, incoming from G.B. (2, including one on 6½d. Registry stationery uprated and with unusual official post office seal, one a parcel front), 1965 registered from Lebanon with opened by customs and Belasting laberls, Switzerland registered parcel front and 1941 U.S. censored in Germany with customs label and declaration form plus two unused labels, the labels are all different, these covers are very hard to find, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $50
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6617   imagePoland, Valentine Collection, c1920, approximately 60 valentines, most with scraps pasted on lined or printed pages, a few gilt, nice lot of collateral material for the Polish collector, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $50
. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6)

image image image image

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Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6618 P 347//375 vars. imagePortugal, 1925, Castello-Branco Centenary, printer's archives, etc. (430) items (Scott 347//375 vars.), small accumulation of perf and imperf remainders in blocks of various sizes, both with and without printer's rejection markings (most without), all invalidated with punched holes; comprises a.) ungummed imperforates of the 3c-8c, most without denomination (from 18-42 of each); b.) perforated and gummed 60c and 2e-3.20e (22-34 of each); c.) the 4.50e imperf frame only (24) and imperf with vignette & denomination (36); and d.) the 10e imperf (42 - 18 of them with "10 E" quadruply printed); a most unusual lot; 430 stamps in all.
Suggested Bid $700
. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14)

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Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6619 135 imagePortugal, Postal Card, 1953, $50 magenta (Higgins and Gage 135), group of 16 with different black or multicolored views, including examples marked IXM-1 to IXM-16, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $130
. (Image)

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Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6620 148 imagePortugal, Postal Card, 1958, $50 gray (Higgins and Gage 148), group of 8 with different multicolored views on back, including examples marked MIX-17 to MIX-24, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $40
. (Image)

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Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM

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