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U.S. Postal History continued...

Misc. Postal History continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6041   image[Stars] Star of David (Chicopee, Mass.), bold & complete socked-on-the-nose fancy on 3¢ (26) with deep rich color, Chicopee, Mass. 12/12/(57) c.d.s.; stamp with some trivial scissor trimmed perfs, Very Fine.
Skinner-Eno ST-6P 23.
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6042   image1833, Post Office Department Official Notice, folded letter sheet from the Post Office Department to the postmaster of Greenvile RI, citing an error in his quarterly statement for 1st April 1833, scarce document, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $45
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6043   image1851-67, group of five embossed Valentine covers, 1.) 1851 1¢ blue type II with two large margins tied by faint blue Feb 14 Pen Yan, N.Y. c.d.s.; 2.) 1857 1¢ blue type V tied by illegible red c.d.s.; 3.) 1857 3¢ dull red type III with pen cancel and red Feb 14 Athol, Mass. c.d.s.; 4.) 1861 3¢ rose with grid cancel and Dec 28 West Cambridge, Mass. c.d.s. (probably not a Valentine); and 5.) 1867 2¢ black F. Grill tied by grid with light Feb 15 "New York City/ Received" c.d.s.; stamps average, covers Fine-Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $140
. (Image)

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Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6044   image1879-1912, Fortress Monroe cancels, five covers: one from Ft. Monroe via Bay Line Steamer; picture postcard with Ft. Monroe & Richmond RPO; #300 tied by Fortress Monroe duplex with 1886 date slug; cover with Fortress Monroe c.d.s. on cover to Dubuque, IA; and a 1904 cover tying #324 with a Fortress Monroe duplex; some flaws, but generally F.-V.F., excellent lot for the specialist.
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6045   image1917, bank tag used from Buffalo to Rochester, NY, bearing 515 pair + 517 + 518 (B4) + E11, all perfinned "FRB/NY", a rare item, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Suggested Bid $275
. (Image)

SOLD for $140.00
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
1857-1977 Issues
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6046 26 image1857, 3¢ dull red, type III (Scott 26), tied by target with "Hartford CT/Feb 13/1861" c.d.s., on cover to San Francisco CA, manuscript "DUE 7", 10¢ transcontinental rate was in effect, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

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Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6047 114 image1869, 3¢ ultramarine (Scott 114), tied by cork cancel with Boston MA c.d.s., addressed to Chippewa Falls WI, redirected to Mantrville MN with c.d.s. used as receiver, and finally redirected to Mongovia IA, a well travelled cover; light ink smearing at bottom edge, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $50
. (Image)

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SOLD for $34.00
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6048 439 image1914, 30¢ orange red (Scott 439), tied by 1915 Atlanta GA duplex on corner ad cover addressed to Springfield MA; reduced at right, edge tears at bottom, F.-V.F. Scott $250 .
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

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Scott $250

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6049 812 image1938, 7¢ Presidential (Scott 812), tied by indistinct oval on large cover, addressed to Philadelphia, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $100
. (Image) (Image2)


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Suggested Bid $150-200
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6050 814 image1938, 9¢ Presidential (Scott 814), paying triple rate tied by 1949 Pittsburgh PA duplex on large envelope addressed to Ardmor PA, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

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Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6051 906 image1942, 5¢ Chinese Resistance (Scott 906), first day cover, addressed, Very Fine. Scott $18 .
Suggested Bid $26
. (Image)

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Scott $18

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6052 948 image1947, 5¢ & 10¢ Centenary International Philatelic Exhibition (Scott 948), a scarce pre-first day cover dated May 17 (two days early) for #948, also a very nice grouping of items from the 1947 meeting of the Aero Philatelist club, includes membership card, invitation to stump the experts, certificate for winning, ribbon, ticket and guest pass, and interesting and historic lot, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $90

Please note: the frame and board will not be shipped with this lot
. (Image) (Image2)


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SOLD for $55.00
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6053   image1954-63, Liberty Issue usages on registered bank mail tags, 500 tags from various East Coast banks, most franked with blocks of the high value of the Liberty Issue 1048-1052, a treasure trove for the specialist of this era, tremendous retail/resale potential, please inspect, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $350
. (Image)

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Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6054 1710 image1977, 13¢ Lindbergh Flight (Scott 1710), four first day covers with two different first Spectrum cachets, unaddressed, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $10
. (Image)

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Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
Airmail and Related
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6055   image1936 First 24 Hour Mass Flight to San Diego, 3¢ (782) tied by faint San Diego CA machine cancel, with #784 tied by "VT Squadron/DEC 19" Doane, "Merry Christmas" with cachet in upper left "First 24 Hour Mass Flight/Made by Planes Nos. 1,2,3,4,5,& 6", and "Carried in Plane 6-P-6", addressed to San Diego, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $60
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6056   image1939-90, private air mail handstamps with image of plane, 32 items, mostly covers (including 3 overseas), some with quite remarkable handstamps, ideal for the topicalist, examine, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6057   image1940-82, 25 airline corner card covers, all with meter slogans, including PanAm, Delta, Piedmont, etc., examine, very difficult to assemble today, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $45
. (Image)

SOLD for $36.00
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6058   image1946, Pan Am Air Mail Test dual frankings, five covers with US and foreign stamps, US cancelled on Nov 1 1946 in Detroit, foreign stamps include Antigua, British Guiana, Jamaica, St Lucia and Trinadad & Tobago, with various receivers on reverse, these covers were allowed only on Nov 1 in acknowledgment of the new 10¢ air mail rate, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $26
. (Image)

SOLD for $14.00
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6059   imageDelta Airlines postcards and ephemera. Choice lot of Delta paper, includes twenty four picture postcards with four prop aircraft, cigarette card, leather baggage tag, couple of photos, may not be original, all in all a lot that will please the airline collector, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
Collections and Groups
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6060   imagePostal Card Collection, 1873-1980's, in black stock pages and Showguard cover album, containing: UX1 preprinted, UX5, UX7, UX8, UX13, UX15, UX19-20, UX29, UX32, UX47 (ETR-1064-2), UY3, UY5 preprinted, UY6 preprinted, UY8, UY10 and UY15, generally F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $425
. (Image)

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Suggested Bid $400-600
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM

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