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U.S. Postal History continued...

Postmarks by State continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6021   image[New York] Water Town, blue Jan 22 c.d.s. with fancy matching "PAID C III" 3¢ piece; nice strikes on an orange cover to Dugansville, N.Y., Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6022   image[Rhode Island] Newport, large oval handstamp, 53 x 44 mm, in black and manuscript "6" rate on 1822 folded letter addressed to Bristol RI; light file fold through postmark, otherwise Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $90
. (Image)

SOLD for $55.00
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6023   image[Utah Territory] Argenta, manuscript town cancel "Argenta Utah (S R 6) /April 3d/1890", on a U311, addressed to The World New York City, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $45
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
Foreign Mail
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6024   image1895, cover from Colombia to Ohio, franked with pair of 5c (152) addressed to South Salem OH, with 2¢ (249) tied by New York duplex, with nine page letter, F.-V.F., a tremendous addition to your collection.
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

Get Market Data for [United States Collection]

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6025   imagec. 1898, cover to Colombia, franked with single 1898, 1¢ Trans-Miss. (285), tied by double oval New York City town marking on cover to Honda Colombia, blue straightline "S. S. 'Adirondack'" directional handstamp at top center, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $45
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6026   image1883, postal card to Egypt, 1¢ postal card (UX5) uprated with 1¢ (206) pen cancelled to Cairo Egypt, Alexandria transit, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $45
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6027   image1867, incoming stampless folded letter from Germany, blue double oval "O. G. C. DEGETAU & HINRICHSEN ALTONA" company handstamp on July 1867 folded letter which originated in Altona, Hamburg, Germany and is addressed to Brownsville Texas; carried out of the mails to New Orleans where it was forwarded by Cramer & Co. (a forwarder listed in Rowe) to Texas; horizontal fold at center doubles over some of the address, Very Fine usage.
Suggested Bid $60
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6028   image1879, postal card to Germany, 1¢ postal card(UX5) uprated with 1¢(182) tied by two strikes "H" cancel with light San Francisco c.d.s. to Baden Germany, Mannheim transit, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
Advertising/Illustrated Covers
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6029   image[Billboard] Turned Billboard Ad Cover Lincoln NE, 5¢ (179) cancelled with Lincoln NE c.d.s. on turned cover to Berlin Germany, with immigrant letter, unusual & scarce, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $45
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6030   image[Building] Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co. Metals and Hardware, Colchester, Ill. duplex cancel ties 2¢ 1883 Bank Note (210) on a lovely clean 1887 cover with additional black & white illustration of a gun on the reverse; slightly reduced at left, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6031   image[Hair, ornamental] 8 covers related to this rare topic, ~1870-1890, fancy hair styling such as wigs, braids, falls, etc. was quite popular at this time, each of the 8 covers features prominent corner cards or advertisments for the service plus trade card and Valentine with snippet of hair from the sender, as was the custom, which also has a block of 4 sentimental labels on its hand-drawn front, a very rare group, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Suggested Bid $225
. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Get Market Data for [United States Collection]

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6032   image[Hotel] 4 items from NY, ~1880-1907, 3 covers, early full illustration on reverse for Morgan House, Poughkeepsie NY to Fishkil NY, 1897 Hotel Irving, Catskill to NYC, 1902 The New Grand Hotel, Catskills to Baltimore) and 1907 used postcard from Morgan House, Poughkeepsie, difficult small hotels from popular area, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6033   image[Hotel] Prince George Hotel, NY, 1906-1930, 6 covers with various designs originally created by Maxfield Parrish (one with contents) plus two humorous postcards and a baggage label, unusual to see such an array at one trime, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Suggested Bid $100
. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6034 26 image[Insurance] Northern New York Mutual Insurance (Scott 26), 3¢ horizontal strip of three tied by two strikes of a NY cds, to an ad cover for Northern NY Mutual Insurance, addressed to Rouses Point NY; edge flaws, F.-V.F.
Suggested Bid $45
. (Image)

Get Market Data for [United States 26]

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6035   image[Medical] Philadelphia PA, The Medical And Surgical Reporter, 3¢ tied by target & Philadelphia PA c.d.s. to illustrated ad cover, addressed to Bloomfield NJ, Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $45
. (Image)

SOLD for $30.00
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6036   image[Platinum] patented registered assay sample envelope Hoboken NJ to Boston, franked 10¢ (Sc. 307) properly backstamped, mailing label applied and tied, a very rare usage, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Suggested Bid $60
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6037   image[Stamp Dealer] 5 covers with dealer's labels, 1930-36, 3 with labels on reverse, two on front, one using 2¢ Washington with Philippine overprint., Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Suggested Bid $36
. (Image) (Image2)


Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6038   image[Tobacco] Philip Dodson, Dealer in Tobacco & Cigars, Bozeman MT, advertising label applied and sent on "Stage Bis" (stage business) to Virginia MT, Dodson had a charge account with the stage company, with letterhead enclosure, very rare, Extremely Fine.
Suggested Bid $60
. (Image)

Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
6039   image[Winter Sports] 3 items from Saranac Lake NY, 1906-1920, 1920 humorous ad cover for Adirondack Mid-Winter Carnival plus large booklet for the 1909 Mid-Winter Carnival and a 1906 postcard with Saranac Lake poster stamp, the cover and booklet are quite rare, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Suggested Bid $90
. (Image) (Image2)


Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM
Misc. Postal History
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
6040   image1847, fancy lace Valentine cover, postmarked with a light Feb 16 Cornwall, Vt. c.d.s. and a small red manuscript "5" rate; includes original handwritten Valentine verse dated Feb. 14, 1847; unusual in that it is from "Flora" to Mr. D.N. Casey, Whiting, Vt.; red insert added for display; bit of light toning, still Very Fine.
Suggested Bid $200
. (Image) (Image2)


SOLD for $120.00
Closing..Oct-06, 09:00 PM

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