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The Gary Munson Collection of Hawaii continued...

1864-91 Bank Notes Issues continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1141     31a+31 imageHawaii, 1868, 2¢ vermilion. On combination with 1864, 2¢ rose vermilion paying the double interisland rate on cover to Honolulu, tied by grid handstamps with matching "Hilo P.O., Hawaiian - Islands, Jul 6" cds (242.13), "Honolulu, Jul 11" receiving cds (243.03) with target handstamps additionally tying stamps, Very Fine, an unusual combination of both vermilion and rose vermilion shades.
Scott No. 31a+31; Estimate $100 - 150. (Image1)

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Est. $100-150
SOLD for $650.00
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1142     31b imageHawaii, 1864, 2¢ rose vermilion, bisected. Bottom left half, used with 5¢ Blue (32), tied together by negative "HI" oval cancels on cover to Henry R. Bond, New London Conn., red "G.P.O. Honolulu. Paid All. Oct. 25" cds, magenta "San Francisco, Paid Al,l Nov 5" exchange backstamp; slightly rough opening at top with a few tears; 5¢ light corner crease and bisect couple trivial perf flaws, Very Fine appearance, ex-Golden.
Scott No. 31b; $7,500.


In July 1870, the 6¢ single-letter rate to the United States was established. Since the 6¢ stamps were not available until late Spring 1871, the rate was made up using three 2¢ stamps. As the supply of 2¢ stamps dwindled, the post office permitted some bisects to be used with 5¢ stamps for the 6¢ rate.

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Scott $7,500

SOLD for $3,500.00
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1143 P    32TC3 imageHawaii, 1866, 5¢ King Kamehameha V, Trial Color Plate Proofs on India. Group of five, comprising two each in green and orange and one in dark violet, first four mounted on card and so free from the faults that can plague this fragile paper, last with thin spot, Very Fine group.
Scott No. 32TC3; $2,000. (Image1)

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Scott $2,000

SOLD for $725.00
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1144 S    32S imageHawaii, 1866, 5¢ Blue, Black "Specimen" Overprint. Two different; small and medium serifed letters, without gum, small letter overprint with small tears at bottom, medium letters with perfs into design as almost always, otherwise Fine, with the small letter specimen overprint being very rare, ex-Peters.
Scott No. 32S; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $210.00
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1145     32 imageHawaii, 1866, 5¢ blue. Rich color, tied by 7-bar grid cancel, matching black "Honolulu Hawaiian-Islands Oct 24" cds, used with United States 10¢ green (68), on 1868 yellow cover to Mr. Charles C. Coleman in San Francisco Cal., light strike of red "Hawaiian Steam Service" handstamp at bottom center, 10¢ canceled by circle of Vs, matching neat "San Francisco Cal, Nov 8" double-circle datestamp, additional "San Francisco Cal, Nov 9" cds; 5¢ stamp small corner nick at bottom left, cover with tiny corner repair at top left and slightly reduced at left, Very Fine appearance, ex-Walske, with 2007 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 32; Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.


This cover was carried by American Steamer "Montana" from Honolulu Oct. 24th to San Francisco arriving Nov. 8th. According to the Gregory book (Vol. 2, p. 239), starting with this voyage, the "Honolulu Hawaiian-Islands" cds was struck in black on fully prepaid mail. Prior to this, black ink was used solely on unpaid covers. He also notes on Oct. 24th, that the Pacific Commercial Advertiser published a notice stating that payment of U.S. postage with U.S. stamps was required. This new regulation contravened postal laws allowing for foreign mail to be sent unpaid.

Reference: Illustrated in Gregory book in Vol. 2 on page 239. (Image1)

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Est. $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $2,200.00
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1146     33 imageHawaii, 1871, 6¢ yellow green. Cancelled by ring patent cancel, matching "Post Office, Kohala, H.I., Hawaii, Jul 3 1880" cds (238.02, R2) on cover to Ann Arbor, Mich., purple "Honolulu HI, Paid All, Jul 5, 1880" cds (237.12, R2) exchange cds, F.-V.F.
Scott No. 33; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $375.00
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1147 P    35P1 imageHawaii, 1875, 2¢ brown, Large Die Proof on India. Die sunk on 131 x 100mm card showing full die sinkage, N.B.N.C. imprint at bottom, Extremely Fine.
Scott No. 35P1; $900. (Image1)

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Scott $900

SOLD for $375.00
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1148 P    35P1 imageHawaii, 1875, 2¢ brown, Large Die Proof. Die sunk on 78 x 88mm card; some scattered toning, otherwise Very Fine, ex-Golden.
Scott No. 35P1; $900. (Image1)

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Scott $900

SOLD for $180.00
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1149 P    36P3 imageHawaii, 1875, 12¢ black, plate proof on India. Large margins on original card, bright and fresh, India flaw, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott No. 36P3; $400. (Image1)

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Scott $400

SOLD for $110.00
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1150 P    39P3 imageHawaii, 1882, 5¢ ultramarine, plate proof on India. Large margins all around, bright and fresh; some trivial wrinkles and inclusion at bottom, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott No. 39P3; $400. (Image1)

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Scott $400

SOLD for $190.00
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1151     39 imageHawaii, 1882, 5¢ ultramarine. Tied by "Honolulu, H.I., Aug 25, 1892" duplex postmark on cover to Little Rest, N.Y., reverse with "Hawaiian Hotel/Hamilton Johnson, Manager" allover illustrated 4 panel scene advertising design, receiving backstamp, Very Fine, a choice advertising cover.
Scott No. 39; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $575.00
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1152 P    40P3 imageHawaii, 1882, 10¢ black, plate proof on India. Large margins, brilliant paper, tiny tear at top, otherwise fresh and Very Fine.
Scott No. 40P3; $400. (Image1)

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Scott $400

SOLD for $80.00
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1153 P    50P3 imageHawaii, 1886, 2¢ orange vermilion, reproduction, plate proof on India. Horizontal pair, large margins, still affixed to card backing and so free of the defects so often encountered, Extremely Fine, a lovely pair, ex-Golden.
Scott No. 50P3; $800 as singles. (Image1)

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Scott $800 as s

SOLD for $750.00
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1154 P    50P3 imageHawaii, 1886, 2¢ orange vermilion, reproduction, plate proof on India. Ample to mostly large margins, rich bright color, Very Fine and choice.
Scott No. 50P3; $500. (Image1)

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Scott $500

SOLD for $220.00
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1155 P    52P3 imageHawaii, 1891, 2¢ dull violet, plate proof on India. Large margins, light India wrinkle, fresh and Very Fine.
Scott No. 52P3; $400. (Image1)

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Scott $400

SOLD for $525.00
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1156     52a imageHawaii, 1891, 2¢ Dull Violet, Imperf Horizontally. Top margin vertical pair with part imprint, full o.g., nice overall centering, bold color, Very Fine and choice, a lovely position pair, with 2012 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. 52a; $3,750. (Image1)

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Scott $3,750

SOLD for $3,500.00
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1893 Provisional Govt. Overprints
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1157     55 var. imageHawaii, 1893, 1¢ green, red overprint, split horizontally. Nicely centered, strong color, o.g., small hinge remnants, Very Fine and attractive variety.
Scott No. 55 var.; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $220.00
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1158 ()    55d imageHawaii, 1893, 1¢ green, double red overprint. Both overprints heavy. One split, rich color, no gum, fresh and Fine.
Scott No. 55d; $650 as o.g. (Image1)

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Scott $650 as o

SOLD for $325.00
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1159     58 imageHawaii, 1893, 5¢ deep indigo, red overprint. Used with 2¢ brown, red overprint (56), three singles and pair, all tied by strikes of "Honolulu, H.I. Nov 10, 1897" duplex on cover to Limehouse, London, England, endorsed "Registered" at bottom left, no backstamps, Very Fine.
Scott No. 58; Estimate $150 - 200. (Image1)

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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $260.00
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1160 ()    59g imageHawaii, 1893, 5¢ ultramarine, inverted red overprint. No gum; lower left corner crease, F.-V.F. appearance, with 2010 H.P.S. certificate.
Scott No. 59g; $1,500. (Image1)

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Scott $1,500

SOLD for $525.00
Will close during Public Auction

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