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The Gary Munson Collection of Hawaii continued...

1859-65 Numeral Issues continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1101 ()    19 imageHawaii, 1864, 1¢ black. Two singles, both plate 6-A, types VII & X, positions 7 & 10, both showing raised "I" of "INTER", no gum, nice ample to large margins; small flaws, Very Fine appearance, a lovely duo, ex-Golden.
Scott No. 19; $1,250. (Image1)

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Scott $1,250

SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction
1102 20R imageHawaii, 1864, 2¢ black, Sperati reproduction. Reproduced from plate 5-C, type VI, on glazed proof paper, signed Sperati with "Reproduction Interdite" handstamp, Extremely Fine, a rare glazed paper reproduction.
Scott No. 20R; Estimate $400 - 600. (Image1)

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Est. $400-600
SOLD for $475.00
Will close during Public Auction
1103 ()    20 imageHawaii, 1864, 2¢ black. Plate 5-C, type I, position 1, without gum, large to huge margins; thin spot, otherwise Extremely Fine, with 1999 H.P.S. certificate.
Scott No. 20; $775. (Image1)

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Scott $775

SOLD for $240.00
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1104 ()    20 imageHawaii, 1864, 2¢ black. Plate 5-C, type VII, position 7, showing raised "I" in "INTER" variety, no gum, clear to ample margins, F.-V.F.
Scott No. 20; $775. (Image1)

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Scott $775

SOLD for $600.00
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1105 ()    22 imageHawaii, 1865, 5¢ blue on blue. six singles, all plate 12-A, positions 5 x2, 6, 7 and 9 x2, no gum, clear to large margins; few small flaws, F.-V.F. appearance, ex-Golden.
Scott No. 22; $3,450. (Image1)

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Scott $3,450

SOLD for $1,100.00
Will close during Public Auction
1106 ()    22 imageHawaii, 1865, 5¢ blue on blue. Plate 12-A, type V, position 9, huge margins all around, brilliant color, no gum, post office fresh and Extremely Fine.
Scott No. 22; $575. (Image1)

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Scott $575

SOLD for $400.00
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1107 ()    22 imageHawaii, 1865, 5¢ blue on blue. Plate 12-A, type IV, position 4, without gum, large margins; few tiny tone spots, otherwise Extremely Fine, ex-Peters, with 2012 H.P.S. certificate.
Scott No. 22; $575. (Image1)

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Scott $575

SOLD for $190.00
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1108     22R imageHawaii, 1865, 5¢ blue on blue, Sperati reproduction. Reproduced from plate12-A, type VIII, full even margins, Sperati handstamp and numbered on reverse, Very Fine.
Scott No. 22R; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $230.00
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1109     22 imageHawaii, 1865, 5¢ blue on blue. Plate 12-A, types VIII-III/V-I, positions 7-10, large margins to just in at top right, block of 4, o.g., hinge remnant; vertical crease partly between rows affects left stamps, F.-V.F. and attractive multiple.
Scott No. 22; $2,600. (Image1)

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Scott $2,600

SOLD for $1,350.00
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1110 o    22 imageHawaii, 1865, 5¢ blue on blue. Plate 12-A, type X, position 5, three ring target cancel, clear to ample margins; some light even toning, otherwise Fine.
Scott No. 22; $900. (Image1)

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Scott $900

SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction
1111 ()    23 imageHawaii, 1864, 1¢ black. Plate 8-A, type VIII, position 7, no gum, large margins, Very Fine.
Scott No. 23; $300. (Image1)

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Scott $300

SOLD for $170.00
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1112 ()    23a imageHawaii, 1864, 1¢ black, "HA" instead of "HAWAIIAN". Plate 8-A, type IX, position 10, additionally showing "E." in "Postage.", no gum, clear margins; small shallow thin spot and some toning, Fine appearance, a very scarce Numeral issue variety.
Scott No. 23a; $3,500. (Image1)

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Scott $3,500

SOLD for $1,100.00
Will close during Public Auction
1113     24 imageHawaii, 1864, 2¢ black. Complete Pane of 10, plate 7-A, types I-X, positions 1-10, large margins all around, bright and fresh, full o.g.; horizontal crease at center, otherwise Very Fine and attractive, with 2015 P.S.A.G. certificate.
Scott No. 24; $3,100+. (Image1)

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Scott $3,100+

SOLD for $2,300.00
Will close during Public Auction
1114 ()    25 imageHawaii, 1865, 1¢ dark blue. Plate 11-A, type VIII, position 4, without gum, full margins, Very Fine.
Scott No. 25; $350. (Image1)

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Scott $350

SOLD for $220.00
Will close during Public Auction
1115 ()    26 imageHawaii, 1865, 2¢ dark blue. Plate 10-A, type VII, position 2, no gum, full even margins with wide sheet margin at left, bright and fresh, Very Fine and choice, ex-Drucker, with 2016 P.S.E. Graded certificate (VF 80).
Scott No. 26; $350. (Image1)

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Scott $350

SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction
1116 ()    26 var. imageHawaii, 1865, 2¢ dark blue. Plate 10-A, type II, position 10, clear to full margins, no gum; creased, purple owner's backstamp, F.-V.F. appearance.
Scott No. 26 var.; $350. (Image1)

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Scott $350

SOLD for $140.00
Will close during Public Auction
1117 ()    26 var. imageHawaii, 1865, 2¢ dark blue, "Broken Toe" variety. Plate 10A, type II, position 10, without gum, margins clear to into framelines, about Fine, with 2011 P.S.A.G. certificate.
Scott No. 26 var.; $350 for normal. (Image1)

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Scott $350 for

SOLD for $210.00
Will close during Public Auction
1860 Kamehameha Essays
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1118 E      imageHawaii, 1860, 1¢-3¢ Brown, Die Essays on Thin Pale Buff Card. One of each, different shades, h.r.; few minor scattered toned spots, one with tiny edge tear, otherwise Very Fine, ex-Golden.
Estimate; $400 - 600. (Image1)

Est. $400-600
SOLD for $1,400.00
Will close during Public Auction
1119 E      imageHawaii, 1860, 2¢-3¢ Dark Green, Die Essays on Thin Pale Buff Card. One of each, deep shades, h.r., Extremely Fine, ex-Golden.
Estimate; $300 - 400. (Image1)

Est. $300-400
SOLD for $1,700.00
Will close during Public Auction
1120 E      imageHawaii, 1860, 2¢ Dull Purple Die Essay on Thin Pale Buff Card. Large margins; light corner crease, otherwise Very Fine and scarce.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1)

Est. $150-200
SOLD for $290.00
Will close during Public Auction

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