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United States Postage Stamps continued...

Revenue - First Issues continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
941 o    R21c imageRevenue, 1863, First Issue, 4¢ Playing Cards, perf'd. Light socked-on-the-nose circular handstamp cancel, rich color, Fine.
Scott No. R21c; $750. (Image1)

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Scott $750

SOLD for $160.00
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942 o    R33a imageRevenue, 1862, First Issue, 10¢ Certificate, imperf. Vertical pair, manuscript cancels, ample to large margins, bright color; horizontal crease in bottom stamp, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott No. R33a; $850. (Image1)

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Scott $850

SOLD for $325.00
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943 o    R49b imageRevenue, 1862, First Issue, 25¢ Protest, part perf. Manuscript cancel, strong bright color, Fine and scarce, with 2018 P.S.E. certificate.
Scott No. R49b; $1,000. (Image1)

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Scott $1,000

SOLD for $425.00
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944 o    R57b imageRevenue, 1862, First Issue, 50¢ Lease, part perf. Vertical pair with large sheet margin at bottom, faint red handstamp cancels, well centered; small repairs in stamps, Very Fine appearance, with 2020 P.S.E. certificate.
Scott No. R57b; $600. (Image1)

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Scott $600

SOLD for $130.00
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945 o    R63a imageRevenue, 1862, First Issue, 50¢ Surety Bond, imperf. Manuscript cancel, clear to huge margins, rich deep color, F.-V.F.
Scott No. R63a; $400. (Image1)

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Scott $400

SOLD for $140.00
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946 o    R67c imageRevenue, 1862, First Issue, $1 Entry of Goods, perf'd. Attractive 1864 Cincinnati Custom's House handstamp cancel, Extremely Fine and attractive, with 2020 P.S.E. certificate.
Scott No. R67c; $70. (Image1)

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Scott $70

SOLD for $30.00
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947 o    R71a imageRevenue, 1862, First Issue, $1 Life Insurance, imperf. Manuscript cancel, full margins, strong bright color; small thin, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott No. R71a; $300. (Image1)

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Scott $300

SOLD for $50.00
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948 o    R74c imageRevenue, 1862, First Issue, $1 Passage Ticket, perf'd. Light manuscript cancel, strong color and well centered; faint horizontal crease, Very Fine appearance, with 2020 P.S.E. certificate.
Scott No. R74c; $350. (Image1)

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Scott $350

SOLD for $100.00
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949 o    R81a imageRevenue, 1862, First Issue, $2 Conveyance, imperf. Manuscript cancel, clear to mostly ample margins, strong color, F.-V.F.
Scott No. R81a; $250. (Image1)

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Scott $250

SOLD for $90.00
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950 o    R97c imageRevenue, 1862, First Issue, $15 Mortgage, blue, perf'd. Manuscript cancel, rich deep color, Fine.
Scott No. R97c; $300. (Image1)

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Scott $300

SOLD for $80.00
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951 o    R100c imageRevenue, 1863, First Issue, $25 Mortgage, perf'd. 1865 circular date stamp cancels, deep intensely rich color, Fine and attractive.
Scott No. R100c; $250. (Image1)

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Scott $250

SOLD for $40.00
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952 o      imageRevenue Stamps with additional Perfs. Small group of 6 used revenue stamps including R77 R92 (2), R123 etc. with additional crazy perfs including double, triple and quadruple perfs; also includes #65 (4) and #147 showing double or miss perfs; some flaws, F.-V.F.
Estimate; $150 - 200. (Image1) (Image2)


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Est. $150-200
SOLD for $140.00
Will close during Public Auction
Revenue - Documentary & Proprietary Issues
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
953 o    R132 imageDocumentary, 1871, Second Issue, $200 red, blue & black. Lightened manuscript cancel, strong to rich colors; horizontal crease and thins, Fine appearance, a very presentable example of this rare high value revenue issue, with 2019 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. R132; $8,500. (Image1)

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Scott $8,500

SOLD for $2,900.00
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954 o    R149 imageDocumentary, 1872, Third Issue, $5 green & black. Horizontal pair, light manuscript cancels, strong colors, few rejoined perfs at top, F.-V.F.
Scott No. R149; $900. (Image1)

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Scott $900

SOLD for $210.00
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955 o    R150 imageDocumentary, 1872, Third Issue, $20 orange & black. Manuscript cancel, strong colors, F.-V.F.
Scott No. R150; $900. (Image1)

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Scott $900

SOLD for $270.00
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956 ()    R181 imageDocumentary, 1899, $1,000 Madison. Without gum as issued, wide margins and rich colors; tiny thin at bottom center, otherwise Very Fine, with 2007 P.S.E. certificate.
Scott No. R181; $1,750. (Image1)

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Scott $1,750

SOLD for $475.00
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957 o    R189 imageDocumentary, 1900, $50 gray, surcharged with open numeral. Neat violet "J.R.C. July 5, 1901" straight line handstamp, bright color, Fine and attractive.
Scott No. R189; $575. (Image1)

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Scott $575

SOLD for $220.00
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958     R263 imageDocumentary, 1929, 20¢ Numeral, perf 11 x 10. Bottom margin plate no. "27380" block of 8 with imprint, o.g., never hinged, fresh with nice overall centering; tear in selvage at right, otherwise Very Fine, with eight plate blocks recorded in the Curtis census.
Scott No. R263; Estimate $200 - 300. (Image1)

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Est. $200-300
SOLD for $190.00
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959     R269 imageDocumentary, 1940, 8¢ Numeral. Bottom margin plate no. "39169" block of 8 with imprint, o.g., never hinged, bright and fresh, Fine, a rare plate block and especially in never hinged condition, with only three others recorded in the Curtis census.
Scott No. R269; Estimate $250 - 350. (Image1)

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Est. $250-350
SOLD for $240.00
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960     R275 imageDocumentary, 1940, 80¢ Numeral. Top margin plate no. "35011" block of 8 with imprint, o.g., never hinged, attractively centered, bright vibrant color, Very Fine, extremely rare, with only one other example recorded in the Curtis census.
Scott No. R275; Estimate $250 - 350. (Image1)

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Est. $250-350
SOLD for $250.00
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