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WORLD continued...

PAPUA NEW GUINEA continued...
LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
7120 image2001 Surch 50t/25t Sydney 2000 Olympics, error opt DOUBLE! -opts beside each other. Superb MNH. Mi 906DD, SG 906(var). From the only known sheet of 50 found at Boroko PO in Jan 2002. Spectacular! 2005 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (P) (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$500

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7121 image2001 Surch 50t/25t Sydney 2000 Olympics, error opt DOUBLE! TR cnr imprint blk of 4. Superb MNH. Only 1 sheet of 50 existed so only 4 imprint blks of 4. As one opt is diag misplaced, the appearance of the double opts greatly changes across the sheet from overlapping in TR cnr to widely spaced in LL cnr. Great recent discovery of which only 1 sheet was found & bought in Boroko PO in Jan 2002. Striking item & great addition to a PNG or Olympic collection. 2004 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert. (4) (P) (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$1,500

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7122 image2001 Surch 50t/25t Sydney 2000 Olympics, error opt TRIPLE! LL cnr imprint blk of 4. Superb MNH. Only 1 sheet existed so only 4 imprint blks of 4. As one opt is greatly shifted down the 50t appears in the sheet margin at base just below the bottom row of stamps & is missing from the top row, thus the 5 upper stamps have 3 opt blks but only 2 opt '50t'. Great discovery with only 1 sheet found & bought at Boroko PO in Jan 2002. Spectacular item & great addition to an Olympic or PNG collection. 2004 Ceremuga AIEP photo cert (4) (P) (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$1,500

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7123 image2007 Orchids Personalised Stamps K3.35 with Woodlark Is Cuscus tab printed DOUBLE error, 2nd impression inverted & on top of stamp impression (so 2nd print of 'Woodlark Island Cuscus' is on top of 'Papua New Guinea'!), plus normal to compare. VF fresh MNH. SG 1179(var). Only 4 sheetlets of 20 discovered. Spectacular error. (2) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$50

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7124 image2007 Orchids Personalised Stamps K3.35 with Woodlark Is Cuscus tab printed DOUBLE error, 2nd impression INVERTED & on top of stamp impression (so 2nd print of 'Woodlark Island Cuscus' is on top of 'Papua New Guinea'!), plus normal to compare. Both in UL cnr blks of 4. VF fresh MNH. SG 1179(var). Only 4 sheetlets of 20 discovered. Spectacular error. (8) (P) (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$170

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7125 imageFDC: 1952-63 with 1952 Pictorial set to £1, 1959 5d Surch, 1961 Pics (4) to 2/-, 1962 Malaria, 1962 Conference & 1963 Rabaul. F-VF. SG cat £37+ as loose stamps. Retail $350. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

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Estimate AU$100

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7126 image1953 Registered envelopes 1/0½d brown. VF fresh UN. AAMC PNG2 cat $50. (Image1) (Image2)


Estimate AU$25

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7127 image1959 Aerogram 10d blue with 3 lines of text at left. VFU to Sydney, 'Lae 17 JUL 1963' pmk. AAMC PNG7 cat $75. (Image1) (Image2)


Estimate AU$50

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7128 imageCovers: 1947-52 Australia used in PNG selection (14) with Registered (6) from Aitape (1947), Angoram (1947), Kavieny (2), one with purple cds (1950), other black cds (1952), Kokopo (1948) to Sydney with 'Relief No 5/Papua N G' transit cds on reverse & Lonengau (1952). The other 8 mostly Commercial Airmail to Australia from Rabaul, Port Moresby, Lae, Kavieng & Angoram. Mostly F-VF. (14) (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7)

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Estimate AU$100

SOLD for AU$70.00
Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7129 imagePapua New Guinea covers. 1966-83 Registered covers (40) from 20 diff Pos inc Angoram, Balimo, Cape Rodney, Daru, HMAS Tarangau, Kavieng (1983 Relief No 7 cds), Kiunga (1970 Relief No 7 cds), Lombrum (1974 Provisional Label), Lumi, Moem Barracks, Nuku & Vanimo. Then other covers (40) mostly Airmail & again a range of cds from 18 diff Pos inc HMAS Tarangau (on 1966 Games FDC), Kainantu, Lorengau (Taxed with Used 5c Butterfly attached), Namatanai, Kawito, Tabubil & Wasua. Some minor tropicalisation or with reverse addresses excised, many F-VF condition. (80) (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14)

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Estimate AU$120

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7130 imageBanknotes: 2 Kina ND(1975), ND(1980) sig 1, sig 3, (20)14. 5 Kina ND(1993) sig 4, (20)02, 2007 Sth Pacific Games, (20)16. 10 Kina ND(1985), ND(1988-98) sig 2, 3, 5, 7, 8. 1998 Silver Jubilee Bank of PNG. (20)15. 20 Kina ND(1989-2001) sig 3, 5, 7, 8. (20)15 40th Anniversary Independence. P-1a, 5a, 5c, 7, 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d, 9e, 10a, 10var(2), 10c, 13e, 14a, 17a, 28d, 34, 48, 49, 51 cat US$506 = AUD$710. All diff. UNC (21) (Image1)

Estimate AU$275

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7131 imageBanknotes: 50 Kina (20(12), 100 Kina (20)12 P-32b, 44. Unc. (2) (Image1)

Estimate AU$100

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
7132 imagec1930s Arms 2.50s green Impuesto revenue, printer's sample proof, opt 'Waterlow & Sons Ltd Specimen', with sm security punch. VF fresh UN as made. Rare! (Image1)

Estimate AU$30

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
7133 image1946 Victory set 2d & 3d, perf SPECIMEN. VF fresh M. SG 9-10s cat £400. Rare genuine set. (2) (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$350

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7134 image1969 Pictorials 1st issue set 1c-40c IMPERF horiz prs (this is a full set of 13 as other 2 values issued years later & do not exist as imperfs). VF fresh MNH. SG 94-106(p). Very rare, only 1 imperf sheet of each existed, of which only half were in nice condition. (26) (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$900

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7135 image1969 Pictorials 1st issue set 1c-40c IMPERF (full set of 13 as other 2 values issued years later & do not exist as imperfs), all LL cnr 'Thomas De La Rue & Co Ltd' imprint blks of 4 with proof nos & approval signatures in the margin. Mostly Superb MNH, only 3 stamps with flts due to being ex archives. SG 94-106(p). Only 1 imperf sheet of ea existed & these unique imprint blks ex DLR archives are an important item for the Pitcairn specialist. (52) (P) (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14)

image image image

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Estimate AU$1,800

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7136 image1980 Handicrafts set 9c-40c sheets of 25. VF fresh MNH. SG 207-10. (4 sheets, 100) (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5)

image image image

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Estimate AU$15

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
7137 image1918 Lublin I & Lublin II opt sets 10h-45h & 3h/3h-90h. VF fresh M/MLH. Mi 17 & 19-28, SG 17-29 cat £193. (13) (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$150

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7138 image1918 Lublin I & Lublin II opt sets 10h-45h & 3h/3h-90h, plus 3L & 25L perf 11½ & 10h opt in violet. VFU. Mi 17-28 cat €280, SG 17-29 cat £360. (16) (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$250

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
7139 image1918 Lublin I & Lublin II opt sets 10h-45h & 3h on 3h-90h, plus 3h perf 11½. VFU, ea on piece. Mi 17-28 cat €165+, SG 17-29 cat £212+. (14) (P) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$150

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM

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