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WORLD continued...

CEYLON continued...
LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
3610 image1880-1905 Telegraph stamps collection inc 1880 CEYLON opt India QV Telegraphs to 2R89. 1881-02 QV to 50R. 1882-84 Surch to 5R/50R inc strong coverage of types inc '40 cents' on 2R50 (SG cat £110) & 5R/50R (£250) types. 1892-1903 typeset to 80c, plus dates. 1903-04 KEVII to 50R wmk CA over crown, & 1905 to 25R wmk mult crown. Most F-VFU. SG cat £1470+ & under-catalogued as many of the QV opts & surch are almost never seen despite their low cat vals. Very comprehensive collection. (148). (P) (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5)

image image image

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Estimate AU$2,500

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3611 image1935 cover franked KGV Silver Jubilee set 6c-50c tied by 'Colombo 22 MY 35'. To England by air. SG 379-82 cat £22 as loose stamps & 'from x4' on cover. (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$40

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
3612 imageBritish FPO in Tientsin: 1927 Registered cover franked GB KGV 1½d (3), tied by 'Field Post Office 1 19 DE 27' cds, which was located in Tientsin. To England with 'Via Siberia' b/s, (P) (Image1) (Image2)


Estimate AU$250

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3613 imageJapanese PO Mukden: Cover (tones) franked Mt Fuji Deer 4s orange (2) small die tied by 'Moukden IJPO' cds of 1932?, plus SYS 4c green 1st issue tied Shanghai 11 21 32? cds, plus Postage Due 1915 Peking print tied by Shanghai 10 11 12. Rare mixed franking usage (P) (Image1) (Image2)


Estimate AU$400

SOLD for AU$250.00
Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
3614 image1944 War Refugees Relief Fund M/Sheet. VF fresh M. SG MS730 cat £150. (P) (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$150

SOLD for AU$110.00
Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3615 image1934 USS Black Hawk Destroyer Squadron pictorial cover franked stamps from various ports visited inc 7th April Manila Filipino & US stamps, Japan 9½s Airmails tied by Yokohama, Tokyo & Kobe cds, reverse with China Shanghai & Chefoo cds & US Air 8c olive tied 'USS Black Hawk Desron Five' 4 July 1934 violet oval pmk, then by Air to New York. VF. Spectacular! (P) (Image1) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate AU$400

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3616 image1930s cover franked USS Black Hawk franked Chicago Century of Progress 1c blk of 4 tied by 'USS Black Hawk Asiatic Station Chefoo China SEP 3 1934' pmk, or franked Mt Rainier 3c tied by USS Black Hawk Shanghai China OCT 27 1934 pmk, plus with printed Navy Day pictorial cachet. VF. (2) (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Estimate AU$80

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3617 imageca 1945-46 large Airmail cover 1st (250x310mm) registered franked 1944-46 SYS $70 violet (77, SG 710) & $20 red SG 808, tied by indistinct 'Luichow' cds, from Kwangsi Regional Office of UNRRA (United Nations Relief & Rehabilitation Administration). 2nd (230x 300mm) franked 11 diff stamps -total 59, from Hankow Regional Office tied by indistinct Hankow cds. Both to Maj Gen Glen Edgerton (US Army), Director China Office UNRRA, Embankment Building Shanghai. Very battered with many stamps damaged, as typical for such large bulky items. Certainly unique frankings. (2). (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Get Market Data for [China (Republic of China) 710)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate AU$300

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
3618 imageSinkiang: 1921 opt 25th Postal Anniv set 1c-10c. F-VF fresh M. Sc 39-42, SG 39-42 cat £100. (4) (Image1)

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Estimate AU$70

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
LotNo. Lot Description Estimate in AU$'s
3619 image1968-70 Fish set 1c-$1 on pictorial Excelsior FDC (3) or Boson Bird FDC, tied by appropriate FDI cds. VF. SG 22-31. Retail $85. (4 covers). (Image1) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Christmas Islands 22-31.] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate AU$30

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3620 image1978 QEII 45c Coronation SJ M/Sheet comp uncut sheet of 4 M/Sheets. VF fresh MNH. Scarce in this format. (Image1)

Estimate AU$20

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3621 image1993 Views 85c sheet of 50. VF CTO printed GPO Melbourne undated pmk. Fresh UH gum. FV $42. SG 378 cat £87. (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$20

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3622 image1994 Train 95c sheet of 50. VF CTO printed GPO Melbourne undated pmk. Fresh UH gum. FV $47. SG 390 cat £87. (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$20

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3623 image1995 Fish 20c sheet of 50. VF CTO printed GPO Melbourne undated pmk. Fresh UH gum. SG 412 cat £17. (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$5

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3624 image1995 Fish 30c sheet of 50. VF CTO printed GPO Melbourne undated pmk. Fresh UH gum. SG 413 cat £25. (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$10

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3625 image1995 Fish 90c sheet of 50. VF CTO printed GPO Melbourne undated pmk. Fresh UH gum. FV $45. SG 417 cat £50. (Image1) (Image2)


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Estimate AU$15

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3626 image1996 Bird 85c sheet of 50. VF CTO printed GPO Melbourne undated pmk. Fresh UH gum. FV $42. SG 429 cat £100. (Image1) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Christmas Islands 429] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate AU$20

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3627 image2002 Bird $1 sheet of 50. VF CTO printed GPO Melbourne undated pmk. Fresh UH gum. FV $50. SG 509 cat £112. (Image1) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Christmas Islands 509] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate AU$20

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3628 image1909 Inwards PPC franked GB KEVII 1d red, tied by 'Glasgow MR 18 09' cds. To Miss Greta Darling with part 'Penang to Singapore AP 9 1909' & 'Christmas Island 2 MY 1909' cds. Rare early usage. (P) (Image1) (Image2)


Estimate AU$1,000

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM
3629 image1957 British Atomic Bomb Test pictorial envelope endorsed 'Forces Air Mail' to Dublin, franked QEII 2½d red, tied by 'BFPO 21 MY 57 Christmas Island' cds. F-VF. (Image1) (Image2)


Estimate AU$40

Closing..Feb-01, 03:00 PM

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