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Germany: Empire, Weimar Rep, Third Reich, Territories, After 1945 continued...

German Covers and Postcards continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4205 Used image1912 (19 Jun) German Empire, Germany, Airmail Postcard from Mainz total franked with 15pf (Mi. I a) Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $20.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4206 image1929 (29 Jul) 'Gliding in the Jizera and Giant Mountains', Weimar Republic, Germany, Gliding Victim Card from Krummenau to Vienna transported from the Ridge by Glider Plane 'Burtbraun' franked with semiofficial flight stamps 25m, 100m and pair of 5pf(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $14.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4207 Used image1932 (5 Sep) Weimar Republic, Germany, Delivery Note from Niederlausitz (Lower Lusatia) to Brussels Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $8.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4208 image1932 (2 Oct) 'Greetings from Oktoberfest!', Weimar Republic, Germany, Postcard from Munich to Neumarkt franked with 6pf(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $12.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4209 Used image1935 (25 Nov) Third Reich, Germany, Cover from Szczecin to Berlin Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4210 image1936 (1 Aug) '1936 'Olympic Games Berlin 1936', Third Reich, Germany, 15pf Postal Stationery Postcard from and to Berlin franked with 4pf, 6pf and 25pf with Noble Person Sign (Mi. 610 - 611, 615) Small tear and small thin spots.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $30.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4211 Used image1936 (7 Apr) Third Reich, Germany, Sea Post Postcard to New York franked with 15pf Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4212 Used image1939 (3 Jun) Third Reich, Germany, Registered Cover from Berlin (Charlottenburg) to Berlin (Neukolln) franked with Mi. 686 - 688 (Full Set, CV $50) Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $16.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4213 image1940 (20 Sep) Third Reich, Germany, Airmail Censored Cover from Reichenbach to Reading (USA) franked with 4pf, 6pf, 30pf and pair of 100pf (Mi. 514, 523, 528, 750, CV $50) Tears and corner fault.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4214 Used image1941 (1 Sep) Third Reich, Germany, Postcard from Kutno to Ronnenburg franked with 3pf (Corner Margins, Plate Number '10', Commemorative Cancellation) Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4215 Used image1941 (15 Mar) Third Reich, Germany, Commemorative Postcard to the Vienna Spring Fair franked with 3pf, 6pf, 12pf, 25pf (Full Set, Commemorative Cancellation) Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $6.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4216 image1941 (10 Jul) Third Reich, Germany, Registered Cover from and to Graz franked with Mi. 775 and block of four of Mi. 779 (Margins, Plate Numbers, CV $150) Crease.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4217 image1941 (1 Aug) Third Reich, Germany, Airmail Censored Cover from Reichenbach to Reading (USA) with mixed franking (Mi. 706 - 707, 709, 711, 772, 623 - 625, CV $50) Tears and hole.(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $9.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4218 Used image1943 (31 Dec) Third Reich, Germany, Registered Cover from Vienna to Vienna Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4219 Used image1945 (29 Oct) Third Reich, Germany, Postcard from Muelheim to Stargard Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4220 Used image1945 (21 Feb) Third Reich, Germany, Postcard from Berlin franked with 3+7pf, 5+10pf, 6+14pf, 12+18pf (Full Set) Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4221 Used image1945 (2 Feb) Third Reich, Germany, Airmail Postcard from Berlin to Dragor (Denmark) franked with 24+36pf Used(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $4.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4222 image1936 (16 Aug) 'Special stamps of the German Reichspost for the 11th Olympic Games 1936 in Berlin', Third Reich, Germany, Souvenir Sheet franked with full set of Mi. 609 - 616 (Commemorative Cancellations) Tears and thin spots.(Image 1)

SOLD for $35.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4223 Used image1937 (20 Apr) Third Reich, Germany, Souvenir Sheet for National Exhibition 'Life and Activities of the Fuhrer' in Hamburg (Commemorative Cancelation) Used(Image 1)

SOLD for $7.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM
4224 image1939 (21 May) 'Nurburgring-Eifel Car Race', Third Reich, Germany, Postcard franked with full set of Mi. 695 - 697 (Commemorative Cancellation, CV $300)(Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for $30.00
Closing..Feb-11, 10:00 AM

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