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Worldwide Country Collections continued...

FRENCH COLONIES - St. Pierre and Miquelon
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4111 ST PIERRE & MIQUELON ASSORTMENT. mostly 1930s/90s sets and singles with many still in ebay retail packaging, good number NH, premium includes 121-31, 171 NH, 208 NH, 210 NH (signed Bileski), 211 block NH, 223 NH (signed Bileski), 244 NH, 249-55 (2 including 1 set NH), 342 imperf block NH, 404-07 imperf NH, 415-16 imperf NH, C25 NH (2), C40 (4 including 2 NH), C54, J21-31, etc., generally F-VF


SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:05 PM
4112 ST PIERRE & MIQUELON ASSORTMENT. mostly 1930s/90s sets and singles with many still in ebay retail packaging, good number NH, premium includes 121-31, 171 NH, 208 NH, 210 NH (signed Bileski), 211 block NH, 223 NH (signed Bileski), 244 NH, 249-55 (2 including 1 set NH), 342 imperf block NH, 404-07 imperf NH, 415-16 imperf NH, C25 NH (2), C40 (4 including 2 NH), C54, J21-31, etc., generally F-VF


Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:06 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4113 GERMAN STATES COLLECTION. first issues assortment of Bremen, Brunswick, Hannover, Oldenburg and Prussia on homemade pages including various singles, multiples and covers all neatly arranged on homemade pages, note Bremen 1 used, Brunswick 1 used, 3 used, 6 block mint (signed A Diena), Hannover 1 used, 2 pair on cover, Oldenburg 1 used and single franking cover, 2 used, 6 tied on piece (signed Richter), Prussia 1-3 mint, 4 single franking cover, 7-8 used, etc., some faults/ repairs but most sound and well-margined, a Fine collection of these classics and ideal to build upon

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SOLD for $450.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:06 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4114 GERMAN AREA ASSORTMENT. mostly mint sets and singles of the 1910s/50s and including a bit of German States, some Plebiscites, etc., numerous premium with (mint unless otherwise noted) Saxony 15-20 blocks, Germany 37-42 (2), 100c NH, 1933 Frederick the Great complete booklet, 669 NH (3), B16a, B19a in complete booklet, B44a+B46a in complete booklet, B69a NH, B69a+B71a in complete booklet, B106 NH, B123-31 NH, B173 NH, B318-19 used, C28d, C30b, C35-37, 16N9f NH, Berlin 9N42a, 9N47a, 9N49a, etc., generally fresh and F-VF


SOLD for $575.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:06 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4115 GERMANY 1936/40 "LEARNT DEUTSCHLAND FENNEN" POSTAL CARD COLLECTION of 344 apparently all different 6pf Hindenburg postal cards (84 postally used, 290 unused) neatly arranged in four binders, wide range of cancels, generally fresh and F-VF; nice collection of the cards used to promote the scenic beauty and health resorts of various German cities and towns

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SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:07 PM
4116 GERMANY COLLECTION, 1872/1939. mostly mint on Scott pages with numerous better sets and singles as (mint unless otherwise noted) 337-39, 351-84, 401-31, B6-18, B28-32, B69-140, C36-37, C45, etc., some classic period usual mixed condition but generally fresh and F-VF

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SOLD for $250.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:07 PM
4117 GERMANY 1915/1945 ISSUES ASSORTMENT. group of mint (including NH) and used with sheets, part sheets, better singles as 107a (Weinbuch BPP certificate), imperfs, premium sets, revenues, booklets and a bonus Danzig collection on pages, generally F-VF

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SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:08 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4118 GERMANY - FRENCH ZONE COLLECTION on large-format Yvert pages, includes 4N1-13 NH, 5N37-39 NH, 5NB1-8 NH, 5NB9-11 NH, 5NB12-14 used, 6NB1-2 used., 6NB3-6 mint, 6NB7-9 used, a few dubious cancels as usual but generally fresh and F-VF

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SOLD for $170.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:08 PM
GERMANY - Foreign Offices and Colonies
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4119 GERMAN FOREIGN OFFICES and COLONIES BALANCE. mixed-bag of sets, short sets, singles, etc. with some better as Offices in China 2a-6a, 16 (signed Thier), Offices in Morocco 1-6, Offices in Turkey 6, 8-12, Cameroun 1-6, 24-25, Caroline Isl 3a, 4a (2), 21-23, German New Guinea 1-6 (2), 16-19, German SW Africa 26-34, Kiauchau 10-22, Marshall Isl 1-6, Togo 1-6, 46, etc., generally F-VF


SOLD for $800.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:09 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4120 GREECE 1862/80 LARGE HERMES HEADS ACCUMULATION. mainly mint (69), proofs (2) and used (4) stamps, including handful of premium as Helllas# 9 Ia, 9 IIa, 12 Ib, 13 Id, 41c etc., usual mixed condition with most Fine or better

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SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:09 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4121 GREENLAND BALANCE. to 1960s assorted sets, singles, multiples, etc., some better as 1-9 NH, 1-9 blocks (3 stamps each block NH), 10-18, 35-37 NH (2), 39-40 NH, 40 block NH, 48-65 NH, Q1-2, Q3 (2), Q4-5, Q6a (2 incl one NH), Q8 NH, Q8a, Q10-11 NH, also Q5 and Q11 used, generally fresh and F-VF


SOLD for $550.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:10 PM
4122 GREENLAND COLLECTION, 1938/87. neatly arranged on stock sheets and including a page each of booklets and parcel post, includes 1-9 NH, 10-18, 19-27, 28-38 NH, 39-40 NH, 48-65 NH, 136-41 NH, 177-88 NH, Q3, Q4b, Q5, Q7-8 (2), etc., generally fresh and F-VF

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SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:11 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4123 ICELAND ASSORTMENT. mostly 1920s/50s sets, singles, multiples, etc. with many NH, premium throughout with (mint unless otherwise noted) 20, 21, 28, 34-44B, 71-82, 86-91, 92-98, 99 block of ten used, 126, 184 (3), 203-08B NH (includes both perf 11-+ varieties), 212 sheet of 100 NH, 221b NH, 224b NH, 228 half-sheet of 50 NH, 278-82 blocks NH, B5 NH, C2, C4-8, C15-20 NH, etc., also note 1930 "Althing" 25a block of six and 10k single imperforate trial color proofs, generally fresh and F-VF


SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:11 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4124 ISRAEL ACCUMULATION. 1000s of mostly 1960s/80s issues in singles, tab singles and strips housed in envelopes, stock book, "102" cards, etc., a handful of premium pre-1955 issues noted, duplication, generally F-VF; significant catalog/ retail value

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Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:12 PM
4125 ISRAEL ASSORTMENT on sales pages and including 8 NH (small owner handstamp on gum), 10-14 tab singles NH, 23 tab single NH, 28-30 tab singles, 31-32 tab singles NH (80p light gum toning), 32b NH, 37 tab single, 237a complete booklet (2), C1-6 tab or short tab, C16 tab NH, J1-5 NH, etc. plus assorted revenues including multiples, generally fresh and F-VF


Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:12 PM
4126 ISRAEL GROUP. mostly mint 1948/50s issues in stock sheets, "104" cards, etc., note better as (mint unless otherwise indicated) 1-9 NH with an extra #8, 1-9 tab singles (#8 toned, #9 short tab) affixed and tied on presentation sheet by date of issue cancels, 17-25 tab blocks of four NH, C1-6 NH and used, C9-17 tab NH, J1-5 NH, etc., generally fresh and F-VF

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SOLD for $200.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:12 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4127 ITALY and ITALIAN AREA ASSORTMENT. stock book filled with mint sets and singles from the classic period through the 1960s, includes the colonies and Aegean Islands Ferrucci omnibus set complete, Neapolitan Provines 20, 23, 25, 27, Italy 91 strip of three NH, 157 pair NH, 140-42 NH, 143-46 NH (2), 172 block NH, 178-82 NH, 208-10 NH (2), 832-34 NH (2), C34 NH, C35-39, Q7-15, etc. plus some additional colonies, Italian Social Republic, etc., generally fresh and F-VF

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SOLD for $475.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:13 PM
4128 ITALIAN AREA POST WW II ISSUES ASSORTMENT. various mint collections in mounts on pages including A.M.G. complete NH including some overprint varieties, Venezia Giulia complete NH including an assortment of inverted overprints, Campione D'Italia complete (most NH), Montenegro - Italian Occupation including 2N33-42 NH, generally fresh and F-VF

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SOLD for $140.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:13 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4129 ITALY COLLECTION, 1855/97. mostly mint or unused in Safe "Dual" hingeless pages, begins with some issues of Sardinia (including 1855/63 5c-80 mint or unused), and Neapolitan Provinces (including the 1861 5c-80c unissued; Sassone 1-5; 1861 -+t-50g mostly unused), Italy 1862/97 quite extensive and including Used J2, Unused 19-21, 26, 27, 29, 31, 34a, 35-36, 48-49, J1 (2), J17, J27, Mint 39-41 (2c on 30c signed Diena), 43 (signed Diena), 46-47, 52, 58-75, J7b, J10a, J11-12, J16, J18, J20, J25-26, O1-8, Q1-6, etc., a few minor faults but in much better condition than typically seen, VG-VF, view to appreciate, catalog value well into 5-figures

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SOLD for $1,200.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:13 PM
4130 ITALY COLLECTION, 1901/39. extensive collection of mostly mint with many NH in Safe "Dual" hingeless pages and nicely enhanced with some varieties, replete with better sets and singles including definitives, commems, charity issues, airmails, pneumatic mail, special delivery, postage due, etc., among the many premium we note (mint unless otherwise indicated) 1901-26 1c-10L, 1908 15c on 20c NH, 111-12, 115-18 regum, 123 NH, 130-42 NH, 143-64, 174A-174G, 175-77 with perf varieties. 201-10 including perf varieties, 213-46 NH, 265-67 NH, 345-48 NH (20c, 30c tiny paper adherence), 367-99 NH, B1-4, B9, B12 (signed Diena), B17-38, C1 NH, C3-9 NH, C20-22 NH, C34 NH, C52-55 NH, C73-78 NH, D1-16, E1-13, J22, J24, etc. plus 1932 Alighieri mint (airmails NH), 1932 Garibaldi mint, 1933 Holy Year NH, 1934 Fiume Annexation mint (airmails NH), 1934 Medal of Valor mint, 1935 Militia NH, 1935 Bellini mint (airmails NH), 1936 Flaccus mint (most NH), 1937 Caesar (NH except couple airmails with small bits of paper adherence), 1938 Empire mint, Scott unlisted with 1924 "Segnatasse Per Vaglia" (Sassone S2400), 1913-25 "Servizio Commissioni" (Sassone S2500-01), generally fresh and F-VF, a highly desirable collection put together over a long period by a collector with an eye for quality

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SOLD for $1,900.00
Will close during Public Auction before Dec-15, 03:14 PM

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