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United States "Back of the Book" Stamps and Postal History continued...

Postage Due Issues continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
3544 Balance of US Postage Due Collection, includes J1-7P4 plate proofs on card (Fine set), J22-28P4 plate proofs on card (Very Fine and fresh), J1 mint, J4-5 used, J6 used (3), J7 used, J19 used (2), J26 used (2), J31 mint plate number single, J56 mint, various provisional precancels and a large number of plate number singles and pieces (including four used plate blocks of six of J78 comprising all four issued plate numbers), generally F-VF or better, a useful and attractive group

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SOLD for $170.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:07 PM
U.S. Postal Agency in China
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
3545 imageK1, 1919 2c on 1c Green, deep shade, neat duplex cancel, scarce so nice, 2007 Philatelic Foundation certificate graded XF-90J (Scott $160) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $110.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:07 PM
3546 imageK3-4, K7, 1919 6c/14c Surcharges, NH, 14c VG-Fine, others Fine (Scott $495) (Image 1)

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SOLD for $100.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:08 PM
3547 imageK5, 1919 10c on 5c Blue, fresh color, attractive socked-on-the-nose cds, choice and attractive, 2011 PSE certificate graded XF-90 (SMQ $350) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:08 PM
3548 imageK6, 1919 12c on 6c Red orange, wonderful centering, unobtrusive cancel, a gem of a stamp, rare so nice, 2006 PSE certificate graded XF-90 (SMQ $500) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:08 PM
3549 imageK9-15, 1919 18c-$1 Surcharges, o.g. or part o.g., 18c, 24c VG-Fine, others F-VF (Scott $1,052) (Image 1)

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SOLD for $210.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:09 PM
3550 imageK13, 1919 40c on 20c Deep ultramarine, fresh color, NH, tiny natural gum skip, Very Fine (Scott $300) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:09 PM
3551 imageK16, 1919 $2 on $1 Violet brown, NH, VG-Fine (Scott $925) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $90.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:09 PM
Official Issues
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
3552 imageO15, 1873 1c Interior, left margin single, remarkably crisp impression and vivid color, NH and post office fresh, Very Fine, a lovely and desirable single (Scott $170) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $90.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:10 PM
3553 imageO15, 1873 1c Interior, top imprint and plate number 52 block of 10, bright and fresh, few trivial perf separations in margin only, Very Fine and attractive (Scott $1,850) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:10 PM
3554 imageO15, 1873 1c Interior, bottom imprint and plate number 52 block of 10, bright and fresh, possible hinge mark in margin but appears NH to our eyes, Very Fine plate block (Scott $1,850) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $400.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:10 PM
3555 imageO17, 3c Interior, on all-over advertising cover for Eclipse Stone Works of St. Louis, -½St. Louis MO Oct. 18-+ duplex cancel, addressed to California Mo., faint water stain at right edge ties stamp, otherwise Very Fine (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $110.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:11 PM
3556 imageO97, 1879 2c Interior, Soft paper, top imprint and plate number block of 20, lovely color and attractive centering, NH, few trivial perf separations, still Very Fine and rare (Scott $225 for hinged plate block of 12; $350 for 20 NH singles) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:11 PM
3557 imageO98, 1879 3c Interior, Soft paper, top margin imprint and plate number block of 20, post office fresh with rich color, NH and F-VF, a gorgeous and rare multiple especially with such pristine gum (Scott $225 as hinged plate block of 10; $450 as 20 NH singles) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $375.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:12 PM
3558 imageO99, 1879 6c Interior, Soft paper, top margin imprint and plate number block of 20, lush color, NH and F-VF, a gorgeous and rare multiple as fresh as if printed today (Scott $250 as hinged plate block of 12; $350 as 20 NH singles) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:13 PM
3559 imageO114, 1879 1c War, Soft Paper, bottom left imprint and plate number block of 14, pretty color and attractive centering, NH, one stamp with natural inclusion, Very Fine and choice (Scott $220 for NH plate block of 12) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $240.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:14 PM
3560 imageO119, 1879 12c War, Soft Paper, bottom imprint and plate number block of 20, fresh and attractive with 18 of the 20 stamps NH (only the bottom center two stamps barely touched by hinge in selvage), Fine and impressive large multiple and a lovely showpiece (Scott $2,175 as o.g. plate block of 10 and 10 NH singles) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:14 PM
3561 imageOfficial Stamps Balance, includes O15 three mint singles, one with faults (Scott $225); O78 top margin mint strip of four (Scott $1,400); O97 NH top plate strip of eight (Scott $140 as singles); O114 bottom plate block of 12 with 10 stamps NH (Scott $150); and O114 lower right sheet margin block of six, NH, one stamp with tear (Scott $135); mixed condition but generally Fine or better, a nice group (total Scott $2,050) (Image 1)

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SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:15 PM
Newspaper and Periodical Issues
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
3562 imagePR4, 1865 5c Light blue, without gum as issued, fresh and Fine (Scott $750) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:15 PM
3563 imagePR4, 1865 5c Light blue, without gum as issued, some trivial tone spots, a Fine example (Scott $750) (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for $85.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-23, 01:16 PM

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