British Commonwealth Stamps and Covers continued...
Tonga continued...
Lot |
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Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
2400 |
TONGA Registry Envelopes Collection, 17 mint envelopes plus
H&G C6, C8, C13 used faulty and/or stamps missing and a C21 favor cancel, mint envelopes include C1 (3 incl one light overall toning), C3-4 (2 each), C3a (3), C6, C7 (even toning), C8 (2), C16, C20 (2 incl one with backflap toning), generally fresh
and F-VF (Image 1)
(Image 2)
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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-21, 04:15 PM |
Lot |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
2401 |
TRANSVAAL Postal Stationery Collection of approx 200 mostly
mint postal cards, letter cards, envelopes, registry envelopes and wrappers all mostly organized by H&G number in a binder, some earlier with censor markings, numerous premium as (mint unless otherwise noted) Postal Cards H&G 1 unused with a
multicolor ad for "Lawson's Liqueur Whisky" on the back, 1 used (12 incl one to London marked for postage due and one to Germany 2a mint (3) and used (6), 5 used to Vienna (reply card mint but with backstamp), 7 mint and favor cancel, 10 used to
Germany (3), 12 used to Madagascar, 15 used (4 incl one uprated), 15a used (2), Letter Cards A1 mint (4 incl; two partially sealed) and used ( 6 incl one to Switzerland with full selvage marked for postage due), Envelopes B1 reference forgeries (7),
B2 (small faults), B2a, B3a used, Registry Envelopes C1, C1a (2), C1b, C1c, C2a (2), C3b mint and used to England (open 3 sides), C3c, C4 mint and used to Natal, C4a mint and used to England, C4b (2), Wrappers E2 (2), E1 favor cancel, E3 mint (3) and
favor cancel, E4 mint (2) and used to Berlin, E9 used (3 incl one to Argentina), E10 used to England (2 incl one uprated), etc., usual mixed condition, some of the used registry envelopes with stamps missing, VG-VF (Image 1)
(Image 2)
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SOLD for $475.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-21, 04:16 PM |
Lot |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
2402 |
TRINIDAD Postal Stationery Collection of approx 65 mostly
mint postal cards, registry envelopes and wrappers, some duplication and with better as (mint unless otherwise noted) Formular Cards H&G 1, 2 with a vertical bisect of the 1d stamp, 2 with the 1d and -+d stamp affixed, Postal Cards 3 used (3), 4
used (2), 5 used to Germany, 6 used to Germany (reply card mint), 7 used to USA (reply card mint but pencil notations on back side), 8 used to Germany (reply card mint), 9 "Specimen" overprint, 10 used to USA, D1 (few discoloration spots), Registry
Envelopes C5 to USA, C7, C7a to London, C8a to Germany, Wrappers E3 used locally, E4 used (4), etc., usual mixed condition, mostly F-VF (Image 1)
(Image 2)
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SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-21, 04:16 PM |
Trinidad and Tobago
Lot |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
2403 |
TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Postal Stationery Collection of approx 30
mostly mint postal cards, registry envelopes, wrappers and airletters with better as (mint unless otherwise noted) H&G 1 uprated with 1915 1d Red Cross ovpt (Scott B2) locally addressed, C1c to USA, C4 to USA, C5-6, C8 locally used, C9 (2), E6 to
Bahamas, etc., also some used sealed George V/ George VI era registry envelopes, generally F-VF (Image 1)
(Image 2)
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SOLD for $160.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-21, 04:17 PM |
Turks Island
Lot |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
2405 |
TURKS ISLAND Postal Stationery Assortment of approx 35
mostly mint postal cards and envelopes, note better as (mint unless otherwise indicated) H&G 1 to Germany, 2a to Germany (reply card mint), 3 to Canada or Germany (4)5 "Specimen" overprint, 5 to Austria or Germany, 6 "Specimen" overprint (2), 6 to
Germany (reply card mint), B1 "Specimen" overprint and mint, C1a, etc., generally F-VF (Image 1)
(Image 2)
SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-21, 04:18 PM |
Lot |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
2408 |
ZANZIBAR H&G E1/14, 1895/1913 Wrappers Assortment of 28
wrappers including (mint unless otherwise noted) H&G E1 (4) and used to Switzerland, E2 mint and used to Mozambique, E3 mint and used (2 incl one with favor cancel), E4 mint (2) and used (2 incl one uprated to the Governor of German East Africa, E5
"Specimen" overprint, mint (2) and used, E6 used to London, E7 mint and used, E8-9, E10 to Germany, E11 (2), E12, E14 used to Germany, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF (Image 1)
(Image 2)
SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-21, 04:19 PM |
2409 |
ZANZIBAR Postal Stationery Collection of approx 85 mostly
mint postal cards, letter cards, envelopes, registry envelopes and airletters mostly arranged in H&G order in a binder, better include (mint unless otherwise noted) H&G 1 (3), 1a, 2 (2), 5 "Specimen" overprint, local uses (2), 6 used to Europe (5),
8 local use (reply card mint), 10 "Specimen" overprint (2), used to Germany, 12-13, 19-20 "Specimen" overprint, 19, 23-24 (2 each), 26, 37, 42, A1, A2 (2 incl one sealed), A3 (partially sealed), A4 (sealed), B1 (3), B1a (2), B3 mint and used (small
faults), B4, C1, C1a, C2, C3 "Specimen" overprint, C7a (central vertical fold), C8a, C9 mint and used to London, C11, C11c, C12a, FG1-4, etc, usual mixed condition with most F-VF (Image 1)
(Image 2)
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SOLD for $450.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-21, 04:19 PM |
British Middle East
Lot |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
2411 |
BRITISH MIDDLE EAST Airletters Assortment of mostly mint
airletters of Bahrain (25), Kuwait (30), Muscat/ Oman (36) and Qatar (14) sorted by country in a binder with some better as (mint unless otherwise noted) Bahrain FG1 mint and used (2 each), FG7 used, FG9-10 used, Kuwait FG1 mint (2) and used, FG10
mint (2) and used, Muscat FG1 mint and used, FG5 (2), FG7 favor cancel, FG10, FG10a, FG10b, Qatar FG4 mint and used, etc., virtually all the used philatelic uses, F-VF (Image 1)
(Image 2)
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SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-21, 04:20 PM |
British Commonwealth Lots and Collections
Lot |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
2412 |
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Postal Stationery Collection Balance of several 1000s of predominantly mint more recent (Elizabethan era) postal cards, registry envelopes and airletters but with some classic period noted, better scattered
throughout the four binders including (mint unless otherwise noted) Bahrain C1, C3, Cayman Isl 1, FG1-8, Christmas Isl C1-3, Cook Isl 1892/94 mint and favor canceled postal cards assortment, Dominica 5-6 "Specimen" overprint, B1-2, E1, Gilbert &
Ellice formular airletter, Malaysia and States assortment of registry envelopes and airletters (mint and cto), Maldive Isl C1b used, Montserrat 1970 "bogus" aerogramme, New Zealand assortment of George V/ Elizabeth II registry envelopes mint and
used, No Rhodesia B1, C3 used, FG1 mint and used, Nyasaland 5, B1, E2 used to Germany, Palestine E1-2, FG1-2 used, Rhodesia & Nyasaland C1, group of mint and used airletters, St Helena 1 (3), 2 (2), Samoa A1, A1a, an assortment of "printed to private
order" postal cards mint and used, Sarawak C3, Singapore C2-3 locally used, South Africa 1970s/80s pictorial postal cards (dozens incl homelands and some with favor cancel), Tanganyika 1 "Specimen" overprint (edge stains), 3, 4 "Specimen" overprint,
Tonga M1 (aging), Tristan Da Cunha FG1, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF
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SOLD for $3,250.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-21, 04:22 PM |
Foreign Stamps and Covers
Lot |
Symbol |
Lot Description |
CV or Estimate |
2501 |
39, 1871 5c Blue, used block of eight, light Bulacan fiscal
cancel, Very Fine and fresh, a very scarce multiple (Image 1)
(Image 2)
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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-25, 10:02 AM |
2502 |
40P, 1871 10c Blue, trial color proof in the color of the
issued 5c stamp, faint manuscript "X," Fine and attractive (Image 1)
(Image 2)
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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-25, 10:02 AM |
2503 |
40P, 1871 10c Deep green, imperforate with manuscript
cancel, Very Fine and remarkably rare with only a few known (Image 1)
(Image 2)
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SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-25, 10:03 AM |
2504 |
40, 1871 10c Deep green, right sheet margin block of six,
perf reinforcement in margin only, stamps NH and remarkably fresh, F-VF, scarce multiple (Image 1)
(Image 2)
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SOLD for $50.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-25, 10:03 AM |
2505 |
39-42, 1871 5c-40c "Espana" Issue Collection, mostly mint
and including some shade varieties and different types of forgeries, highlights include 5c mint (2 incl one NH), 10c single and strip of three NH, block of four used, 20c mint, used (2), 40c mint, used, the various forgeries include 10c Segui
(scarce), 40c blocks of 15 and 18, a Fine selection (Image 1)
(Image 2)
(Image 3)
(Image 4)
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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-25, 10:04 AM |
2506 |
43P/47P, 1872-73 12c/1p25c Trial Color Proofs, 15 items
including 12c blue: imperforate on medium paper, perforated on thin paper, perforated on medium paper, and perforated on medium paper with Type 1 specimen overprint; 12c yellow-brown imperforate on medium paper; 62c rose: imperforate on thin paper,
perforated on medium paper, perforated on medium paper with Type 1 specimen overprint, and perforated on medium paper with Type 1A specimen overprint; 62c blue imperforate on thin paper, 62c green imperforate on medium paper, 62c black imperforate on
thin paper, 62c yellow-brown imperforate on thin paper, 1p25c light blue on perforated thick paper, and 1p25c light blue perforated on pink hard paper; generally Very Fine, all scarce to rare, a wonderful assortment for the specialist in this issue
which would be nearly impossible to duplicate (Image 1)
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-25, 10:04 AM |
2507 |
43P, 1872 12c Rose, imperforate block of four with
horizontal penstrokes commonly seen on this issue, Very Fine, imperforate proofs of this series in the issued color are rarer than color proofs with only a few known, this being the only known block, ex-Tows (Image 1)
(Image 2)
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SOLD for $600.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-25, 10:04 AM |
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