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United States Collections and Accumulations continued...

United States "Face Value" Lots continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4524 MOSTLY MODERN FACE VALUE ACCUMULATION. mostly "Forever" and up (two ounce, three ounce, priority, express) denominations, many complete sheets but also blocks, singles, and coils, bit of 29-33c era as well, all NH or self-adhesive, some premium including several $22.95 Columbia River Gorge, Face Value $1,600+

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SOLD for $1,400.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:33 PM
4525 US MINT SINGLES AND SHEETS COLLECTION 2013-15. includes a large number of complete sheets (sometimes two of each issue) and complete booklets, as well as all high denomination stamps, immaculate and fresh collection, Very Fine, face value $1,175+ with Forever stamps figured at 55c

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SOLD for $850.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:33 PM
4526 US MINT SINGLES AND SHEETS COLLECTION 2012-13. in Scott National album, largely complete for the years, most issues represented by a single as well as one or two complete sheets (as well as a large number of booklets), all Very Fine, face value $1,000+ with Forever stamps figured at 55c

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SOLD for $850.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:34 PM
4527 US COLLECTION 2001-08. on Scott pages, moderately complete throughout, includes many full sheets and blocks, plus high denoms, all self-adhesive or NH and Very Fine, face value $445+

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SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:34 PM
4528 US COMPLETE SHEETS 3c, 32-34c. in Scott album, includes 3c sheets (including Overrun countries), as well as 32-34c sheets and a few Forever, all NH and Very Fine, face value $340+


SOLD for $250.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:35 PM
4529 US COLLECTION 1999-2000 ON SCOTT PAGES. appears complete for the years (a few 2001 stamps included but those pages somewhat sparse), includes booklets and in many cases complete sheets (sometimes with light duplication), vast majority 33c but some higher denoms, all NH or self-adhesive, Very Fine, face value $345+

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SOLD for $240.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:35 PM
4530 US MINT 2009-11 IN SCOTT ALBUM. moderately complete including all high denoms, a good number of complete sheets (some light duplication), Very Fine, useful postage including a lot of Forever (figured at 55c), face value $305+


SOLD for $240.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:35 PM
4531 US MINT COLLECTION 1996-98. in Scott National album, very nearly compelete for the period, includes imperf Bugs sheet, all NH and Very Fine, face value $300+

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SOLD for $230.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:36 PM
United States Accumulations
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4532 UNITED STATES OLD-TIME DEALER STOCK. charming inventory including US plate blocks, partial sheets, covers from all eras including FDCs, US & UN postal stationery, and postcards, some foreign oh leaves, assembled by a young stamp dealer in the early 1960s, easy to price and sell, total face value exceeds $265

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SOLD for $180.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:37 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4533 UNITED STATES FARLEY ERA STOCK. small box of glassines, includes complete Parks plate blocks both perf and imperf (about three sets of the latter), imperf Parks center line blocks, souvenir sheet positional pieces, plus a large number of 778 and 797, either without gum as issued or NH depending on the issue, Very Fine and clean, good retail potential

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SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:37 PM
United States First Day Cover Collections
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4534 FDC COLLECTION 1923/1997. in 27 Super Safe cover albums, mostly cacheted and addressed, note better including (Washington unless otherwise noted): 610 Marion, 617 Boston, 618 Boston, 621 Decorah, 623, 627, 628 Chicago, 644 Rome, 646, 648, 649, 650, Prexies complete to $5, Famous Americans in blocks, C7, C9, C10 Little Falls, C11, C19 Baltimore, C20, C21, C22, and C24, a neat and clean collection, generally Very Fine and worth a look

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SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:38 PM
4535 US FIRST DAY COVER HORDE PLUS BONUS. several 100s of FDCs, ranging from about the 1930s through the end of the 20th century, bit of mint postal stationery mixed in, as a bonus small US and worldwide stock of trains on stamps, as well as modern mint Switzerland, generally F-VF

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SOLD for $230.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:38 PM
United States Postal History Collections
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4536 US ARMY WW II HOSPITALS COVERS/ APO NEW YORK ADDRESSES COVER COLLECTION. approx 220 covers and postcards of various Army hospitals incl Evac, Field, General, etc. plus some additional Medical Battalions, Clearing and Connecting Companies, Detachments, Hospital Trains, etc., variety of APO cancels from all over the European or African theaters (also note China, India, New Guinea, Alaska, Puerto Rico), censor markings and tapes, some V-Mail, etc., some Red Cross or patriotic envelopes, few with accompanying letter and also includes a WW II Medical Officer collar insignia, usual mixed condition but overall a Fine and exceptional collection

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SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:39 PM
4537 US ARMY WW II HOSPITALS COVERS COVER COLLECTION of approx 187 covers and postcards with APO return addresses in San Francisco (155), Seattle (21), Miami (4), New Orleans (6) and Presque Isle, Maine (1); includes covers from General Hospitals plus Medical Battalions and Detachments, Convalescent, Evac and Field Hospitals, etc., variety of censor markings and tapes, APO cancels, some V-Mail, etc., note locations in Alaska, Puerto Rico, St Lucia, Panama, New Guinea, Philippines, Admiralty Island, Christmas Island, Guadalcanal, Australia, Solomon Islands, Mariana Islands, Samoa, Okinawa, New Caledonia, New Zealand, etc., usual mixed condition but a Fine and desirable collection

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SOLD for $800.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:39 PM
4538 US COVERS ASSORTMENT, 1870s/1910s, approx 380 mostly 19th century covers and stationery/ postal cards including about 85 stampless (some without postmarks), primarily Massachusetts and New England area covers with variety of manuscript and town postmarks, also note Banknotes (overwhelmingly 3c Green) and some postal cards with fancy cancels, assorted 1880s/90s machine cancels, some #26 and #65 frankings, advertising covers and postal cards, etc., includes an 1894 incoming from US Consulate in Bermuda marked "Collect Postage 10 Cents" and franked with five 2c Postage Dues, typical very mixed condition, VG-VF


SOLD for $675.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:40 PM
4539 ECLECTIC COVERS ASSORTMENT. approx 55 mostly pre-1930s covers, cards, stationery etc. and including 1916 censored ppc to Russia, 6c banknote to Germany, 1880 Detroit to France with 1c (2), 3c Banknotes, UX6 1895 to Prague, 113 cover Hartford to Pennsylvania, 158+161 registered , 330 Boston to Germany, 221 on 2c envelope to Chile, 281 to Sweden, 302 on pcd to Grand Canary, 288 single franking to Paris, 304 on 2 panel Salt Lake City pcd to Budapest (stamp used as seal and torn), 319 on pcd to New Zealand, 319 on Brooklyn Bridge pcd to Prague, 323 on St Louis Fair pcd with fair cancel to Germany, 399 single franking to Germany, 268+291 on 2c envelope to Helsinki, 302 on 2c envelope to Prague, 213 single franking to England with British due markings, 216 single franking to Italy, 333 on 2c envelope to Cairo, U330 to Rio de Janeiro, U395 to St Petersburg Russia with due markings, etc. typical very mixed condition, VG-VF, bonus items picture postcard signed by hockey legend Maurice Richard and another hockey card signed by several incl Craig Patrick

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SOLD for $675.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:40 PM
4540 US ARMY and NAVY HOSPITAL SHIPS of WW II COVERS, 1939/45. collection of approx 45 mostly 1944/45 covers, 23 picture postcards (some used) of the ships and nicely enhanced with an assortment of press/ wire photos of the various ships (including photos of the wounded) plus some background information, note covers from Army ships "Blanche Sigman", "Dogwood", "Emily Weder", "Ernest Hinds", "St Olaf", "Seminole", "Shamrock", V-Mail from "Wisteria", covers from Navy ships "Benevolence", "Bountiful", "Gaspar", "Haven", "Hope", "Mercy", "Refuge", "Relief", "Rescue", "Sanctuary", "Solace", "Tranquility", "Tryon", also cover with "Hospital Ship Fleet/ Camp Stoneman Calif" return address and another with "557 M.H.S.P./ E.A.P.O. NY" (Medical Hospital Ship Platoon) return address, some of the covers philatelic with others showing various APO or US Navy cancels, censor handstamps and tapes, etc., generally F-VF, a fascinating collection

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SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:41 PM
4541 US ARMED FORCES MEDICINE in WW II RELATED COVERS COLLECTION - PACIFIC THEATER and MALARIA SURVEY and CONTROL UNITS. . approx 50 covers including a strong section of Malaria Survey and Control Unit uses with many from the New Guinea region, from various medical battalions, Evac, Field, Station and General Hospitals, Medical Seabees, Medical Lab, also includes some newspaper/ wire photos and V-Mail, includes Malaria Unit APO/ TPO locations at Guadalcanal, Oro Bay (New Guinea), Base G - Hollandia (New Guinea), Philippines (various locations), Kunming (China), New Hebrides (V-Mail), Algiers, Burma, Senegal, Pacific Theater Australia, New Guinea, Fiji, Guam, Baker Island (part of Ellice Islands group), Solomon Islands, Tongabutu (part of Fr Polynesia), Philippines, etc., assorted censor markings and tapes, variety of Army and Navy cancels, etc., generally F-VF, ideal for expansion

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SOLD for $400.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:41 PM
4542 US ARMED FORCES MEDICINE in WW II RELATED COVERS COLLECTION - EUROPE and NORTH AFRICA THEATERS. engrossing collection of approx 45 covers (incl some V-Mail) augmented by some newspaper and wire photos and some collateral information, majority of the covers 1943/45 with few earlier, starts with a cover from the Casualty Branch of the War Dept's Adjutant General's Office and a card for a German POW at "Glennan General Hospital" then continuing with parade of covers from various hospital APOs in Greenland, Iceland, Newfoundland, Senegal, France incl the Normandy area post-Day, Italy, Tunisia, Palestine, Scotland, England, USA, Algeria, Germany, Northern Ireland, etc., among the highlights a 1943 cover to a medic in North Africa marked "deceased" (4-line handstamp and officer notation), piece of V-Mail from soldier at a hospital in England mentioning "I was wounded in France...made the landing D-Day", also a letter from a soldier "I went in on the second wave (D-Day) and I must say it was rough. I was very lucky and didn't get hit while on the beach. I got shot later, in a small town", etc., covers with range of cancels, censor marks and tapes, etc., a Fine and enthralling collection

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SOLD for $200.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:41 PM
4543 US NAVY/ MARINES WW II HOSPITALS and MEDICAL UNITS COVERS COVER COLLECTION of 134 covers of assorted Navy (115) and Marines (19) units mostly of the 1943/45 period, includes Navy stateside hospitals, assorted Base, Fleet, and Mobile hospitals, Hospital Corps, Medical Depts and Dispensaries, plus Marine Corps Medical Battalions and Medical Depot, variety of postmarks, censor handstamps, some auxiliary markings, numerous franked manuscript "Free" or official use, some patriotic envelopes or cacheted envelopes, etc., usual mixed condition but a Fine overall lot of these popular covers; accompanied by WW II period "United States Navy Hospital Corpsman" brochure and the "Hospital Corps Quarterly" issues for July 1943, March 1944 and January 1945

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SOLD for $200.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-24, 01:42 PM

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