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Worldwide Stamps and Covers (307)   | 


Foreign Stamps and Covers continued...

Nicaragua continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4041 image85, 1896 20c Bistre brown, on 5c stationery envelope (H&G B34) sent "AR" registered to St Denis, Reunion Islands and canceled by Granada Set 17 1896 target duplex, Granada and Corinto registry handstamps plus Granada "AR" marking, NY City registry label, lightly struck St Denis arrival cancel on face, backstamped Corinto, NY City, Marseille, stamp evenly toned, envelope small faults incl opened bottom and mostly at right tearing back sideflap, still a spectacular "Jacoby" cover to a rare destination; pictured and discussed in "Nicarao" April 2010 (Image 1)

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SOLD for $100.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:12 PM
4042 image81-86, 1c-50c "Seventh Seebeck Issue," 11 covers and one front with better as 1c+2c pair Granada to Managua, 1c(4)+2c(3) to France, 5c single franking Granada to Managua, 5c single franking to San Salvador, 5c+10c(3) double-rate registered "AR" to USA, 5c+10c+20c registered "AR" to Germany, 10c single franking Chinandega to USA, 50c single franking Granada to USA, etc., usual mixed condition with some minor faults, generally F-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:13 PM
4043 image81-89, 1896 1c-5P "Seventh Seebeck Issue", collection of mint, used, salesman's sample book specimens, reprints, some perf errors, multiples, etc. and note some watermarked issues, highlights include 1c imperf left margin imprint plate proof block of eight, two special Postmaster's New Year»s Cards with set (plus some officials) affixed and a circled "Castillo" handstamp in purple applied to each (inverted on one card), assorted paper and shade varieties, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $220.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:13 PM
4044 image93, 1897 10c Blue, with 90, 91 (2), 92 (2) all canceled by circled "Managua" handstamp with one of the 2c tied by Masaya Ago 25 1897 oval cancel, registered "AR" cover to St Claude, Guadeloupe, Masaya and Corinto registry handstamps, ms "Via Panama/ Via Colon" routing, backstamped Corinto, Basse-Terre, Saint Claude, stamps some perf tip toning, envelope opened at bottom, Fine cover to a rare destination; proper franking of 10c/15gr foreign rate + 10c registry + 5c "AR" (Image 1)

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SOLD for $100.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:14 PM
4045 image94, 1897 20c Bistre brown, plus 91, 92 tied on large registered "AR" cover front addressed to Germany by nicely struck Granada Jul 26 1897 oval cancels, Granada and Corinto registry handstamps indicating 300gr sending, German "Rückschein" handstamp, each stamp some perf tip toning, 2c stamp corner clipped, front some adhesive staining at left edge, still a Fine and attractive piece (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:14 PM
4046 image98, 1897 5P Deep blue, top right corner margin block of 21 (7x3) with imprint (left block of six reattached with hinges), o.g., 15 stamps NH, others h.r., F-VF, each stamp with a "Genuine" handstamp on gum; ex-Fernando (Scott $420 as hinged singles) (Image 1)

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SOLD for $80.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:14 PM
4047 image90-94, 96, 1897 1c/1P "Eighth Seebeck Issue," 22 covers showing variety of frankings and uses with 1c single franking Managua drop mail with Cartero handstamp, 1c+2c on Bluefields pictorial postcard, 1c pair+2c block to Italy, 2c single franking to France, 2c single franking printed matter rate Leon to Managua, 2c strip of five to France, 10c single franking to Germany, 10c strip of three+20c pair 7x rate to San Francisco, 20c single franking double rate to US (4), France or Germany, 1P single franking 10x rate Bluefields to France, finally a registered cover to Belgian Congo with the 10c (on 5c stationery envelope) mostly torn away, usual mixed condition with some small faults but an overall Fine selection (Image 1)

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SOLD for $650.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:14 PM
4048 image99-103, 1898 1c-10c "Ninth Seebeck Issue," 24 covers incl 1c+2c(2)+5c from US Consulate/ Bluefields to USA, 1c (4)+2c(3) to USA, 2c pair and strip of three to France, 2c bisect+4c San Juan Del Norte to Leon (philatelic), 5c single franking San Juan Del Norte to Managua, 5c single franking invalid 1898 use and returned, 5c pair to USA (2), Germany or Sweden, 5c (2) to USA or England, 5c pair and strip of four double rate registered to USA, 10c single franking 1898 (invalid use) to "US Secy of the Treasury/ US Marine Hospital Bureau" from the US Consulate at Bluefields, etc., mixed condition with several covers (none of the above) faulty, VG-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $850.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:15 PM
4049 image99-109, 1898 1c-5P "Ninth Seebeck Issue", selection incl mint, used, reprints, multiples, few of the unwatermarked issue, etc. noting 5P/ 2P composite die proof on india in black, assorted imperf plate proofs incl trial colors, set with straight-line "Managua" overprint, salesman's sample book pen-marked specimens incl some multiples, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $625.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:16 PM
4050 image110, 1899 1c Green, single franking tied on drop cover by Managua Dic 27 1899 oval cancel, Very Fine, the only known use of the solo 1c on a drop cover (Image 1)

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SOLD for $75.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:16 PM
4051 image113, 1899 15c Chocolate, with 110 strip of 3, 112 pair, 113 single (some stamps on back side) all tied or canceled on a registered "AR" cover to Mexico by Granada May 3 1899 oval cancel or circled "Granada" or circled "Granada A.R.", Granada and Corinto registry handstamps, Durango May 9 99 arrival cds, backstamped Corinto, NY City, El Paso Tex 3-line registry, cover open three sides for display, Fine and spectacular use; ex-Welch (Image 1)

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SOLD for $210.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:17 PM
4052 image110/116, 1899 1c/20c "Final Seebeck Issue," 23 covers highlighted by 1c strip of five (2) to US Secy of the Treasury/ US Marine Hospital Bureau from the US Consulate at Bluefields (also similar cover with 10c single franking), 2c single franking printed matter rate to London, 5c single franking domestic use with "Cartero" and "Buzon" handstamps (3), 5c pair to USA (2) or Germany, 10c single franking to Switzerland, Sweden or USA (4), 10c pair double-rate to USA, 10c+20c triple-rate registered "AR" Dr Kuehn cover Granada to Bluefields, etc., usual mixed condition with some minor faults, VG-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $525.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:17 PM
4053 110-20, 1899 1c-5P "Final Seebeck Issue", collection of mint, used, multiples, perforation errors, etc., includes used set (scarce) and assorted singles, assorted imperf and imperf between pairs, few contrived bisect covers, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF

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SOLD for $170.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:17 PM
4054 1890/99 Era "Seebeck" Specialized Collection, thousands of regular, dues, telegraph and official issues neatly arranged and annotated on homemade pages, includes mint and used original issues plus an overwhelming array of infamous "Seebeck" reprints and proofs, includes methods used to distinguish originals from reprints including samples showing different papers, gums and colors, among the "originals" we note perforation errors including imperfs,1890 issue "Specimen" overprints with salesman pen lined from sample book/card, proofs, 1894 issue "Dire" overprints from PM General New Year cards, 1896 15c with "Ask for Kennedy's Crackers" ad on back, the "Seebecks" include overprinted issues, multiples including positional pieces with imprint, imperfs and perforation errors, salesmen samples with pen-line, errors of color, 1891 5p inverted center, etc., overall fresh and F-VF, a monumental achievement and a delight for the specialist collector

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:18 PM
4055 "Seebeck Issues" Study of papers, gums, watermarks, print characteristics, a few proofs, etc on annotated pages with scores of stamps as examples of genuine, reprints, cancels, etc., usual mixed condition, mostly F-VF, ideal for the specialist and impossible to duplicate


SOLD for $375.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:18 PM
4056 image133C-133D, 1902 20c-30c Mt. Momotombo, 20c single front side, 30c (two overlapping singles) on back side of registered A.R. cover to London, all tied by a San Juan del Norte June 18, 1903 cancel with accompanying registry handstamp, New York registry exchange label overlaps 20c, oval "A.R." (marking pen enhanced), backstamped New York City June 30 and London July 9, cover open three sides for display, top right corner mended, stamps and cover some postal wear, still Fine and rare,ex-Nathan (Image 1)


SOLD for $140.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:19 PM
4057 image133A-133G, 1902 2c-50c Mt. Momotombo Specialized Collection, includes full set of unused singles (two sets of the 5c-50c), couple stock sheets of unused and used singles including 30c (2) with New Orleans cancel and 20c, 30c with paquebot cancels,covers include 1902 to San Juan del Norte to New York with 5c (3); 1902 San Juan del Norte to New York City (stamp/ cover creases); 1902 registered A.R. San Juan del Norte to USA on 15c stationery envelope (H&G B47, trimmed at right through indicia); 1903 registered San Juan del Norte to France with 20c and New York exchange label (envelope top right corner off); 1903 registered Bluefields to Germany with 30c and New York exchange label (envelope bottom left corner clipped); 1903 San Juan del Norte to New York City with 30c (folded over top of envelope); 1904 registered Masaya to Italy with 10c on uprated postal stationery (additional stamp missing); usual mixed condition, still a Fine assortment of these difficult issues (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:19 PM
4058 image160, 1902 5c Carmine Litho Covers Collection, 14 covers or postcards with single or multiple frankings plus a couple mixed issue, mostly on specialized pages with rate analysis, all foreign uses (mostly to USA) and including 1904 Corinto to USA with block of six tied by San Francisco receiver cancels; 104 single franking on postcard Chinandega to Belgium; 1904 pair on postcard to France tied by pen cancel with a US paquebot cancel alongside; 1904 registered Managua to India with block of six (straight edge bottom) but stamps missing on back; 1904 Matagalpa (Scarce) to Germany with three singles on US Consular Service envelope; 1908 (late use) Bluefields to USA with single and strip of six tied by New Orleans transit cancels; usual mixed condition, a Fine selection (Image 1)

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SOLD for $150.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:19 PM
4059 image161, 1902 10c Violet, single plus 5c Carmine litho single and pair (Scott 160, pair with extra row horizontal perfs) tied on registered cover to Germany by light strikes of Granada August 6, 1904 cancels with corresponding Granada and Corinto registry handstamps, Paris September 1 transit cds, backstamped Corinto August 6 transit (same day as origin cancel indicating transit by train from Granada), also 3 German transit/arrival (September 2) cancels, stamps some perf tip toning, cover light postal wear, Fine use (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:19 PM
4060 image161, 1902 10c Violet Covers Collection, 19 covers and postcards with single, multiple and mixed issue frankings, all to foreign destinations (mostly USA) and including Italy, France, and Germany, mostly on annotated specialty pages with rate analysis, notables include 1903 Bluefields to USA with 5c Blue (Scott 159), 10c tied by Mobile, Alabama oval transit cancels with a Michigan RPO transit cancel backstamp; 1903 Rama to USA (forwarded) with 1900 2c-3c (Scott 122-23), 10c cancelled/tied with "S" (steamship) killers with a Texas transit cds and straight-line "Paquebot" marking, backstamped Baltimore and Dallas (interesting routing); 1904 registered Managua to Italy with strip of three plus 5c Carmine (Scott 160); 1904 registered Leon to New York City with strip of three on 5c stationery envelope (H&G B45); 1905 single frankings on picture postcards Corinto to England or Leon to Paris; 1906 with 175c Matagalpa to Germany (underpaid), etc., usual mixed condition, Fine selection of covers with the high value of the set (Image 1)

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SOLD for $200.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:20 PM

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