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Worldwide Stamps and Covers (307)   | 


Foreign Stamps and Covers continued...

Nicaragua continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4301 imageNicaragua Buzon (Mailbox) Urbano (Town) Markings and Uses, 1896-1933 Exhibit Collection, 30 covers (incl postal stationery) with various types of ½Buzon» or ½Ciudad» handstamp on annotated exhibit pages and showing at least one example of every stationery mailbox listed as being recorded, most of these markings are present in very small quantities and the exhibit often shows multiple uses of these scarce handstamps; includes Managua earliest 1896 use, an 1897 cover to Stockholm, 1914 to Paris with ½Ciudad» handstamp, Leon 1900/04 script ½Buzon» combined with ½Cartero» handstamps, 1907-08 ½Buzon Urbano» handstamps, Masaya 1905/10 (2 covers - the only recorded examples) incl 1910 to Nova Scotia, Granada 1909/10 (2 covers of the three known) incl one to Germany, 1929/35 ½Buzon No 2» and ½Buzon No 5» straight-lines on covers to USA, 1933 framed ½Granada/ Buzon», Chinandega framed ½Buzon/ Chinandega» 1933 to USA (2), Rivas ½Buzon #1» on 1933 airmail to Brooklyn (the only recorded example), appropriate frankings and cancels, overall Very Fine collection of these rare markings.rnMail was picked up from these stationery mailboxes by postal carriers and marked ½Buzon» or the equivalent on arrival at the main post office for distribution. No standard handstamps were supplied for this service, hence the variety in types. These markings are very scarce due to the minute survival of material from this small tropical country as well as the small proportion of mail dropped in these boxes. (Image 1)

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SOLD for $1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:41 PM
4302 imageNicaragua "Transitos" Postal History Collection, 1913/37, assorted types of the handstamp on 25 foreign destination covers/ postal cards incl USA, England, Canal Zone, Costa Rica, Germany, etc., assorted frankings, postmarks, auxiliary markings, etc., note 1918 to NY City with censor tape, usual mixed condition, Fine selection of these desirable covers (Image 1)

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SOLD for $230.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:42 PM
4303 imageNicaragua 1935 "Postmaster Signatures" Collection, scores of mint and used singles and multiples plus 44 covers mostly arranged on specialty pages, many different signatures on "Resello" (mostly 1935) overprints and other overprinted and postal tax issues, among the covers note 1935 Bluefields to Chicago, 1936 Puerto Cabezas to Penn., 1925 Managua to Netherlands, 1936 registered to Australia, 1936 to New Orleans with 1c (#600) strip of three, 1936 to Canal Zone with boxed "Riva/ Transito" and straight-line "Transito-Granada" routing handstamps, 1936 to USA with C18, 603(6), etc. plus few paquebot/ United Fruit Co covers, etc., usual mixed condition but a rare opportunity to acquire these elusive issues and especially the proper uses on coverrnrnOn Nov 16, 1935, thieves broke into the sub-treasury office at Campo de Marte and stole between 30,000 and 80,000 cordobas worth of stamps. A decree was issued Nov 19, 1935 requiring postmasters to mark (by initials) stamps sold until a new control mark could be devised and printed on the remaining stocks. At Managua, the head of the air mail section of the post office, Sr Raphael Gonzalez, with consent of the postmaster, had a handstamp - "VALIDO 1935" - prepared and applied it in red ink to air mail stamps on cover from Nov 20-28, 1935 along with the initials.rn (Image 1)

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SOLD for $2,750.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:42 PM
4304 imageNicaragua "Hasta Europa" and "Via Transatlantica" Covers Assortment, 1939/41, 17 (11 censored) covers with the "Via Aerea/ Hasta Europa" or "Via Aerea Transatlantica" handstamp, addressed to France, England (4), Germany (5), Italy (3), Danzig, Switzerland (3), variety of frankings, cancels, air mail markings, etc., generally F-VF, nice group of these scarce uses (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:43 PM
4305 imageNicaragua "Mixed Frankings" Cover Collection, 34 covers to 1960s (most pre-1940s) with Nicaraguan stamps in combination with frankings of other countries incl USA, Somalia, France, Guatemala, Switzerland, Mexico, Bulgaria, Belgium, Canal Zone, Salvador, etc. with the additional franking mostly for forwarding or postage but also note few philatelic uses, note 1927 to USA with US 2c Carmine tied by "USS Milwaukee/ Br. New York May 30 1927" duplex (during period of US Marine involvement in Nicaragua), etc., generally F-VFrn (Image 1)

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SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:43 PM
4306 Nicaragua Eclectic Mix of Cancels and Postmarks, binder filled with wide range of predominantly early 20th century different cancels and uses on covers and postal stationery plus a few stock sheets of used stamps, incl "Cartero" handstamps, Managua "Ciudad" (Buzon") handstamp 1915 to USA, Granada "Ciudad" handstamp on domestic cover, circled "Oficina De Transito" handstamp, straight-line "Cape Gracias a Dios, Nic" cancels on six covers to USA, assorted postage due covers and postal cards with some different "T" or other auxiliary markings incl 1928 cover to Granada to England and forwarded with GB 3d postage due affixed, a 1943 airmail cover to small town in Panama with C107 single franking with additional Agricultural & Industrial Fair and "V" for victory handstamps, assorted stamps (incl telegraph) with "A.R. handstamp, etc., usual mixed condition, view to appreciate; plenty of informational material included (articles, copies, etc.)rn

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SOLD for $750.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:43 PM
4307 Nicaragua Postal History Collection with Cancel Interest, approx 110 late 19th/ early 20th century covers, postal stationery envelopes and postal cards neatly arranged and annotated on homemade pages, includes wavy-line cancels (31), 1920/28 four-bar registry cancels (22), train offload covers of the pre-Buzon era (25) incl 1886 earliest mobile mailbox use recorded, Steamer's Mobile Mailbox (10), Train Offloads (15), Lake Nicaragua Steamers (2), Wavy Bars/ Registered (3), Short 4-Bar/ Registered (3), wonderful array of frankings, auxiliary markings, destinations, etc., some typical minor faults but generally F-VF or better; a terrific collection for the postal history mavenrn

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SOLD for $1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:44 PM

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