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Worldwide Stamps and Covers (307)   | 


Foreign Stamps and Covers continued...

Nicaragua continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4281 imageProvince of Zelaya, H&G 2, 1905 5c Greem, "B Dpto. Zelaya" overprint, canceled by excellent strike of Monkey Point Jun 18 1908 oval cancel and addressed to Managua, light Managua Abr 26 1909 date stamp alongside, backstamped Granada Jun 25, light corner folds incl one through indicia, couple spindle holes at bottom, Fine use from rare originating office (Image 1)


SOLD for $80.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:30 PM
4282 imageProvince of Zelaya/ Bluefields Postal Stationery Collection, mint and used cut squares, entires and postal cards and incl H&G 2 to Germany (underpaid), H&G 2 to London with unusual "Tarde" handstamp, H&G M7 uprated to USA, usual mixed condition, mostly F-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $400.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:32 PM
4283 imageProvince of Zelaya, Maxwell BLR17, 1906 5c Orange and black, "1906" handstamp, unused, Fine and rare (Image 1)


SOLD for $75.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:32 PM
4284 imageProvince of Zelaya, Maxwell BLR90, 1911 5c Dark violet and black, strip of five from the 5x5 setting, "white label" variety pos 2, large "B" variety pos 5, unused, fresh and Fine (Image 1)


Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:32 PM
4285 imageProvince of Zelaya, Maxwell BLR90, 1911 5c Dark violet and black, strip of five from the 5x5 setting, "white label" varieties pos 4, 5, unused, fresh and Fine (Image 1)


Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:32 PM
4286 imageProvince of Zelaya, Maxwell BR23, 1904 1P Yellow brown and black, six singles affixed on portion of a 10P Miinisterio de Hacienda revenue document, 2nd stamp with the large "B" overprint, document with some vertical folds causing some stamps minor faults but still Fine and rare, the only reported document with Bluefields revenues affixed (as of Apr 2016) (Image 1)


SOLD for $180.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:33 PM
4287 Province of Zelaya - Bluefields Revenues Collection, 1904/12, Nicaragua fiscals with "B" overprint, couple 100 mint and used with some multiples on specialty pages and note a couple of covers, note (Maxwell nos) unlisted 1904 2P pearl grey and black used, BLR28 with ms "Correo" and used as postage, BLR28 single franking on locally addressed Bluefields postcard (supply of 5c stamps depleted), BLR28 single Scott 1L13 on cover to USA (used as 5c stamp as regular postage supplies were depleted), BLR28 used pair and strip of three, unlisted 1904 50c Yellow green and black, unlisted 1904 25c Lilac and black with double "B" overprint, BLR9 with Scott 1L98 tied on piece by Bluefields cancel, BLR8 strip of four with "Reembarque" (reshipment) cancel, BLR18 unused, BLR93 used pair with "Cancelado" handstamps, etc., usual mixed condition but generally F-VF, nice collection for the specialist

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SOLD for $675.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:33 PM
4288 imageProvince of Zelaya Revenues Assortment, includes 1893 5c-25c mint and favor canceled, 5c full mint sheet of 10 (typical discolored brownish gum showing through in spots), 1908 50c and 2P Meat/ Slaughterhouse issue, VG-VF (Image 1)


SOLD for $85.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:33 PM
4289 Nicaragua (Bluefields) Telegraphs Issues Collection, 100s of mint and used mostly on specialty pages and incl sets, singles, multiples, etc., includes various overprints on regularly issued and revenue stamps with some overprint errors and varieties, includes (Hiscocks numbers) HBT19de full setting of 25 with red overprint inverted, few pages of issues with "Cabo" overprints, etc., usual mixed condition, mostly F-VF

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SOLD for $1,200.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:35 PM
4290 image2L14, 1905 50c Lake, "Cabo" overprint, horiz block of eight, pos 3 italic second "o" in "Correos", paper adhering to gum, perfs separated between stamp 2-3, F-VF, scarce multiple (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:35 PM
4291 image2L25, 1905 20c Brown, "Cabo" overprint, very lightly cancelled, Very Fine and rare; 1970 PF certificate; ex-Maxwell (Image 1)

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SOLD for $100.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:36 PM
4292 image2L25, 1905 20c Brown, "Cabo" overprint, light cancel, fresh and Fine; ex-Maxwell (Image 1)

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SOLD for $100.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:36 PM
4293 image2L42-44, 1905 3c-6c "Cabo" Overprints, two sets, normal overprint and set with wide "0" in surcharge, 2L42 normal surcharge natural straight-edge, F-VF (Image 1)


SOLD for $75.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:36 PM
4294 imageYvert C16-17, 1905 20c on 2P Salmon, 20c on 5P Black, "Cabo" overprint, fresh color, Fine and scarce (Image 1)


SOLD for $150.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:36 PM
4295 Cabo Gracias a Dios 1904/09 Local Issues Collection. comprehensive collection of many 100s of mint and used singles, sets, multiples, etc. on specialty pages in two large binders with much of it mounted on specialty pages and incl some reference fake or dubious overprints, multitude of overprint errors and varieties - inverts, doubles, doubles with one inverted, pairs with overprint omitted on one, missing or broken letters, etc., leafing through we note 2L1-15 used, 2L12 double surcharge, 2L15 used pair, 2L22-23 mint and used, 2L26/44 cache of overprint varieties mint and used, 2L26 sheet of 25 inverted overprint, 2L27 mint strip of five double ovpt on first stamp, 2L34 inverted ovpt mint, 2L34-35 mint and used plus same overprint on 5P Violet mint, 2L44A mint and used, 2L45 mint and used, 2L45 double ovpt mint, 2L47 pair tied on piece (ex-Maxwell), 2L48-59 security punch, 2L48-59 mint and used, 2L52 pair New Orleans cancel, etc., usual mixed condition, overall F-VF, an outstanding collection of this area

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SOLD for $1,300.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:37 PM
4296 imageCabo Gracias a Dios 1904/09 Local Issues Cover Selection, seven covers and one postcard; includes 2L2, 3, 8, 11 1905 Cabo Gracias to NY City via New Orleans; 2L26, 29, 32 pair 1906 Cabo Gracias to Brooklyn; 2L32 single franking on ppc Cabo Gracias to NY City via New Orleans, 2L33 single franking 1906 Cabo Gracias to New Orleans via Mobile Ala; 2L33 1906 Cabo Gracias to Boston with US 2c postage due pair affixed and pen cancelled; 2L33 pair, 2L52 Cabo Gracias to Ohio; 2L26-35 pairs 1907 Cabo Gracias to Germany (glassine interleaving strips on address side); 2L31 strip of three (inverted overprint) 1908 to NY City with stamps tied by New Orleans machine cancel; usual mixed condition but Fine overall; nice selection of these elusive covers (Image 1)

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SOLD for $675.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:37 PM
4297 Cabo Gracias a Dios 1904/09 Local Issues Accumulation, 100s and 100s of mint and used singles, multiples, etc. plus scores of reference fakes and forgeries all in stock sheets, numerous overprint errors and varieties, flipping through note 2L8 block of six used, 2L22 used, etc., typical very mixed condition, VG-VF, inspection highly recommended

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SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:38 PM
4298 imageCabo Gracias a Dios 1905/09 Local Issues Cover Selection, 4 postcards and two covers with 2L52 single franking 1907 postcard Cabo Gracias to Portugal; 2L52 single franking 1907 postcard Cabo Gracas to USA; 2L53 single franking 1908 postcards to Germany; 2L67 single franking 1913 cover to England; 2L61 single franking 1914 postcard on unmailed postcard, 2L64 pair on 1909 cover to Chicago, usual mixed condition, Fine group (Image 1)

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SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:39 PM
4299 imageProvince of Cabo Gracias A Dios Revenues Collection, 1906/09, 20 mint or used singles on specialty pages comprised of Nicaragua fiscals with "Cabo" or "C" overprint, includes the 1906 5c on 2c Blue used, 10c on 1c Reddish orange used, generally F-VF, excellent basis fo continuation (Image 1)

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SOLD for $450.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:39 PM
4300 imageCorn Island, 1903 5c Provisional, two covers to Dr Kuehn in Bluefields, "stamp" made by embossing a Corn Island government seal on ruled paper with manuscript "vale 5c", tied by oval Corn Island 1903 oval date stamps, Very Fine (Image 1)

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SOLD for $300.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 08:40 PM

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