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Worldwide Stamps and Covers (307)   | 


H.R. Harmer GPN, Inc. Sale - 3032

Foreign Stamps and Covers

Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
4001 image"Franqueado en Leon_," full strike of framed marking in blue on 1802 folded letter sent by messenger from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to Leon where it entered the Royal Post, addressed to "The King's Son" in Guatemala, ms "2" (paid) marking on back, Very Fine and rare (Image 1)

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SOLD for $350.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:54 PM
4002 image"Leon," framed postmark in blue on folded letter sheet addressed to Cojutepeque (capital of El Salvador), Very Fine, the blue cancel was in use from 1811-15 (Image 1)

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SOLD for $130.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:54 PM
4003 image"Viexo," (the old Spanish name for El Viejo) framed postmark on large part of a folded letter sheet addressed to Guatemala, few inconspicuous worm holes, but still Very Fine and rare (Image 1)

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SOLD for $275.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:54 PM
4004 imagec.1830 Stampless Cover to Totonicapam with nice strike of circular "MINISTo. GRLS. DEL GOBno. DEL ESTdo.DE GUATa." cachet and full strike of framed "Franqueado/ en Guatemala" in black, Very Fine (Image 1)


SOLD for $140.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:55 PM
4005 image"S. Juan," framed cancel in black on folded latter dated "20 Juin 1845" and addressed to Paris, appropriate transit and arrival postmarks for routing through Kingston, London, Boulogne and Paris, some light folds, still very Fine and a rare postmark (Image 1)


SOLD for $375.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:55 PM
4006 image"Leon," ornamental framed postmark in black on 1848 folded letter datelined "Leon Julio 12 de 1848" and addressed to Guatemala, "2" red rating handstamp, Very Fine (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:56 PM
4007 image1851 Stampless Cover San Juan del Sud to USA, folded letter datelined "San Juan Del Sud or St John the South December the 27th 1851" and addressed to Norwich NY, blue Utica NY 5 (due) Jan 15 (1852) cds, light overall aging and a small discoloration spot, still Fine (Image 1)

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SOLD for $160.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:56 PM
4008 image"Franpuea Da Enn Leon", full strike of framed postmark on folded letter sheet to Virgin Bay, Nicaragua, docketing on the back side indicates an 1855 mailing, some small foxing spots and a light central vertical filing fold, still Very Fine and scarce (Image 1)


SOLD for $325.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:56 PM
4009 image"Bluefields Dec 13 1873/ Received March 6th 1784" docketing on a folded letter datelined "Bluefields Shore" and addressed to Bristol England, ms "Jany 14th 1784" on address panel plus fair strike of "Portsmouth/ Ship Lre" handstamp, ms "5" rating, file fold through portion of address, Fine use being the earliest of three recorded letters from British NicaraguarnThe cover was carried by British packet to Jamaica from which it was carried by another packet to England. The ship letter rate for a single letter to England was 4d with an additional penny for inland delivery. The letter is from a mother (Elizabeth Hodgson) to her children back in England and mentions their father being in Jamaica. The Hodgson family was based in Bristol and had interests in Jamaica and on the Mosquito Coast of Honduras and Nicaragua. (Image 1)


SOLD for $1,200.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:57 PM
4010 imageStampless Covers to Guatemala Selection, 4 folded letters; 3 with a boxed "Leon" postmark - 1801 (?) red cancel with ms "4" rating, 1823 blue cancel (unrated), 1835 black cancel with handstamped "2"; also an 1803 cover with boxed "Franqueado en Nicaragua" in black with "Guatemala" in address crossed out (minor faults), generally F-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $240.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:57 PM
4011 image1852/94 Stampless Covers to USA, 5 covers; 1852 Chinandedga to San Francisco; 1867 to NY City with ms "40" rating and "C.A.T.Co./ San Juan Del Norte" date stamp (Central American Transit Company), 1871 Rivas to NY City with a "N.Y. Steamship 10" cds; 1873 Granada to NY City with a "N.Y. Steamship 10" cds (different type than previous cover); 1894 Managua to Bluefields from Equitable Life Insurance Co with a "Servicio Postal" handstamp, also includes an unused 1866 printed ticket for "C.A. Transit Co's Line to New York, Via Nicaragua", F-VF (Image 1)


SOLD for $220.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:57 PM
4012 imageNicaragua 19th Century Stampless "Tobacco Fronts" Collection, magnificent assemblage of 80 fronts dating from 1800 with wide range of different town postmarks incl types and colors (esp Leon), ratings, etc., many premium markings as "Granada" straight-line (2, Harris 22), boxed "Franqueado en Leon_" in blue, framed "Masaya" (Harris 52), fancy framed "Ocotal" on a printed form, etc. with add'l Granada (numerous Harris 21), Masaya, numerous straight-line "Nicaragua" (Harris 61), Managua, etc., usual mixed condition but many VF with clear markings (Image 1)

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Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:58 PM
4013 image3-7P, 1869-71 1c-25c Second Issue, Plate proofs on card, in issued colors with two different shades of the 1c and 2c values, 5c small scissor cut in the margin only, Fine-Very Fine and scarce (Image 1)

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SOLD for $140.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:58 PM
4014 image10, 1878 5c Black, left margin imprint block of 20, unused, fresh and Very Fine (Scott $1,000 for o.g. singles) (Image 1)

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SOLD for $210.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:59 PM
4015 image22-24, 1890 5c-20c "First Seebeck Issue," five covers incl 5c, 10c (2) registered to NY City, 10c single franking to Germany with Momotombo cancel applied after offloaded from steamer, 10c single franking to Paris with magenta Managua duplex, 20c single franking to NY City, usual mixed condition, Fine and scarce (Image 1)

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SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:59 PM
4016 image20-29, 1890 1c-10P "First Seebeck Issue," specialized collection of 100s of mint, used incl dubious cancels, reprints, multiples, proofs, perf errors and varieties, reference forgeries, etc. mostly on annotated specialty pages, includes set of imperf singles and pairs (less 5P pair) mint, 1c imperf trail color plate proof bottom margin block of 50 with imprint, assorted "Specimen" (various types) overprints, 5c solo franking on telegraph envelope to Costa Rica, etc., usual mixed condition, VG-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $800.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:59 PM
4017 image30-34, 1891 1c-20c "Second Seebeck Issue," 10 covers and one front incl 1c+2c pair Managua to Matagalpa, 1c+2c pair on 5c stationery envelope to Germany, 5c on 5c stationery envelope to Paris, 10c single franking to Paris (sealed tear), 10c single franking to Switzerland (2), 5c+20c on 10c stationery front registered to Argentina, 20c single franking to Germany, 20c single franking to USA, mixed condition with some faults but generally Fine (Image 1)

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SOLD for $625.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 06:59 PM
4018 image30-39, 1891 1c-10P "Second Seebeck Issue" specialized collection plus assorted extras mostly on annotated specialty pages, includes mint, used incl spurious cancels, reprints, multiples, perf errors, multiples, note imperf singles in issued and trial colors (less 2P in issued color), specimen overprints, etc., usual mixed condition, mostly F-VF (Image 1)

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SOLD for $220.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:00 PM
4019 image40P-45P, 1892 1c-50c Columbus, Composite die proofs on india, 1c/50c/20c in deep green,108x53mm, die 551, 10c/5c/2c in dark brown, 100x40mm, Very Fine (Image 1)


SOLD for $450.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:01 PM
4020 image46P-49P, 1892 1P-10P Columbus, Composite die proof in deep green on india, 86x80mm, die 552, small faults but still Very Fine appearance (Image 1)


SOLD for $250.00
Will close during Public Auction before Jun-17, 07:01 PM

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