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From Michael E. Aldrich/ABC Auction of U.S., U.S. Revenues & Worldwide Stamps - ABC Auction/Michael E. Aldrich, Inc. - FEB. 8, 2025

Lot 8 - EXTENSIVE U.S. MINT INVENTORY, includes thousands of mint singles, pairs, blocks, strips and plate blocks, mounted on retail pages and contained in 38 counter books packed into two large cartons, there are some scattered used items in the early issues and also some unused without gum (which were cataloged as such), the overall condition is very mixed with faults to be expected in the early issues but really quite clean after 1890, quantities generally are in the 5-20 range but there are some higher especially in the lower catalog value issues, the Classics and Banknotes catalog about $26,000 and includes a few dozen proofs, very strong in the Columbians with plenty of multiples, also a large number of items in the Bureaus including several plate number imprint strips, good Trans-Miss., strong Pan-American with many multiples and plate number singles, strong 1902 Issue with multiples and also plate number singles, the Washington-Franklins are well represented and includes many pairs and multiples (dozens of booklet panes) along with a number of Private Perfs, there are a fair number of "gradable" items in this section, also a good showing of booklet panes and line pairs, there is about $70,000 in catalog value in this section and easily over $50,000 retail just in the Washington-Franklins, the 1922-25 Regular issue is also quite extensive and includes many multiples and line pairs, this section also has many "gradable" stamps, there is a whole book of Kansas-Nebraska which catalogs over $14,000, lots of 2c Reds including many plate blocks, strong Parks and Farley's which include about three books, two books of Prexies which includes dozens of the dollar values in quantities and multiples, after the 1954 Regular issue there are many varieties and EFO's included, also dozens of high denomination items here too, also many booklets and PNC's, this inventory runs to about 2000; without question one of the most extensive mint U.S. stocks we have ever offered, this lot is almost a Stamp Store in itself, there must be hundreds and hundreds of hours of labor putting this stock together and it is absolutely ready to go, the catalog value listed is our estimate based upon the totals for each book but many of the catalog values are a few years old, the likely retail value of this inventory surely exceeds $200,000, viewing is strongly suggested to grasp the depth and scope of this mint stock.

Scott $ 300,000....Scott $ 300,000 Sold for US$ 35,000

ABC Auction/Michael E. Aldrich, Inc.This 1 day sale is our best yet ABC Auction! The sale features 460 "meaty" lots of U.S., U.S. Revenues, & Worldwide Stamps. This sale will starts at 1 p.m. Arizona time, 2 p.m. in Minnesota and 3 p.m. in New York (est)...get your online bids in prior to this time for each session and/or join the live sale in action! You can Call: 480-488-1616, Email: Aldrich@AldrichStamps.com, or bid via this site! Have any questions, please call or email. We welcome your inquiries and can even accomodate help with phone bidding during the live sessions. First-come-first-served basis...a NO charge service!