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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
581   imageLiterature . Airmail Philatelic Literature group,. with sixteen items, including The North Atlantic Catapult by Stanley-Smith (Vol 1 & 2), the Australian Air Mail Catalogue (8th Edition), Newfoundland Air Mails by Harmer, Australasian Crash Mail 1917-30 (Vol 1) by Peace, Balloon Post of the Siege of Paris 1870-71, Ligne Nogues Histoire Aerophilatelique, the Airposts of Greece 1912-1991 by Goddard, Handbuch der Luftpostkunde (1930), etc, a some light wear, a useful group. (Image1)

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Est. US$100-150

Will close during Public Auction
582   imageLiterature . Airship & Zeppelin philatelic literature group,. including The Zeppelin Stamps by Lehmkuhl, LZ 129 Hindenburg May Day Flight 1937 by Jacobs, Zeppelin, Parseval & Andere Luftschiffe Kuno Sollors catalogue (Vol 7), Zeppeline und Post by the Bundespost-museums Frankfurt, the Alan L Belinkoff Collection of Zeppelin Post Mail of the World (Ivy Philatelic Auctions, 1989), the Ludwig Kofler Grand Prix Collection of Zeppelin Mail (Corinphila, 2001), some further research notes, a worthwhile group. (Image1)

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Est. US$50-75

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583   imageLiterature . Arthur Hind sales,. bound in two volumes, one with Sales 1-3, including plates, for sales held by Phillips & Kennett in New York, the second with Sales 1-11 held by H.R. Harmer in London, with prices realized, a scarce and essential reference. (Image1)

Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$220.00
Will close during Public Auction
584   imageLiterature . Australian Imperial Forces Postal History, 1914-1918,. by Bob Emery, with supplement volume, both with dust jackets (small faults), both volumes signed by the author, a useful pair. (Image1)

Est. US$40-50

Will close during Public Auction
585   imageLiterature . British Empire & Worldwide Name Sale Auction Catalogues. , including a significant run of William H. Gross sales including Great Britain (Vol 1-2), Confederate States of America, British Empire, France and Colonies, British North America, and Scandinavia; the Chartwell Collection of Line Engraved (Part I) and British Empire; “Maximus” Great Britain (Sales 1-4); E. Carey Fox Canada and Maritime Provinces, Pence Issues; Guido Craveri World Rarities and Classics (1994) and Hawaiian Missionaries (1994, a few pages with portions excised); Fred Jarrett Sales 166-187 (hardbound); Burrus Great Britain and French Colonies; J.B. Seymour (1951, Vol 1-6); C.F. Meroni “Evolution of World Posts”, etc, chiefly fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$70.00
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586   imageLiterature . C.E.F., The China Expeditionary Force, 1900-1923, Postal History of Indian Campaigns,. by Gerald Sattin & D.S. Virk, 1992, with dust jacket, contents fresh and clean, with details on the expedition, land and sea routes, postal markings, extracts from postal diaries, etc. (Image1)

Est. US$40-50

SOLD for US$35.00
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587   imageLiterature . Cape of Good Hope, Its History and Postage Stamps,. by Gilbert J. Allis, 1930, Stanley Gibbons Ltd, hardbound, some rubbing to cover by binding tight and contents fresh, a scarce volume, fine. (Image1)

Est. US$50-75

SOLD for US$90.00
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588   imageLiterature . Col. E.H.R. Green Sales,. group of seventeen catalogues, including sales by Laurence & Stryker (2), Eugene N. Costales (2), Hugh C. Barr (2), J. C. Morgenthau & Co (1), Harmer, Rooke & Co (4, plus illustrations volume), Edson J. Fifield (2), and Irwin Heiman (3), most with prices realized, a useful assembly, fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$220.00
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589   imageLiterature . Die Ferrary Auktionen,. 1987 facsimile reprint by Joachim Erhardt of Stuttgart of the fourteen sale catalogues held in Paris (1921-5) and Zurich (1929), bound in blue cloth, an important reference. (Image1)

Est. US$50-75

SOLD for US$40.00
Will close during Public Auction
590   imageLiterature . Dr. Lewis L. Reford sales,. Vol 1-5, Harmer, Rooke & Co, 1950-51, New York, set of five volumes bound, with prices realized, an important reference for British North America, fine. (Image1)

Est. US$50-75

SOLD for US$65.00
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591   imageLiterature . Hawaii, useful group of philatelic literature,. with auction catalogues including Sotheby’s Ishikawa Collection (1980, with prices realized), Frederic R. Harris (Harmer, Rooke & Co, 1954, with prices realized), Maurice Burrus (H.R. Harmer, 1963); Ferrars H. Tows (Pelander, 1948, with prices realized), Hawaiian Missionaries (Guido Craveri, 1994, with annotations), “Hawaii, Its Stamps and Postal History” by Meyer, etc, an ideal nucleus to a reference library on this subject. (Image1)

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Est. US$75-100

SOLD for US$65.00
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592   imageLiterature . The Josiah K. Lilly Collection,. Robert A. Siegel Auctions, 1967-8, ten sales plus prospectus, including prices realized, an important reference to one of the twentieth century’s great collections, fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$70.00
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593   imageLiterature . The Louise Boyd Dale & Alfred F. Lichtenstein Collections,. 1968-70, H.R. Harmer, ten sales plus prospectus, with prices realized, including sales of Mauritius, British North America, Great Britain & British Guiana, Ceylon & India, South America, and Canada, fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$85.00
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594   imageLiterature . The Stamp Specialist, 1939-48, by H.L. Lindquist,. set of twenty volumes, hardbound, the odd fault to binding, a desirable and useful run, fine. (Image1)

Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$70.00
Will close during Public Auction
595   imageLiterature . United States “Name Sale” auctions, group of over 35 catalogu. with The Newbury Collection (Part I-VI, with prices realized); The George Walcott Collection of Civil War Patriotic Covers (Limited Edition, hardbound); The Edward S. Knapp Collection (Parke-Bernet, 1941); The Henry C Gibson Collection (Ward, and Klein, both 1944), the Stephen D. Browne Collection (Harmer, Rooke & Co, 1939), Dale-Lichtenstein (three volumes, H.R. Harmer, 2004); William H. Gross United States 1847 and 1851-6 (Robert. A Siegel, 2013); The Louis Grunin Collection of United States 1851-7 Stamps on Cover (1987-8, Christie’s New York, bound in blue), William L. Moody II United States of America (Part I-III), Maurice Burrus United States (Harmer, Rooke & Co, 1963); Emerson C. Krug United States Covers (1958); the Ishikawa Collection (Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1980, three volumes), etc, a few duplicates, many prices realized. (Image1)

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Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$220.00
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596   imageLiterature . United States & Worldwide philatelic literature & commemorative stamp albums,. filling a large carton, mostly United States and Switzerland literature, note “Directory of 10c 1847 Covers” by Hart and McDonald; United States Railroad Postmarks 1837-1861 by Remele; United States Postage Stamps 1902-1935 by Johl; United States Cancellations 1845-69 by Skinner-Eno; the Postage Stamps of Switzerland 1843-62 by Mirabaud and Reuterskiold; Basler Taube by Bach & Winterstein, various catalogues and auction sales including 20+ volumes of R.A Siegel “Rarities of the World”, a few commemorative stamp albums including 2013 Korean Postage Stamps and 1980 Fiji “The Call of the Islands,” etc. (Image1)

Est. US$100-150

Will close during Public Auction

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