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Postal History Collections & Balances continued...

Country & Regional Collections continued...
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
541   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . South & Latin America postal history accumulation,. with likely over 500 covers and cards, strong in Mexico (including Exporta series), noting also Panana, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Ecuador, with a wide range of material including a variety of frankings and rates, registered, censored, picture postcards (with one bullfight RPPC), stationery, advertising, airmail (one Columbia with SCADTA franking), etc, with a few glassine envelopes of mixed stamps and small study of mint Mexico Coach Seal Issue on pages, varied condition, chiefly fine. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3)

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Est. US$500-750

SOLD for US$675.00
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542   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Switzerland 1819-1866 stampless postal history group,. with 30 covers and folded letters, including a nice assortment of cancellations and postal markings, note Basel, Zurich, Wohlen, Berne, Winterthur, Luzern, mail to Italy, France, etc, many excellent quality strikes, an attractive group. (Image1)

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Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$120.00
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543   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Switzerland postal history accumulation,. with over 500 covers and cards in a small carton, mostly early-to-mid twenteith century, though note some nineteenth century Helvetia frankings, a wide range of material including express, airmail, registered, railway cancels, feldpost usages, postage due, Red Cross, Prisoner of War, picture postcards with early 1900s lithos, redirected, mix of mint and used stationery including illustrated, wrappers, etc, mixed condition with many fine items, a wide-ranging representation of this country ideal for further study. (Image1)

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Est. US$400-500

SOLD for US$500.00
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544   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Tonga postal history collection,. in four volumes, the first with just over 100 covers, including FDCs, aerogrammes, 1960s self-adhesive frankings on what appear to be commercial covers, roughly twenty tin can canoe mail covers, the other three albums with a selection of mint stamps and over sixty further covers including tin can mail, a fascinating group of these islands, seldom offered in collections, the odd fault but chiefly fine. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9)

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Est. US$400-500

SOLD for US$400.00
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545   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Trinidad & Tobago postal history group,. over 150 covers and cards, mostly King George VI & early QEII era, though note some earlier, many nice postmarks noted including from smaller towns, as well as registered, airmail, some infrequently-seen Tobago items, etc. mixed condition with some typical wrinkling, edge creases, etc, a worthwhile accumulation of this county not often seen in this quantity. (Image1)

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Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$300.00
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546   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Worldwide World War I censored postal history lot,. with roughly one hundred and fifty covers and cards, representing a wide range of countries, with Russia, South Africa, Hungary, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Germany (and German Occupation of Belgium), Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Bulgaria, Ceylon, Denmark, India, France, Greece, and others, note registered, advertising and military/feldpost usages, mixed condition as expected, some with faults, a worthwhile lot with many fine examples. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9)

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Est. US$400-500

SOLD for US$450.00
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547   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Worldwide aerogramme collection,. over 150 used aerogrammes, most pre-1950, roughly 120 being of British Commonwealth origin, noting New Zealand, Aden, Australia, British Guiana, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Kenya Uganda Tanganyika, etc. with some uprated and censored examples, typical wrinkling, filing folds, etc, but an interesting lot for further study and research, chiefly fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$190.00
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548   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Worldwide hand-painted postcard collection,. with thirty-two cards, depicting various themes including flowers, Christmas, birds, sailboats, landscape scenes, etc, most appear to be early twentieth century examples from France, the balance of other European origin, the occasional small fault, a beautiful group with tremendous eye-appeal. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3)

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Est. US$150-200

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549   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Worldwide mint postal stationery collection,. in two albums, one being in a rather ornate binding of likely early 20th century German origin, over four hundred stationery covers, cards, and wrappers, most being pre-1930s, including illustrated examples, a wide-range of countries represented including Colombia, Gibraltar, Natal, Turkey, Norway, Switzerland, Portugal & colonies, Brazil, United States, Germany and States, Guatemala, Bahamas, Sweden, Austria, and more, the odd fault but a generally clean and fine lot. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7)

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Est. US$400-500

SOLD for US$375.00
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550   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Worldwide naval, paquebot & ship mail accumulation,. strongest in United States, with two albums, one album with roughly a couple hundred 1930s/40s covers with either "U.S. Navy" or various named ship cancellations, a few Maiden Voyage or Ship Visit cachets, the balance of many dozens unsorted with examples, mostly 1940s-60s, from Great Britain, Germany, Argentina, Fiji, Netherlands, El Salvador, Australia, and more, as well as over 100 black-and-white photographs of various naval ships, varied condition, some with faults, chiefly fine. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5)

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Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$300.00
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551   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Worldwide paquebot & naval postal history accumulation,. with over 220 covers, most 1930s-50s with United States frankings, noting cancellations from Antigua, Gold Coast, Barbados, New Zealand, Jamaica, Gibraltar, Djibouti, New Caledonia, Portugal, and more, roughly one quarter are United States naval covers, with 20+ with 1930s cancellations from stops in China, including U.S.S. Panay at Hankow, U.S.S. Barker at Shanghai, U.S.S. Black Hawk at Chefoo, etc, many lovely cachets including Crosby photographic, the odd fault, most fine. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14) (Image 15) (Image 16) (Image 17)

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Est. US$400-500

SOLD for US$500.00
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552   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Worldwide postal history accumulation,. with likely over 1,500 mostly philatelic covers, largely United States and United Nations, but note also Israel, France, Switzerland, Monaco, Austria, Australia, etc, many first day covers but also note hundreds of 1930s-1970s first flights, as well as commemorative/event covers, interesting comedic/patriotic cachets, ship cancels, and more, also with a small plastic tub of unfranked but cacheted United Nations covers, condition varies with some faulty but many fine items to be found. (Image1)

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Est. US$1,000-1,500

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553   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Worldwide postal history accumulation,. upwards of two hundred covers, postcards, and postal stationery an eclectic and unsorted mix, a review finding German stampless, Hungarian military, Martinique airmail, Straits Settlements Imperial Airways first flight, as well as mail from Chile, Switzerland, Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, Australia, Russia, Netherlands, El Salvador, Egypt, Austria, Argentina, Hong Kong, Malaya, Luxembourg, and more, condition varies wildly, worth close inspection by the worldwide collector or dealer. (Image1)

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Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$600.00
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554   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Worldwide postal history carton,. with likely over 1,400 mostly commercial covers and cards, from a wide range of countries, much is United States, particularly Prexie-era, but note also Colombia, Great Britain, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Monaco, Germany, India, Netherlands Indies, Czechoslovakia, France, Russia, Switzerland (with roughly 30 World War II military covers with regimental labels), Bohemia & Moravia, and more, with meters, censors, special delivery, returned to sender, patriotic, service suspended, a Century of Progress Graf Zeppelin flight, USA Sc F1 on cover, etc, condition ranges from faulty to fine, a fascinating holding that will provide many hours of sorting and research. (Image1)

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Est. US$1,500-2,000

SOLD for US$2,800.00
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555   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Worldwide World War I & World War II censored postal history. with over 160 covers and cards, most WWII-era, an interesting representation of mostly European countries, noting mail from the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, Denmark, Bulgaria, New York, Switzerland, Sweden, France, Argentina, Brazil, the United States, Mexico, Romania, Algeria, Austria, Italy, and more, typical varied condition, a wortwhile group that would benefit from further sorting and study. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6)

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Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$300.00
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556   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Worldwide World War I military & patriotic poster stamp collection,. with over sixty items, noting eamples from Belgium, Canada, Great Britain, France, etc, typically fresh color throughout, the odd small fault, chiefly fine. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3)

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Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$100.00
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557   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Worldwide World War I, World War II, and Prisoner of War postal history collection,. over 200 covers and cards, written-up on pages by country, WWI with Australia, incuding 1917 Haig Offensive, 1917 Base in Egypt, various Austria WWI feldpost cards, Belgium and France including regimental markings, illustrated stationery, Hungary, internment camps in the Netherlands, WWII with British Commonwealth patriotic slogan cancels, Czech military mail, Poland with illustrated stationery and Government-in-Exile, Switzerland with regimental labels, mail from India, post-WWII Norway, Netherlands registered, United Nations, Cyprus, over twenty are Prisoner of War items, a fascinating survey of twentieth century military history, varied condition, much being fine, a useful research lot. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5)

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Est. US$400-500

SOLD for US$500.00
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558   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Worldwide World War II ship & maritime postal history collection. with approximately 150 covers, most in a cover album, apparently of British naval covers with tombstone censor markings and "Received from / H.M. Ships" handstamps, most addressed to Great Britain but note others to Australia, Ceylon, most with small faults, edge tears, or toning, a good group for the military specialist. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)

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Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$160.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
559   imagePostal History Collections & Balances - Aviation . Airship "Italia" flight & disaster group,. with two real photo postcards, one depicting the Italia in flight over Stockholm, the other showing the landing at King’s Bay; photograph likely taken from the Russian rescue ship Krassin showing the overturned rescue plane piloted by Swedish pilot Einar Lundborg (who rescued Nobile on his previous landing); registered cover, postmarked 6 April 1929, from the Italia’s radio operator Giuseppe Biagi confirming that he received eight letters while on the ice from the rescue plane piloted by Col. Maddalena; cover from radioman Rossi to his wife in Rome, cancelled “R.N.C. di Milano /28 9 28 / SPED ARTICA 1928” with red “Umberto Nobile / Spedizione Polare 1928” vignette tied to cover, and cover franked with 2o, 3o, and 5o Norway Air Post, tied to cover by commemorative “Roald Amundsen / 14 Desember 1928” mourning slogan cancel, a desirable group pertaining to this tragic flight. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)

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Get Market Data for [Russia Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. US$500-750

SOLD for US$450.00
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560   imagePostal History Collections & Balances - Aviation . Canada 1920s/30s First Flight cover collection,. with over eighty covers, most late 1920s to early 1930s, a wide range of flights and cachets as well as attractive multi-frankings, almost entirely different, a few trivial faults but a chiefly very fine group, ideal for expansion. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)

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Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$170.00
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