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Stamp Collections & Balances continued...

Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
461   imageStamp Collections & Balances . Indian Feudatory States old-time collection,. neatly-mounted on over 140 pages, organized by State, mix of mint and used, many hundreds of stamps, noting singles and sets, perforation varieties, shades, better including Travancore O5b inverted overprint, with examples from Alwar, Bamra, Barwani, Bhopal, Bhor, BIjawar, Bundi, Cochin, Dhar, Duttia, Faridkot, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jammu & Kashmir, Kishangarh, Morvi, Nandagon, Nowanuggur, Orcha, Rajpeepla, Sirmur, Soruth, and Travancore, some likely spurious examples, still an excellent study lot and ideal opportunity to begin a collection of this popular area, chiefly fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$400-500

SOLD for US$675.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
462   imageStamp Collections & Balances . Japan 1952-1976 well-filled mint collection,. on White Ace pages in two volumes, showing a high degree of completion for the period, appearing to miss only a handful of single stamps as well as some souvenir sheets/booklets such as the National Parks, a spot-check yielded both hinged and never hinged examples, some better and interesting items including Sc. 611a, fresh and attractive collection ready for expansion, chiefly very fine. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)

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Est. US$150-200

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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
463   imageStamp Collections & Balances . Portugal revenue stamp assembly,. various hundreds contained in few envelopes, mainly used, commencing from the 19th to mid 20th centuries, also with some colonial examples, as well as three 1886-91 documents, condition varies, viewing essential to best appreciate this interesting lot. (Image1)

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Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$90.00
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South Africa
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
464   imageStamp Collections & Balances . South Africa & Area accumulation,. with over 200 covers and cards, most World War I through 1950s and addressed to Switzerland or other European destinations, noting censors, registered, real photo postcards, official mail, postage due, advertising, first flights, TB and other labels, myriad colourful frankings, note some South West Africa and Transvaal, varied condition as expected. (Image1)

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Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$260.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
465   imageStamp Collections & Balances . Sweden postmark study collection,. of many hundreds on Hagnar pages, singles and pairs, including coils, predominantly 1910s through 1950s, with a plethora of choice c.d.s cancellations on a range of issues, some faults to be expected as the emphasis was on selection of top quality strikes, a visually appealing assembly, fine-very fine. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14)

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Est. US$150-200

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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
466   imageStamp Collections & Balances . Switzerland mint & used group of better,. most on auction cards from 1960s sales, a couple small folder lots of Officials on album pages, as well as better singles and sets, including (mint unless otherwise noted) Sc. 226 (two examples, hinged), 242, 304-5 (used), B178 (mint and used), C1, C2 (used), C13-14 (used), 1O1-16, 3O83-93, 4O1-21 (used), 4O29-39 (2), 5O1-25, 6O1-8 (3), 7O1-20, and more, a useful group with several desirable items, chiefly fine-very fine (Image1)

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Est. US$500-750

SOLD for US$750.00
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United Nations
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
467   imageStamp Collections & Balances . United Nations stamp & postal history accumulation,. in a large carton, most to early 1980s, with likely over 1,000 covers, most being first days, including the popular Flag Series, but also note first flights, postal stationery, reply coupons, etc, many dozens of envelopes and glassines of unsorted stamps, some in wholesale quantities (note over 100 1967 Chagall souvenir sheets), a few year sets, binder of covers on White Ace pages including two 1955 souvenir sheet FDCs, full panes including 1957 UNEF, UN Day, and WMO, condition varies wildly with some faulty primarily due to poor storage a lot that would benefit from careful sorting and organizing, much being fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$400-500

SOLD for US$240.00
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Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
468   imageStamp Collections & Balances . British Commonwealth dealer’s stock,. mostly organized and identified in several thousand glassine envelopes, Antigua through Virgin Islands, most 1960s-80s Queen Elizabeth II-era with many of topical interest, including flowers, ships, wildlife, royalty, Churchill, etc, but with some better mint sets on stock cards including Antigua Sc. 77-80 Australia 142-4, Bahamas 116-29, 132-7, British Guiana 205-9, British Honduras 115-26, Canada 56, 57, 99, Grenada 114-23, Newfoundland C13-17, New Zealand 229-41, as well as likely over 100 souvenir sheets, an easy addition to a dealer’s inventory or useful project for the Commonwealth collector, chiefly fine-very fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$750-1,000

SOLD for US$450.00
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469   imageStamp Collections & Balances . Worldwide bankers box of albums & collections,. with 1950s/60s United Nations White Ace album, Superior album of worldwide, early-mid twentieth century Germany, an interesting old-time album with a focus on the Caribbean and Central and South America, binder of West Germany, useful British Commonwealth album including Victoria through KGVI, noting KGV keyplates of Bermuda, etc, small album of Austria, condition varies significantly, inspection a must, a worthwhile sorting project for the worldwide enthusiast. (Image1)

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Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$180.00
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470   imageStamp Collections & Balances . Worldwide bankers box of collection lots and accumulations,. filled to the brim with envelopes, folders, loose album pages, etc, a wide range of material noting Iceland, ships on stamps, German Colonies & Saar on old-time pages, Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, some mint mid-twentieth century USA, Bohemia & Moravia including postal history, specialised collection of Winston Churchill topicals, 1930s-60s Liberia collection, 1940s South West Africa large part-sheets, some British Commonwealth on 1960s-era auction lot cards, and an interesting old-time Schaubek abum with useful Austria, other unsorted material, condition varies wildly with faults to be expected, many hours of sorting await. (Image1)

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Est. US$500-750

SOLD for US$325.00
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471   imageStamp Collections & Balances . Worldwide carton of albums and stockbooks,. seemingly with a little bit of everything, noting one album of Canada and United States precancels; two interesting old-time Schaubek albums with useful nineteenth century material including Germany, France, Austria, Roman States, etc., several albums well-filled with worldwide collector's duplicates, etc, condition varies from faulty to fine, inspection necessary, hours of sorting enjoyment. (Image1)

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Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$220.00
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472   imageStamp Collections & Balances . Worldwide carton of country collections,. with sparsely-filled Minkus Independent Africa, album of Eastern Europe wildlife topicals, shoebox of collector’s unsorted including United States and United Nations first day covers and stationery and mixed worldwide stamps, Belgium 1958 United Nations sheets, partially-filled Minkus Ghana album from late 1950s/early 1960s, etc, condition varies, chiefly fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$75-100

SOLD for US$50.00
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473   imageStamp Collections & Balances . Worldwide new issues accumulation,. mostly from the early 2000s, including several volumes of Australia annual collections ranging from 1998/2009, China 30th National Best Stamp Popularity Poll album, 2006 Commonwealth Games commemorative album, a few Belgium year sents most appearing from 2010s, over fifty German booklets with over 350 Euros in face value, binder of World Wildlife Fund stamps with much topical interest, a useful group of more recent issues that are not commonly offered, chiefly very fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$230.00
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474   imageStamp Collections & Balances . Worldwide small carton of collections and accumulations,. with strength in Germany, Great Britain, and Latin America, including a Davo hingeless Great Britain album to 1970, mix of mint and used, significant catalogue value, beginning with a Penny Black and 2d Blue, embossed issues (faults, cut to shape), 1897 Jubilee Issue used, including both £1 green and brown Victoria (the latter with an APS certificate noting short perfs and thin), two albums of Germany, one 1872-1944, well-filled from inflation issues to the early 1940s, with some select postmarks, as well as an old-time 1923 Germany album apparently complete for the available spots, with mint examples of Weimar Republic and Inflation issues, as well as back-of-the-book and Bavaria, some loose pages of useful post-war issues including Sc. B9N70-74 and BN75-9 (hinged), 9N94-8 (used), accumulations of several dozen Machin & Channel Islands booklets, roughly a couple hundred loose album and stockpages, with mostly used stamps, particular emphasis on Latin and South America with useful Brazil, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Venezuela, etc, but with representation from a wide range of countries, Minkus Vatican album, mint, partially-filled to mid-1950s, some postal stationery and the odd cover, most from either the United States or Germany from the late 1800s/mid 1900s, an interesting accumulation, significantly varied condition, much is fine, ideal for a collector seeking a lot to carefully review and organize. (Image1)

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Est. US$1,000-1,500

SOLD for US$950.00
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475   imageStamp Collections & Balances . Worlwide mint & used auction accumulation,. almost all on their original 1960s-era lot cards, with better mint (unless otherwise noted) including United States Sc QE2 plate block of six, an interesting group of $1-$5 1938 Presidential Series with plate blocks, center line blocks, shades, etc, Russia 678-86, C26-8, C28 (used), C37-9 (used), C50-2 (used); Vatican C20-3; Liberia including unusual imperforate multiples, Leeward Islands 115, Malta 14, St. Lucia 95-106, Mauritius 251-65 in n.h. blocks of four, Ecuador C2, C4-5; Canal Zone C15-20; Finland 7 (used, with intact teeth); Barbados 138, Aden 36-46 (used); New Zealand AR98; Ecuador C32-4, C35-8; Monaco C14-20 imperforate; Switzerland #304-5 (used); Austria C32-46; Ecuador Waterlow & Sons SPECIMEN; Italy C26-7 used; Malta 18 used; El Salvador C86-8 in panes, half of each sheet postmarked, ex-Roosevelt with sale handstamp in bottom selvedge; useful Egypt and Commonwealth Omnibus issues; the odd fault, but a useful worldwide group, chiefly fine-very fine. (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6)

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Est. US$1,000-1,500

SOLD for US$700.00
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Postal History Collections & Balances

Country & Regional Collections
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
476   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Africa postal history accumulation,. with over 500 covers and cards, mostly post-independence examples from former British or French territories, noting Cameroon, Togo, Lesotho, Ghana, South Africa, Rhodesia, Malawi, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Zaire, and others, a dizzying array of colourful frankings, many with topical interest, particularly for the bird or wildlife collector, as well as useful studies of rates, note airmail, express, postage due, slogan and town cancels, meters, etc, some philatelic or commemorative items but much is commercial mail addressed to Great Britain, Switzerland, Germany, or Australia, mixed condition with usual small faults, much is fine. (Image1)

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Est. US$400-500

SOLD for US$450.00
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477   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . South America postal history accumulation,. with Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, roughly 250 covers and cards, most early to mid twentieth century, noting registered, airmail, censored, advertising mint and used postal stationery, some picture postcards, a few approval cards of stamps, typical mixed condition, but an interesting group, chiefly fine. (Image1) (Image 2)


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Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$280.00
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478   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Asia postal history accumulation,. strong in Japan, noting also Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan, Laos, South Korea, and Bangladesh, over 350 covers and cards, a colourful and diverse array of frankings with topical interest, most mid-twentieth century commercial mail, some first day or first flights, various rates including airmail, registered, book post, solo and multiple as well as official frankings, etc, much to European destinations, varied condition with some small faults, creases, etc, but many fine and interesting items. (Image1)

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Est. US$400-500

SOLD for US$300.00
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479   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Asia postal history accumulation,. with roughly one hundred pieces of commercial mail, through to the 1990s, though most is mid-twentieth century, a range of countries represented including Japan with early stationery, Philippines, South Korea, Hong Kong, Malaya, the Straits Settlements, Singapore, Indonesia, and more, noting a plethora of airmail rates, registered mail, postal stationery, and more, the more recent material with some topical interest, typical mixed condition for commercial correspondence, a useful lot for a rate study. (Image1)

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Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$450.00
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480   imagePostal History Collections & Balances . Australia & Dependencies postal history accumulation,. over three hundred covers and cards, chiefly Queen Elizabeth II era, some philatelic material as expected but much is commercial, including into the 1980s, note items from New Guinea and Papua New Guinea, Norfolk Island, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Ross Dependency, varied condition with some faults, a useful lot for some less-often-seen later twentieth century material. (Image1) (Image 2)


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Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$375.00
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