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Worldwide continued...

Canada continued...
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
181 og   imageCanada . 1930-31, King George V Arch/Leaf set,. most hinged though note a few lower values are n.h., includes both 1c and 2c dies, the 5c dull violet represented by both rotary and flat plate printing examples, no premium added for n.h. examples, attractive and chiefly fine-very fine. (Sc 162-177, $510.25). Mint H/NH (Image1)

Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$60.00
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182 Unmounted Mint   imageCanada . 1933, 20c Grain Exhibition,"Broken X" variety,. surcharged in black, block of four, never hinged but some ink transfer on gum of top two stamps, not impacting the variety, folded along vertical perfs, attractive and very fine. (Unitrade 203/203i, CA$350). Mint NH (Image1)

Est. US$100-150

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183 c   imageCanada . 1943, registered cover to Chungking, China,. 3c postal stationery cover, uprated with 2c, 5c (4) and 20c (3) War Issue, tied by circular grid cancels, to Major General Victor Odlum, Canadian Government Embassy, Chun King, China, backstamped Vancouver SUB 29 (20 Sep), Montreal (22 Sep), Miami (2? Sep), and Chungking (25 Oct), some wrinkling and adhesion to back, else a fine example of this scarce rate to a challenging destination.. Cover (Image1)

Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$140.00
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184 Unmounted Mint   imageCanada . 1978, 14c Queen Elizabeth II "White Queen" variety. with the RED OMITTED, resulting in this dramatic error of color, untagged, never hinged, a striking and desirable modern error, very fine. (Unitrade 716c, CA $2,000). Mint NH (Image1)

Est. US$500-750

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185 Unmounted Mint   imageCanada . 1981 17c Antique Mandora printed on gum side and missing inscription error, never hinged, a few trivial spots on gum, with none of the creasing that plague most examples, an important and appealing modern error. (Unitrade 878i, CA$2,000). . Mint NH (Image1)

Est. US$500-750

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186 Unmounted Mint   imageCanada . 1983, 32c "Maple Leaf in Winter" missing color error. never hinged, ideal centering, a significant modern error, with only 150 examples known to exist. (Unitrade 924c, CA$1,500). Mint NH (Image1)

Est. US$400-500

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187 Unmounted Mint   imageCanada . 1990, 39c Legendary Creatures imperforate block of four,. never hinged, one of only fifty blocks recorded, a desirable and scarce error, very fine. (Unitrade 1292a, CA$2,500). Mint NH (Image1)

Est. US$750-1,000

SOLD for US$475.00
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188 Unmounted Mint   imageCanada . 1992, 43c Queen Elizabeth II imperforate pair,. CBN printing, coated paper, GT4 tagging, never hinged, very fine. (Unitrade 1358b, CA$1,200). Mint NH (Image1)

Est. US$300-400

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189 Unmounted Mint   imageCanada . 1998, 45c Flag imperforate pair,. never hinged, scarce and very fine. (Unitrade 1362c, CA$750). Mint NH (Image1)

Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$120.00
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190 Unmounted Mint   imageCanada . 1998, 46c Flag Over Iceburg gutter block, die cutting omitted,. showing two pairs with the die cutting omitted, a scarce block as most have been split into pairs, never hinged, desirable and very fine. (Unitrade 1698b, CA$800). Mint NH (Image1)

Est. US$150-200

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Canada (Semi-Official Airmails)
Lot Symbol CatNo. Lot Description CV or Estimate
191 Used   imageCanada - Semi Official Airmails . 1918, (25c) red & black Aero Club of Canada, without numerals. used on piece, without cancellation, lower left and diagonal crease, nevertheless a scarce example of Canada's first semi-official airmail, of which only 194 examples were printed, fine appearance. (Unitrade CLP1, CA$3,500). Used (Image1)

Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$400.00
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192 c   imageCanada - Semi Official Airmails . 1918, Aero Club of Canada, without numerals of value,. tied to registered cover by green AEROPLANE flight cachet, in conjunction with 5c Admiral and 2+1c Admiral War Tax (Die II), those tied by Toronto roller cancel, accompanying Toronto c.d.s. (AU 26) and violet "AERIAL MAIL / AUG 26 1918 / TORONTO.CANADA" boxed cachet, to Ottawa, with same-day c.d.s. arrival backstamp, a scarce cover with only twenty six examples carried, this being particularly desirable as one of the few with the semi-official on the front, attractive and very fine. (Unitrade CLP1, CA$5,000+). Cover (Image1)

Est. US$3,000-4,000

SOLD for US$2,800.00
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193 og   imageCanada - Semi Official Airmails . 1918, (25c) red & black Aero Club of Canada, with numerals of value, . on smooth white paper, hinged, large part original gum, fresh and very fine. (Unitrade CLP2, CA$650). Mint H (Image1)

Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$170.00
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194 og   imageCanada - Semi Official Airmails . 1918, (25c) red & black Aero Club of Canada, with numerals of value, . printed on smooth, white paper, hinged, fresh, well-centered, very fine. (Unitrade CLP2, CA$650). Mint H (Image1)

Est. US$200-300

SOLD for US$170.00
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195 og   imageCanada - Semi Official Airmails . 1918, (25c) red & black Aero Club of Canada,. wide-gutter, tete-beche pair on yellowish-paper, select centering, a desirable and scarce pair, very fine. (Unitrade CLP2d variety, CA$2,000). Mint H (Image1)

Est. US$500-750

SOLD for US$675.00
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196 c   imageCanada - Semi Official Airmails . 1919, $1 red & blue Aero Club of Canada,. tied to back of Roessler "Winged Letters" cover by blue "AERIAL MAIL / AUG 25 1919 / TORONTO.CANADA" boxed flight cachet, franked on front with 3c Admiral, tied by Toronto slogan cancel (AUG 25), endorsed "Via New York" and handstamped with violet "VIA AREOPLANE" barred cachet, with returned cover postmarked Mineola NY (AUG 25), to Toronto, this cover with some staining at right, a fine pair of challenging covers. (Unitrade CLP3, CA$925). Cover (Image1) (Image 2) (Image 3)

image image

Est. US$300-400

SOLD for US$300.00
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197 c   imageCanada - Semi Official Airmails . 1919, $1 red & blue Aero Club of Canada,. tied to back of cover by boxed blue "Aerial Mail / Aug 25 1919 / Toronto, Canada", 3c Admiral tied to front by Kitchener AU 23 19 c.d.s., endorsed "Via New York & Aerial Service", edge stain confined to back, an attractive and very fine example of this scarce flight. (Unitrade CLP3, CA$925). Cover (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$400-500

SOLD for US$290.00
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198 og   imageCanada - Semi Official Airmails . 1924, ($1) black on red paper Estevan-Winnipeg Promotional Issue,. hinged, large balanced margins, very fine. (Unitrade CLP5, CA$400). Mint H (Image1)

Est. US$100-150

SOLD for US$120.00
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199 c   imageCanada - Semi Official Airmails . 1924, ($1) black on red paper Estevan-Winnipeg Promotional Issue. two examples, each on first flight cover to Winnipeg and bearing violet oval "Via Aeroplane / Oct 1st 1924 / Estevan, Sask" datestamp, one franked with 1c Admiral strip of three, the other single 2c Admiral, each with "Buy Souris Coal" advertising on back, minor wrinkling and edge faults, fine. (Unitrade CLP5, $550). This flight was to land in Winnipeg following a refuelling stop in Brandon, but engine trouble near Bienfait forced it to land in a nearby field, where the wheels hit hidden rocks, wrecking the airplane.. Cover (Image1) (Image 2)


Est. US$150-200

SOLD for US$200.00
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200 c   imageCanada - Semi Official Airmails . 1928, Moose Jaw Flying Club Special Flight cover,. affixed as usual to back of 2c Admiral cover, postmarked Moose Jaw (AUG 17), endorsed "Via Special Air Mail Flight / Moose Jaw to Winnipeg", with same-day arrival backstamp, 161 covers were carried on this flight piloted by H.C. Ingram, fresh and very fine. (Unitrade CLP7, CA$3,500). Cover (Image1)

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Est. US$1,500-2,000

SOLD for US$1,200.00
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