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Greece (705)   |  Russian Post Offices in the Chinese Empire (145)   | 


Russian Post Offices in the Chinese Empire continued...

Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
20141   imageKASHGAR: 1917 Native cover sent registered to Tientsin, franked with vert. pair of 10k blue tied by Kashgar 31.7.31 (date error) type 2A cds, registration label adjacent with Russian and Chinese Tientsin arrival cds, a rare use of the type 2A cancel

SOLD for € 4,200.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20142   imageKASHGAR: 1918 Envelope sent insured for 500R to Tientsin, franked with Arms 70k and five imperf. 1R, all tied by Kashgar 25.5.18 type 2B cds, a fine high franking

SOLD for € 4,600.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20143   imageKASHGAR: 1918 Envelope sent insured for 500R to Tientsin, franked with 20k pair, 25k in block of fifteen and single and four 50k, all tied by Kashgar 29.5.18 type 2B cds, Kashgar P.O. seals on reverse, a fine and spectacular multiple franking.

SOLD for € 5,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20144   imageKASHGAR: Fragment with strip of three 70k and a 15k tied by small Kashgar double ring cds, not recorded by Tchilinghirian & Stephen, but recorded in the British Journal of Russian Philately pg.11 No.34 1967, one of only two known examples of this postmark.

SOLD for € 1,200.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20145   imageURUMCHI: 1906 Envelope sent registered from the Russian Consular Office in Urumchi to Switzerland with “KITAI” 1k, 2k (2), 3k, 5k and 7k on the obverse tied by “URUMTSI (CHINA) / POST OF THE IMPERIAL CONSULATE OF RUSSIA” 22.VI.06 cds, sent to Chuguchak where it was re-registered and franked on the reverse with unoverprinted 1k, 2k, 4k, 5k and 7k tied by the Chuguchak type 1B cds, with Sergiopol and Moudon bs. Very fine and unique, the only known cover from the Russian Post in Urumchi. Note: Illustrated in “Stamps of the Russian Empire Used Abroad” p.286 by Tchilinghirian & Stephen Provenance: Ex Adler

SOLD for € 55,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM


Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
30000   imageEssay in deep blue, in pair on French stamp DIMITRA with blue numerals “10” at the back, identical to those used for the Paris 10L stamp, a fine pair

SOLD for € 220.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30001   image1L Light Brown in complete proof sheet of 150 showing printer’s inscription “TYPOGRAPHIE ERNEST MEYER, RUE DE VERNEUIL 22 A PARIS,” some usual faults, one stamp with hole, light creases, a unique sheet, cert. Tseriotis

SOLD for € 6,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30002   image1L Whitish Black on white paper, creased

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30003   image1L Black on thin green paper, printed on both sides, one narrow margin, fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30004   image1L Brown-Black on white paper, very fine

SOLD for € 85.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30005   image1L Brown-Black on white thin paper, printed on both sides, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30006   image1L Brown-Black with white contour on one side and orange-red on the other, very fine and rare

SOLD for € 110.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30007   image1L Light Red-Brown on white paper, fine

SOLD for € 75.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30008   image1L Brownish Red on white thin paper in pair, very fine and rare

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30009   image1L Brown on thin whitish paper in strip of three, very fine and scarce

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30010   image1L Brown on white paper, marginal and very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30011   image1L Deep Brown on thin whitish paper, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30012   image1L Brownish Red on thin whitish paper in pair, very fine apart from a narrow corner

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30013   image1L Light Brownish Red on thin whitish paper, very fine

SOLD for € 60.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30014   image1L Brown-Chocolate on thin whitish paper, very fine

SOLD for € 75.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM

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