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Russian Post Offices in the Chinese Empire continued...

Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
20121   imageTSAIN-SHABI: 1918 Native cover sent registered to Kalgan, franked with 75k worth of stamps, all tied by Tsain-Shabi 3.1.18 cds in violet, with registration label adjacent (Hellrigl type 2 rated RRR), with Manchuli transit on obverse, a rare and spectacular franking. Note: Illustrated in the British Journal of Russian Philately p.19 94/95 (2006)

SOLD for € 14,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20122   imageTSAIN-SHABI: 1918 Native cover to Peking, franked with four 1k and a 10k tied by Tsain-Shabi 19.1.18 cds in violet, fine and rare Provenance: Ex Adgey-Edgar

SOLD for € 4,600.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20123   imageKOBDO: 1917 Postcard to Petrograd, with 3k red paying the single internal postcard rate, tied by Kobdo 22.3.17 type 1b cds (Hellrigl rated RR), obverse with a view of Kobdo town, very fine and very rare, the only known postcard usage from Kobdo and one of only a handful of usages of this very rare town cancel.

SOLD for € 15,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20124   imageKOBDO: 1915 10k War Charity stamp with Kobdo 2.12.15 type 1A cds, faults, still the earliest recorded date for a Russian P.O. in Kobdo, recorded by the British Journal of Russian Philately no.34 1964 pg.11 but not by Hellrigl, plus Arms 70k block of four with Kobdo 4.12.17 type 1B cds, minor creasing and staining, plus ppc of the main street in Kobdo.

SOLD for € 1,600.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
20125   imageKULDJA: 1884 3k Postal stationery card from Belgian Missionary to Belgium, cancelled by Kuldja 24.10.84 cds (Tchilinghirian type 1, though had never been seen by the authors), Brussels bs, light soiling This is the only known example of the reclassified Kuldja type 2 recorded Note: Illustrated in “The London Philatelist” 1988, p.187

SOLD for € 42,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20126   imageKULDJA: 1898 Native cover sent registered via Troitskosovsk to Peking, franked with Arms 14k tied by Kuldja 12.V.98 (Tchilinghirian type 4, rare) cds, ms registration number on reverse, a rare registered cover.

SOLD for € 8,500.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20127   imageKULDJA: 1899 Native cover sent registered via Troitskosovsk to Peking, franked with Arms 14k tied by Kuldja 31.VIII.99 (Tchilinghirian type 5B) cds, with primitive reg’n label and ms “2 lots” adjacent, a rare single franking and registered usage.

SOLD for € 8,500.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20128   imageKULDJA: 1901 Native cover sent registered via Troitskosovsk to Peking, franked with 20k and 1k, tied by Kuldja 26.VI.01 type 5A cds, registration label adjacent, reverse with Kuldja type 5B and Troitskosovsk cds, rare registered cover.

SOLD for € 8,500.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20129   imageKULDJA: 1912 Native cover sent registered to Peking, franked with pair of 3k and pair of 7k (one with fault), tied by Kuldja 6.11.12 type 7B cds, registration label adjacent, fine and scarce registered use. Note: Illustrated in “Stamps of the Russian Empire Used Abroad” p.278 by Tchillinghirian & Stephen Provenance: Ex Tolman

SOLD for € 8,500.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20130   imageKULDJA: 1913 Envelope sent registered to Odessa, franked with “KITAI” 4k and 10k tied by Kuldja 23.4.13 type 7B cds, reg’n label adjacent, very fine and very rare, “KITAI” stamps were not stocked in Russian P.Os in Sinkiang but were accepted for postage, however this is the only known use at Kuldja

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SOLD for € 11,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20131   imageKULDJA: 1915 7k Postal stationery envelope sent registered to Kegel (Estonia), uprated with Romanov 3k on obverse and Arms 10k on reverse, all cancelled by Kuldja 25.2.15 type 7C cds, with registration label adjacent, scarce use of postal stationery and the Romanov issue. Provenance: Ex Lipschutz

SOLD for € 8,500.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20132   imageKULDJA: 1918 Envelope sent insured for 500R to Tientsin, franked with 5k imperf. pair, 20k pair and nine 1R (in vert. strips of three), all tied by Kuldja 24.5.18 type 7A cds, insured label on obverse, sent via the Japanese P.Os at Changchun and Tientsin, a rare and very high franking sent via an unusual route

SOLD for € 8,500.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20133   imageCHUGUCHAK: 1908 Envelope sent registered to France, franked with ten 4k and a 1k tied by Chuguchak 28.2.08 type 1A cds, with dotted “R” in circle hs and reg’n label (neither of which are recorded by Tchilinghirian), wax seals on reverse removed, a very attractive and rare multiple franking

SOLD for € 8,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20134   imageCHUGUCHAK: 1912 Native cover sent registered to Tientsin, franked with two pairs of 7k blue tied by Chuguchak 23.3.12 type 2BX cds (distorted upper date bar), registration label adjacent, with Russian and Chinese Tientsin arrival cds, a registered use from this office. Note: Origin of the illustration in “Stamps of the Russian Empire Used Abroad” pg.280 by Tchilinghirian Provenance: Ex Sir David Roseway

SOLD for € 8,500.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20135   imageCHUGUCHAK: 1918 Envelope sent insured for 500R to Tientsin, franked with two 20k, six 25k, two 15k and 3R50k on the reverse, all tied by Chuguchak 10.6.18 type 3A cds, obverse with insured label, spent 4 1/2 months in transit, an attractive franking and scarce usage of the 3R50. Note: Illustrated in “Stamps of the Russian Empire Used Abroad” pg.278 by Tchilinghirian & Stephen Provenance: Ex Tolman

SOLD for € 7,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20136   imageKASHGAR: 1908 Envelope sent registered from the Secretary at the Imperial Russian Consulate in Kashgar “via town OSH, Ferghana Province” to St. Petersburg, franked with Arms 14k tied by green Kashgar 12.12.08 type 1 cds, reg’n label adjacent (showing “K” of Kashgar inverted), arrival bs, slightly reduced at left, a rare example of Consulate mail

SOLD for € 3,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20137   imageKASHGAR: 1914 Envelope sent registered to Moscow, franked with 7k and 14k tied by Kashgar 7.4.14 type 2B cds (earliest recorded date of this type), with registration label adjacent, fine

SOLD for € 4,800.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20138   imageKASHGAR: 1915 4k Romanov postal stationery card sent to Sweden, initially franked with Chinese 1c “Junk” paying postage from Yarkand (Chinese Shufu) to Kashgar, with the imprint cancelled the following day with Kashgar 17.9.15 type 2b cds, Tashkent transit, as China was not a member of the UPU, Chinese stamps were not valid for postage to Sweden.

SOLD for € 14,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20139   imageKASHGAR: 1917 Native cover sent registered to Tientsin, franked with vertical strip of Romanov 10k on 7k, tied by Kashgar 12.5.17 type 2B, reverse with registration label and Russian censor hs, a rare usage of the Romanov provisionals

SOLD for € 6,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20140   imageKASHGAR: 1917 Native cover sent registered to the USA, franked with “KITAI” 2k, 4k (2) and 10k, tied by Kashgar 16.6.17 type 6 cds, with registration hs adjacent with ms no., New York bs, fine and attractive mixed issue franking. “KITAI” stamps were not supplied to the offices in Sinkiang, and unlike other Russian offices there, there is no record that Kashgar accepted these stamps

SOLD for € 1,500.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM

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