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Greece (705)   |  Russian Post Offices in the Chinese Empire (145)   | 


Russian Post Offices in the Chinese Empire continued...

Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
20100   imageURGA: 1901 Decorative Chinese envelope with a hs showing the 12 signs of the zodiac and inscription “Thinking of you around the clock”, sent to Stockholm (Sweden), franked with two Russia Arms 5k paying the 10k foreign rate, tied by Urga 17.XI.1901 type 4 cds, a very attractive and unusual cover

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SOLD for € 700.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20101   imageURGA: 1901 Native cover sent to Kalgan, franked with seven Russia Arms 2k green paying double the rate, tied by Urga 22.XII.01 type 4 cds in black, very fine and an unusual and rare franking Provenance: Ex Tolman

SOLD for € 1,200.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20102   imageURGA: 1903 Native cover registered to Kalgan, franked with vertical strip of three Russia Arms 2k blue paying double the internal rate plus registration fee, tied by Urga 15.XI.03 type 4 cds in violet, registration label on the reverse (Hellrigl type 3 rated RRR), Troitskosavsk transit, opened for display, a rare registered cover

SOLD for € 3,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20103   imageURGA: 1904 Decorative cover to Kalgan with Russia 4k and 3k paying the single rate, tied by the Urga 19.X.04 type 4 cds in violet, fine and attractive cover. Provenance: Ex Tolman

SOLD for € 700.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20104   imageURGA: 1905 Native cover to Kalgan, franked with three Russia Arms 14k paying sextuple rate, tied by Urga 19.I.05 type 4 cds, fine and rare high franking for a non-registered cover.

SOLD for € 1,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20105   imageURGA: 1905 Decorative cover to Kalgan, franked with Russia Arms 7k blue paying the single rate, tied by Urga 5.III.05 type 4 cds, with cover showing a deer motif in red as a good luck symbol evoked by the hazardous journey across the Gobi Desert, fine and attractive. Provenance: Ex Tolman

SOLD for € 700.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20106   imageURGA: 1905 Envelope registered to the French P.O. at Yunnansen, with China 4c on front and Russia franking of 16k on the reverse paying the single foreign rate plus registration fee, all tied by Urga 20.VII.05 type 4 cds, with registration label adjacent (Hellrigl type 5 rated R), sent via French P.Os in Peking, Shanghai, Haiphong, Lao-Kai arriving in Yunnan-Fou, before being forwarded to Switzerland via Marseille, a most unusual and probably unique combination franking & routing Provenance: Ex Tolman

SOLD for € 13,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20107   imageURGA: 1905 Native cover to Kalgan, franked with three Russia 1889-92 10k blue paying triple the rate (2k overpaid), tied by crisp Urga 3.XII.05 type 4 cds, opened on three sides, a very fine and rare usage of this stamp Provenance: Ex Beckaman

SOLD for € 1,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20108   imageURGA: 1907 Native cover registered to Kalgan, franked with two Russia Arms 1k and a 5k plus 7k with “KITAI” overprint, all tied by grey-black Urga 19.IX.07 type 4 cds, with registration label adjacent (Hellrigl type 7), a fine and very scarce mixed use of the “KITAI” stamp that was not available in the Mongolian Offices

SOLD for € 1,900.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20109   imageURGA: 1908 Native cover to Peking, franked with strip of three Russia Arms 7k paying triple rate to Kalgan, tied by Urga 14.IV.1908 type 4 cds, before being applied with three China 2c at Kalgan upon entering the Chinese Post for transmission to Peking, a fine and very rare mixed country franking.

SOLD for € 5,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20110   imageURGA: 1909 7k “KITAI” Postal stationery envelope sent to Holland, uprated with 3k red and cancelled by Urga 23.II.09 type 4 cds, some peripheral repairs at top, still an extremely rare usage of this overprinted stationery

SOLD for € 1,900.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20111   imageURGA: 1909 Envelope sent registered to Vienna (Austria), franked on the reverse by three Russia Arms 2k green and pair of 7k “KITAI”, tied by Urga 13.9.09 type 6 cds, obverse with registration label (type not recorded by Hellrigl), Troitskosavsk transit, central vert. fold, fine and scarce combination usage of these overprinted stamps that were not for sale in the Mongolian Offices

SOLD for € 2,800.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20112   imageURGA: 1909 Native cover sent registered to Kalgan with strip of five Russia Arms 7k paying four times the internal rate plus registration, tied by the Urga 19.X.09 type 4 cds in blue-black, fine and scarce multiple paying a high rate

SOLD for € 2,400.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20114   imageURGA: 1912 Envelope sent registered to Sweden, franked with 10k blue pair, paying the single foreign rate plus registration, tied by Urga 20.6.12 type 6 cds, with a Russian reg’n label (type not recorded by Hellrigl) and a reg’n label in French (type 13 rated RR), with St. Petersburg and Stockholm bs, a rare destination and only two covers and a card known with two reg’n labels according to “The Postal History of Mongolia” pg.7 by Hellrigl

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SOLD for € 3,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20115   imageURGA: 1915 Native cover sent to Peking, franked with Russia Arms 7k and Romanov 3k paying the single internal rate, tied by Urga 28.5.15 type 7A cds, with Russian and Chinese Peking transits, fine and scarce Romanov franking, signed Holcombe.

SOLD for € 6,500.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20116   imageURGA: 1915 Native cover sent registered to the USA, franked with “KITAI” 1k, 4k, 10k and 15k paying double the foreign postal rate plus registration fee, tied by the Urga 14.11.15 type 7B cds, with “Ourga / Poste Russe” registration label (designed for foreign destinations other than Russia or China, Hellrigl type 14 rated RRR, only known example, adjacent, with Yokohama and Seattle bs, very fine and unique cover with a rare usage of the “KITAI” overprints Note: Illustrated in “The Postal History of Mongolia” pg.48 by Hellrigl.

SOLD for € 4,400.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20117   imageSHARASUME: 1915 Native cover to Peking, franked with 10k blue pair paying double rate, tied by Sharasume 5.9.15 type 7A cds, with Harbin and Peking transits as well as an Irkutsk (Siberia) censor mark on reverse, fine

SOLD for € 5,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20118   imageSHARASUME: 1918 Native cover sent registered to Peking franked with block of four and single 5k imperf. and 70k perf., tied by Sharasume 4.4.18 cds, also tying improvised registration label adjacent (Hellrigl type 10 rated RRR, thought to be unique), a unique item of postal history with a scarce franking, label recorded by T&S Pl.4, p.324 Provenance: Ex Russell

SOLD for € 36,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20119   imageSHARASUME: 1919 Native cover sent registered to Peking, franked with two imperf. 1R tied by Sharasume 29.7.19 cds, with registration label adjacent (hellrigl type 9 rated R), further franked on arrival in Peking with Chinese 4c and 5c tied by the Russian P.O. cds, the double franking was imposed by the Chinese authorities in Sinkiang (to which Sharasume had been ceded who no longer accepted the validity of Russian stamps, a rare mixed country combination and a high franking. Provenance: Ex Adgey-Edgar

SOLD for € 17,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20120   imageULYASUTAI: 1916 Envelope sent insured to Peking, franked with Arms 10k and 35k plus Romanov 50k, tied by Ulyasutai 10.9.16 type 2B cds, with the insurance label adjacent (Hellrigl rated RRR, the only known example of an insurance label from Ulyasutai), only seven covers with Romanov franking recorded by Hellrigl, this being the only one from Ulyasutai, fine and unique exhibition item. Note: Illustrated in “The Postal History of Mongolia” by Hellrigl on the front cover and p.82 Expertise: Signed Holcombe

SOLD for € 340,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM

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