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Greece (705)   |  Russian Post Offices in the Chinese Empire (145)   | 


Russian Post Offices in the Chinese Empire continued...

Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
20080   imageCHEFOO: 1903 Cover from Wei Hai Wei to England endorsed “via Port Arthur and Moscow,” franked with China 10c tied by “LIU KUNG TAO / WEI HAI WEI” cds in violet, sent to Chefoo where it was transferred to the Russian P.O. and franked with “KITAI” 10k tied by Chefoo 10.10.03 cds (T&S type 1), reverse with part strike of Chinese Eastern Railway TPO No. 262 (Harbin-Manchuli) and Weymouth arrival, missing back flap

SOLD for € 950.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20081   imageCHEFOO: 1907 “KITAI” 4k postcard sent from USS “Maryland” by a Sergeant in the US Marine Corps to Budapest, cancelled by Chefoo 19.6.07 cds (T&S type 3B), with violet “U.S.S. MARYLAND” s/l hs on reverse, Budapest arrival, great naval interest. Note: The armoured crusier “Maryland” was commissioned in 1905. In the Autumn of 1906 she joined the American Asiatic Station, remaining there until October 1907. Picture of ship included.

SOLD for € 600.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20082   imageCHEFOO: 1914 Cover sent insured for 7R20k to Petrograd, franked on the reverse with “KITAI” 15k (2) tied by Chefoo 3.10.14 cds (T&S type 3A, Julian calendar), obverse with Chefoo 16.10.14 cds (T&S type 3B, Gregorian calendar) along with red “valeur declarée” label and white insured label, reverse with central large wax seal showing Imperial Eagle and “Insured Despatch / Chefoo Russian Post Office” plus four wax seals with inscription “Chefoo Russian Post Office / Private Despatch,” sent via the Japanese P.O. at Chefoo and St. Petersburg, stamps cut at foot upon opening, a rare and attractive cover with these labels and wax seals.

SOLD for € 1,300.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20083   imageCHEFOO: 1915 Cover registered to Denmark, franked on the reverse with “KITAI” 4k in block of five tied by Chefoo 25.3.15 cds (T&S type 3B), obverse with reg’d label in French and Cyrillic, resealed by censor at Petrograd with ornate red wax seal (Speeckaert type 42) with violet hs (Speeck. type 7) adjacent, Copenhagen bs, fine and scarce multiple on cover.

SOLD for € 650.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20084   imageCHEFOO: 1915 Cover registered to the USA with “KITAI” 3k, 7k and 10k and War Charity issue 3k and 7k, paying double the 10k foreign letter rate plus reg’n fee, all tied by Chefoo 1.12.15 cds (T&S type 3B), with reg’d label in Russian and French adjacent, Detroit arrival, a rare use of the War Charity stamps and mixed issue franking. Note: The War Charity issue was not stocked by the Russian P.O.s in China but were accepted when supplied by the customer. Provenance: ex Lipschutz

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SOLD for € 1,300.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20085   imageHANKOW: 1903 Cover registered from Hankow to England, franked with China “KITAI” 3k (2) and 7k (2) and tied by the Hankow “I.P.O” hs (T&S type H-3), with Chinese 22.6.03 cds (Tchil. H-2) and boxed registration hs adjacent, sent to Shanghai where it was transferred to the Russian P.O., re-registered (label on reverse) and the stamps further cancelled by Shanghai cds type 1), with Port Arthur and London bs. The only known example of I.P.O. markings on Russian stamps. Note: Illustrated in “Stamps of the Russian Empire Used Abroad” p.362 by T&S Provenance: ex Major Hopkins

SOLD for € 13,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20086   imageHANKOW: 1903 Envelope registered to Germany dispatched from the Chinese P.O. with request for “30 Cop (Kopecs) / Please,” with Hankow 8.8.03 bilingual cds and boxed registration hs, sent to Shanghai where it was transferred to the Russian P.O. and franked with three “KITAI” 10k tied by Shanghai cds (T&S type 1), with further boxed registration hs and label, Moscow and Berlin bs. Note: Although a Russian P.O.had existed at Hankow since 1896, it was frequently by-passed in preference to the Chinese P.O., which had a quicker service down the River Yangtze to Shanghai.

SOLD for € 2,400.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20087   imageHANKOW: 1903 Postcard registered to Belgium with “KITAI” 1k, 3k and 10k paying the 4k postcard rate plus 10k reg’n fee, tied by Hankow 29.9.03 cds in blue (T&S type 1), sent via Manchuria to the Trans-Siberian railway with “No.17 Field Post Office” (Dalny) and Chinese Eastern Railway “Postal Wagon No.262 / 3” (Harbin-Manchuli) transits, registration label applied by German TPO, Brussels arrival, very rare as no Hankow type 1 cancels have previously been recorded in blue.

SOLD for € 1,500.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20088   imageHANKOW: 1905 “KITAI” 3k postcard registered to Luxembourg, uprated with “KITAI” 2k (4) and 3k (2), tied by Hankow 26.9.05 cds (T&S type 1), with registered label in Cyrillic adjacent (no Western registered mark contrary to UPU regulations), with Shanghai Russian P.O., Hong Kong registered and Luxembourg cds, unusual destination

SOLD for € 1,400.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20089   imageHANKOW: 1906 “KITAI” 7k postal stationery envelope sent to Prague, Austria (now Czech Republic), uprated with “KITAI” 3k, both cancelled by single Hankow 11.9.06 cds (T&S type 2A) , Prague bs, very fine and neat

SOLD for € 400.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20090   imageHANKOW: 1906 China 1c postcard to the German Colony Tsingfan (Kiaochow), franked with “KITAI” 1c, 2c and 3c tied by Hankow 16.9.06 cds (T&S type 2A), sent to Shanghai where it was passed to the Chinese P.O. for onwards transmission, Tsingfan arrival, scarce destination

SOLD for € 750.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20091   imageHANKOW: 1910 “KITAI” 3k postcard to France uprated with “KITAI” 1k, both cancelled by Hankow 31.5.10 cds (Tchilinghirian type 3B), very fine

SOLD for € 140.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20092   imageHANKOW: 1914 Cover from the Russo-Asiatic Bank to England with “KITAI” 10k (corner fault and minor fox spots) tied by Hankow 9.10.14 cds (T&S type 3A), reverse with Petrograd military censor hs.

SOLD for € 360.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20093   imageHANKOW: 1916 Cover to Sweden with ordinary Russia 10k, tied by Hankow 7.1.16 cds (T&S type 2A), forwarded next day with reverse showing Julian Calendar cds (T&S type 2A) and Gregorian Calendar cds (T&S type 3A), censor marks applied at Krasnoyarsk (Siberia) in red (Speekaert type 1, previously only recorded used in violet in 1914) and Petrograd (Speek. type 15), Stockholm bs. Very rare as ordinary Russian stamps were not sold at the Hankow P.O. but were accepted when supplied by the customer.

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SOLD for € 650.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
20094   imageURGA: 1878 Native cover from Urga to Peking, dated “10th Day, 6th Moon, 1878”, franked with two Russia Arms 5k black and lilac cancelled by pen stroke (the first type of cancel used in the Mongolian offices), fine A very rare cover from the earliest period, only about 12 covers known from Urga with pen / brush stroke cancel Provenance: Ex Adgey-Edgar

SOLD for € 9,500.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20095   imageURGA: 1880 Native cover from the “Dun-Fu Yu” correspondence sent from Urga to Peking, franked with vertical pair of 8k tied by Urga 28.VI.1880 Type 3A oval ds (rated RR by Hellrigl), some creasing, very rare, this being the earliest of only three recorded covers with this cancellation, signed Holcombe Note: Illustrated in “Stamps of the Russian Empire Used Abroad” p.314 by Tchilinghirian & Stephen Provenance: Ex Tolman and Lipschutz

SOLD for € 10,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20096   imageURGA: 1883 Native cover from Urga to Peking, franked with a 1k and three 2k tied by Urga 21.2.1883 type 3B oval ds, paying the single rate, scarce and attractive franking

SOLD for € 4,200.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20097   imageURGA: Native cover from Urga to Peking, franked with seven 1k orange paying the single internal rate, tied by three very good strikes of the Urga 18.VI type 3C oval ds, scarce and an unusual franking Provenance: Ex Tolman

SOLD for € 1,300.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20098   imageURGA: 1887 Native cover from the “Dun-Fu-Yu” correspondence to Peking, franked with Russia Arms 7k paying the single internal rate, tied by Urga 28.IX type 3c oval ds, fine and neat single franking, showing attractive large “DUN-FU-YU” cartouche in red Note: Cancellation on this cover illustrated in “Stamps of the Russian Empire Used Abroad” p.316 fig.442

SOLD for € 650.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
20099   imageURGA: 1899 Native cover from the Dun-Fu-Yu correspondence to Peking with pair of 3k and pair of 4k paying single rate, tied by Urga 16.VII.99 type 4 cds, fine Provenance: Ex Tolman

SOLD for € 800.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM

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