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Greece (705)   |  Russian Post Offices in the Chinese Empire (145)   | 


Greece continued...

GREECE » GREECE KINGDOM 1935 TO 1967 continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
30638   image1961 Minoan Art 20L trial colour proof in unissued colours on watermarked and gummed paper, 42x47mm, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30639   image1961 Minoan Art 50L trial colour proof in unissued colours and missing black resulting in no value, on watermarked and gummed paper, 53x32mm, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30640   image1961 Minoan Art 1D trial colour proof in unissued colours on watermarked and gummed paper, 50x37mm, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30641   image1961 Minoan Art 6D trial colour proof in unissued colours with some small differences in design to the issued stamps, on watermarked and gummed paper (part og remaining), 45x29mm, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30642   image1961 Minoan Art 10D trial colour proof in unissued colours on watermarked and gummed paper, 55x33mm, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30643   image1967 Europa 2.50D die proof in light blue, blue and purple (unissued colours), imperforate on ungummed and watermarked paper, very fine & scarce

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30644   image1967 Europa 2.50D die proof in light brown, brown and green (unissued colours), imperforate on ungummed and watermarked paper, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30645   image1967 Europa 4.50D die proof in light green, green and brown (unissued colours), imperforate on ungummed and watermarked paper, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30646   image1902 London issue 2L trial engraving die proof in black on thick glossy paper in sheetlet format, 52x57mm, fine

SOLD for € 130.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30647   image1902 London issue 10L trial engraving die proof in black on thick glossy paper in sheetlet format, 53x55mm, fine

SOLD for € 130.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30648   image1902 London issue 30L trial engraving die proof in black on thick glossy paper in sheetlet format, 48x55mm, fine

SOLD for € 130.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30649   image1902 London issue 1D die proof in black (issued colour) on thin wove paper in sheetlet format, 44x48mm, fine

SOLD for € 130.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30650   image1902 London issue 2D die proof in violet (issued colour) on thin wove paper in sheetlet format, 55x60mm, fine

SOLD for € 110.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30651   image1902 London issue 3D die proof in silver (issued colour) on thin wove paper in sheetlet format, 56x58mm, fine

SOLD for € 130.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30652   image1902 London issue 5D die proof in yellow (issued colour) on thin wove paper in sheetlet format, 55x57mm, fine

SOLD for € 140.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30653   image1933 Airmail, government issue 50L die proof in black on wove paper, 31x42mm, pin holes in margin, fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30654   image1933 Airmail, government issue 5D die proof in black on wove paper, 42x31mm, pin holes and paper wrinkle in margin, fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30655   image1933 Airmail, government issue 10D die proof in black on wove paper, 30x41mm, pin hole in margin, fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30656   imageSmall collection of mainly mint stamps in a stockbook, all of them perforated, fine quality and interesting for the specialised collector (Est. € 200/400)

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Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
30657   image1897 Baquet composite unadopted essay with 5D showing Hermes head in pair with 2D showing Hermes and harbour, printed in blue on gummed perforated wove paper, a few light spots of discolouration otherwise fine, signed Holcombe

SOLD for € 340.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM

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