Lot |
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Opening |
20060 |
SHANGHAI: 1908 Cover registered to the German Legation in Bangkok, with “KITAI” 2c (3) and 3c (4) tied by Shanghai 28.1.08 cds (T&S type 6B, Gregorian calendar), with straw-coloured primitive registered label adjacent with
reg’n number repeated by blue hs, Honk Kong registered and Bangkok bs, unusual destination and registration label apparently unique
SOLD for € 1,700.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20061 |
SHANGHAI: 1908 Cover registered to the USA with “KITAI” 1k (in strips of 7, 5 and a single), 2k, 3k (2) and 4k tied by Shanghai 6.4.08 cds (Tchilinghirian type 6B), registered label in English on reverse with Nagasaki and New
York cds, a very attractive multiple franking, unusual black and red registered label
SOLD for € 750.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20062 |
SHANGHAI: 1908 Cover addressed in Farsi, Russian and English to Bukhara (in modern day Uzbekistan), franked with 1902-05 “KITAI” 14k paying double the 7k rate, tied by Shanghai 21.7.08 cds (T&S type 6B), Odessa and Staraya
Bukhara bs, unusual.
SOLD for € 380.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20063 |
SHANGHAI: 1910 Cover sent registered to England with ten “KITAI” 2k all tied by “SHANGHAI RUSSIAN POST a” 8.1.10 cds in French (T&S type 6A), with unusual “Changhai” registered label in black adjacent, London and Manchester
bs, a very fine and attractive multiple franking
SOLD for € 700.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20064 |
SHANGHAI: 1913 Cover sent unsealed to England with China “Republic” 1c and 3c tied by Tangshan 22.09.13 cds, sent via Tientsin and Shanghai, where it was passed to the Russian P.O. and franked with 2k Romanov tied by Shanghai
29.9.13 cds (T&S type 6A), minor soiling, still a rare franking and a rare use of the printed matter rate.
SOLD for € 1,800.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20065 |
SHANGHAI: 1914 Cover sent registered to Petrograd with four 10k Romanov tied by Shanghai 6.11.14 cds (T&S type 8c), with registered label adjacent, peripheral faults, still a rare franking as the Romanov issue was not
available in the Russian P.O.s in China, but was accepted when supplied by the customer.
SOLD for € 850.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20066 |
SHANGHAI: 1916 Improvised envelope for photographs registered to Zurich with “KITAI” 5k and 7k paying the 2k printed matter rate plus 10k reg’n fee, tied by Shanghai 2.11.16 cds (unrecorded type with Cyrillic “c”), reg’d label
in French (with misspelt “Poste”), with different censor mark on both sides applied at Petrograd, Zurich arrival, a very rare if not unique cancel on cover. Note: There is no previous record of serial “s” in any of the cancels used in the Russian
P.O.s in China.
SOLD for € 1,900.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20067 |
SHANGHAI: 1917 Cover to Edrova (Novrogod) redirected to Polna (Petrograd), with “KITAI” 10k tied by Shanghai 17.3.17 cds (T&S type 8A), opened and resealed by censor at Shanghai with stamp selvedge and boxed “Opened/ By
Military Censor / In Shanghai” cachet (Speeckaert type 4), signed Holcombe.
SOLD for € 850.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20068 |
SHANGHAI: 1917 Cover registered to Sweden, franked on the reverse with ordinary Russian 10k pair tied by Shanghai 20.3.17 cds (T&S type 8A), opened and resealed by censor at Petrograd, obverse with reg’d label in Cyrillic and
English, fine and scarce. Note: Ordinary Russian stamps were not available at the Russian P.O. at Shanghai, although they were accepted when supplied by the customer.
SOLD for € 600.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20069 |
SHANGHAI: 1917 Cover sent “Advice of Receipt” registered to the Philippine Islands with Russia Chinese surcharged 3c on 3k pair and 14c on 14k tied by Shanghai 15.5.17 cds (T&S type 8A, Julian calendar) with another cds
adjacent (T&S type 6B, Gregorian calendar), with reg’d label below rare in violet “With Advice” hs in Cyrillic plus “AR” hs, rare rate markings and destination Note: Owing to the fall in the Rouble after the Russian Revolution, payment for postage at
the Russian P.O.s in China had to be made exclusively in Chinese currency, hence the surcharge in cents and dollars.
SOLD for € 3,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20070 |
SHANGHAI: 1920 Cover registered to the USA with pairs of the Russia Chinese surcharged 1c on 1k, 2c on 2k, 3c on 3k and 4c on 4k, all tied by Shanghai 29.10.20 cds (T&S type 7A, no example had been recorded), reg’d label in
Cyrillic and English adjacent, Yokohama transit, a rare cancel and a late usage (the Russian P.O.s in China were closed November 1920)
SOLD for € 2,600.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20071 |
CHEFOO: 1896 Cover from the French Vice-Consulate in Chefoo to France, with Russian 10k tied by single circle Chefoo 13.12.96 ds with day and month completed by hand (not recorded by T&S), reverse with further strike and
French consulate hs, a few tone spots, the only other example of this cancel that has been recorded is the following lot, and confirms that a Russian P.O. in Chefoo was open as early as 1896, a very important item of from the Russian P.O.s in China
Note: Illustrated British Journal of Russian Philately no.58 (1981) p.20
SOLD for € 40,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20072 |
CHEFOO: 14k Rose & Light Blue in irregular block of nine cancelled by two single circle Chefoo 23.12.96 ds with day and month completed by hand (not recorded by T&S) and several Hong Kong cds, the only other example of this
cancel that has been recorded is the preceding lot
SOLD for € 3,600.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20073 |
CHEFOO: 1899 Cover from the American Bible Society in Shanghai to Port Arthur (modern day Lüshunkou), with Chinese 1c and 4c Dragons tied by barred obliteration with Shanghai Local Post cds on reverse, sent through the
Japanese P.O. at Chefoo where 2s Chrysanthemum was added and handed to the Russian P.O. at Chefoo, with Chefoo 9.4.99 transit (T&S type 2) for transmission to Port Arthur, a superb and rare combination franking showing three different P.O.s in China.
Note: The Lyaotung Peninsula (incl. Port Arthur) was leased to the Russians and was treated as outside of China. As China was not a UPU member, the Chinese stamps were not valid hence the need for a franking with stamps of one of the UPU countries.
SOLD for € 1,800.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20074 |
CHEFOO: 1899 Printed envelope from the US Consulate in the Treaty Port of Chefoo to Boston, USA, with Arms 3k pair and 7k pair paying double the foreign letter rate, tied by Chefoo 26.04.99 cds (T&S type 2), split open on 3
sides and missing back flap Note: Ordinary Russian stamps were only supplied to the Russian P.O. in Chefoo up to 1899.
SOLD for € 1,200.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20075 |
CHEFOO: 1901 Postcard to France with “KITAI” 1k and 3k tied by Chefoo 15.7.01 (Gregorian calendar) cds in violet (T&S type 1), with different strike of the Chefoo 2.7.01 (Julian calendar) cds in violet (T&S type 2), France
arrival, attractive cover showing use of different date-stamps for the two calendars Note: Russia did not adopt the Gregorian calendar until early in 1918. In the meantime, Russian P.O.s in China frequently used two ds to express the date in both
calendars, the Julian calendar being 13 days behind the Gregorian in the 20th Century.
SOLD for € 440.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20076 |
CHEFOO: 1902 Cover to Germany with combination franking of Japan 5d “China” ovpt tied by a violet Chefoo I.J.P.O cds and a Russia 10k “KITAI” tied by a Chefoo Russia P.O. cds (T&S type 1), both 21.6.02 (Gregorian calendar),
endorsed “via Siberia”, Rudolstadt bs, a very fine mixed country franking. Provenance: Ex Lipschutz
SOLD for € 1,200.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20077 |
CHEFOO: 1902 Cover to England endorsed “via Russia” with strip of four China 1/2c Dragons tied by bilingual “LIU-KUNG-TAO / WEI-HAI-WEI” 18.11.02 cds in red, paying the rate to Chefoo, where it was transferred to the Russian
P.O. and franked with vertical pair of “KITAI” 5k and tied by Chefoo 21.11.02 (Gregorian calendar) cds (T&S type 1), with Wellington College bs, some tone spots, a rare mixed country franking
SOLD for € 6,000.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20078 |
CHEFOO: 1903 Large part cover to England endorsed “via Port Arthur & St. Petersburg,” franked with China 1/2c Dragon in block of six cancelled by LIU KUNG TAU / WEI HAI WEI” cds in black, sent via Chefoo where it was
transferred to the Russian P.O. and franked with “KITAI” 10k pair tied by Chefoo cds (T&S type 1), Birkenhead bs, minor soiling, a rare mixed country franking. Note: By 1903 the Trans-Siberian Railway was fully functional and reduced the transit time
to London from about 40 days to 25 days. Until November 1903, British mail was not accepted on the route. Mail from the Wei Hai Wei colony had to be sent via the Chinese P.O. to Chefoo before being handed over to the Russian P.O. Provenance: ex
Charles Goodwyn
SOLD for € 1,800.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |
20079 |
CHEFOO: 1903 Cover to England from Wei Hai Wei to England, with China 1/2c Dragons in strip of four paying rate to Chefoo where it was transferred to the Russian P.O. and franked with “KITAI” 1k, 2k, 3k and 7k (2) tied by
Chefoo 11.8.03 cds (T&S type 1), Birkenhead bs, some peripheral creasing affecting the franking
SOLD for € 2,200.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM |