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Greece (705)   |  Russian Post Offices in the Chinese Empire (145)   | 


Greece continued...

GREECE » 1924-1935 ISSUES continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
30618   1931 Landscapes Perkins Bacon 1D plate proof in the issued colours on ungummed paper, in right marginal pair, imperforate with wide margins, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30619   image1931 Landscapes Perkins Bacon 1D die proof of the frame only in dark blue with engraver’s inscription underneath, in imperforate vertical gutter pair on ungummed paper, very minor creasing, fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30620   image1931 Landscapes Perkins Bacon 1D die proof of the frame only in dark blue with engraver’s inscription underneath, in sheetlet format on thick ungummed paper, 89x51mm, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30621   image1931 Landscapes Perkins Bacon 1D die proof with engraver’s inscription underneath in the issued colours, in sheetlet format on thick ungummed paper, 62x49mm, small corner crease otherwise fine

SOLD for € 220.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30622   image1934 Landscapes (re-engraved) 15D imperforate block of four, mint og, very fine

SOLD for € 900.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30623   image1933 Republic issue 50D, 75D and 100D die proofs in non-issued colours, imperforate on ungummed paper, 50D dark violet centre & yellow-brown frame, 75D black centre & purple frame and 100D dark olive centre & yellow-brown frame, very fine and very rare

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30624   image1933 Republic issue 75D die proof with violet-brown frame and black centre, in sheetlet format on thick ungummed paper, 44x67mm, fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
30625   image1947-51 Dodecanese Union 50D die proof in orange-red in sheetlet form on gummed paper, 41x49mm, very fine

SOLD for € 130.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30626   image1947-51 Dodecanese Union 450D die proof in black on card, 87x105mm, showing an enlarged design in sheetlet format, small crease clear of design otherwise fine

SOLD for € 220.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30627   image1947-51 Dodecanese Union 500D die proof in orange-red in sheetlet format on gummed paper, 39x52mm, very fine

SOLD for € 130.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30628   image1947-51 Dodecanese Union 600D die proof in orange-red in sheetlet format on gummed paper, 40x51mm, very fine

SOLD for € 130.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30629   image1947-51 Dodecanese Union 1’000D die proof in orange-red in sheetlet format on gummed paper, 39x50mm, very fine

SOLD for € 130.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30630   image1951 Marshall Plan 1’000D essay die proof in orange-red on thick paper in sheetlet format, 79x105mm, with the design representing “Industry,” the same as used for the issued 700D value but with blank inscription at top, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30631   image1951 Marshall Plan 2’000D essay die proof in dark green on thick paper in sheetlet format, 75x105mm, with the design representing “Fishing,” the same as used for the issued 800D value but with blank inscription at top, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30632   image1951 Marshall Plan 2’000D essay die proof in blue-green on thick paper in sheetlet format, 71x103mm, with the design representing “Reconstruction,” the same as used for the issued 1’300D value but with blank inscription at top, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30633   image1951 Marshall Plan 000D essay die proof in black on thick paper in sheetlet format, 74x103mm, with the design representing “Agriculture,” the same as used for the issued 1’600D value but with blank inscription at top, very fine

SOLD for € 650.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30634   image1951 Marshall Plan 2’000D essay die proof in black on thick paper in sheetlet format, 73x104mm, with the design representing “Textiles,” the same as used for the issued 2’600D value but with blank inscription at top, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30635   image1951 Marshall Plan 1’000D essay die proof in violet on thick paper in sheetlet format, 74x108mm, with the design representing “Electrification,” the same as used for the issued 5’000D value but with blank inscription at top, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30636   image1952 Royal Birthday study by Prof. Demetrios Galanis in brick-red ink and pencil on card, 29x42mm, signed below, fine, attractive and possibly unique

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30637   image1952 Royal Birthday study by Prof. Demetrios Galanis in brick red ink on card, 30x42mm, some toned spots otherwise fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM

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