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Greece (705)   |  Russian Post Offices in the Chinese Empire (145)   | 


Greece continued...

GREECE » 1896 OLYMPICS continued...
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
30556   image1897 (Mar) Commercial cover from a stamp dealer to France, franked on the reverse with 1896 Olympics 2L in block of fifteen, tied by Athens “1” cds, some envelope faults at top, still an attractive and scarce multiple on cover

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30557   image1897 (Mar 15) Entire from Nafplion to Kalamai franked on the reverse with 10L pair tied by Nafplion cds, vert. fold affecting stamps, unusual to see Olympic stamps on an entire (only 4 or 5 thought to exist)

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30558   image1897 (Jun) Envelope to Belgium with 1896 Olympics 5L (2) and 20L tied by Piraeus cds, Brussels bs, very fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30559   image1897 (Jul 12) Envelope sent registered to Italy with three 1896 Olympics 25L tied by Kepkypa cds, wax seal (showing through to front) and arrival cds on reverse

SOLD for € 550.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30560   image1897 (Sep 19) Printed envelope to the USA with 1896 5L tied by Athens “1” cds, paying the unsealed envelope printed matter rate, horizontal fold clear of stamp, fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30561   image1898 Small envelope to France with 1896 Olympics 10L on the reverse, Etretat arrival cds, envelope corners trimmed otherwise neat

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30562   image1898 Front to Crete with 1896 Olympics 40L pair and Small Hermes perf. 10L tied by Athens “3” cds, paying double rate plus registration, registered label adjacent, fine

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30563   image1898 (Feb) Envelope to Germany with 1896 Olympics 25L tied by Corfu cds, with “retour / 1” hs adjacent and German “unkown address” on reverse, bs confirming return to Athens then Corfu, some creasing clear of stamp, fine

SOLD for € 170.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30564   image1900 (Nov) Envelope sent registered to the British Post Office in Constantinople with total franking of 145L with five different issues, arrival bs, cover crease clear of stamps, of philatelic nature but an attractive and rare combination, some minor faults

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30565   imageFORGERIES: Selection of forgeries of the 1896 Olympics issue incl. 40L used pair, 60L used block of 10, 2D used block of 8, 5D used and 10D unused block of 4, odd minor fault

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Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30566   imageMARITIME: 1896 (May 12) Envelope sent from Patras to Italy with 1896 Olympics 25L tied by “LLOYD AUSTRIACO / XVIII” (steamship Daphne) in blue, Messina bs, fine and rare

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30567   imageMARITIME: Cover to Italy endorsed “Via Corfu” with 1896 Olympics 25L and 60L tied by “PE LORO / PIROSCAFO POSTALE” cds, paying third weight rate, arrival bs, portion of reverse missing, still an attractive and rare cover

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30568   imageMARITIME: Front with 1896 Olympics 2L and Small Hermes imperf. 1L in horizontal strip of three tied by cancel of the Adria Royal Hungarian Steam Navigation Company (M.K.A) and Gibraltar cds, with two different “Paquebot” and “Kiktötöben” (Entry to the Port) hs below, carried by S/S Coy, some paper adhesion at foot of cover, rare

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30571   image1896 Olympics 5D with revenue overprint, mint nh, very fine

SOLD for € 500.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
30572   image4L on 1D with additional vertical perforation variety (i.e. small values format), neat Piraeus cds, very fine and rare, not priced by Hellas used

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30573   image1D on 5D and 2D on 10D tied on small parcel card piece by Syros cds, Piraeus bs, very fine and scarce

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
30574   image1901 Flying Mercury 5L essays, three embossed essays on white paper affixed to blue card, 89x113mm, with manuscript engraver’s notes, top essay blue with cameo embossing, middle with cameo in blue and bottom design plain white, minor soiling

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30575   image1901 Flying Mercury 6L hand painted essay in blue showing Hermes standing (unadopted design) on thick card, 83x78mm, very fine, signed on reverse, a unique showpiece

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30576   image1901 Flying Mercury 10L hand painted essay in green showing Hermes standing (unadopted design) on thick card, 73x76mm, with manuscript note below, very fine, signed on reverse, a unique showpiece

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30577   image1901 Flying Mercury 3L hand painted essay in magenta showing Hermes seated (unadopted design) on thick card, 86x78mm, signed on reverse, very fine, a unique showpiece

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM

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