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Greece (705)   |  Russian Post Offices in the Chinese Empire (145)   | 


Greece continued...

Lot Symbol Catalog No. Descrip Opening
30215   image5L Green mint right marginal single, large even margins, very fine

SOLD for € 110.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30216   image5L Green used strip of four with clear to good margins, very fresh

SOLD for € 110.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30217   image5L Yellow-Green in a beautiful mint strip of three, large to very large margins, very fine and rare

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30218   image5L Yellow-Green mint, very large margins, superb

SOLD for € 220.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30219   image5L Yellow-Green strip of four with good to large margins showing deformed 5 of the control figures on the third stamp, very fine and scarce

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30220   image5L Yellow-Green, 4 singles (2 with faults) on a cover dated 18/8/74 from Kalamai to Syros

SOLD for € 45.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30221   image5L Olive-Green mint left marginal, large to very large margins, very deep rich shade, superb

SOLD for € 260.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30222   image5L Deep Olive-Green right marginal strip of four with large margins all around, fourth stamp shows some thinning which is not detracting from its excellent appearance, very nice and rare

SOLD for € 220.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30223   image5L Olive-Green used pair with large margins and fresh colour, left stamp showing plate flaw “broken circle at the left upper side” (pos. 15), very fine and attractive

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30224   image5L Green, three stamps with control figure errors, the first with rare double control figures touched at two sides and the other two showing deformed 5 from position 83 and 13, good condition

SOLD for € 150.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30225   image10L Yellow-Orange used strip of four with greyish wash, the two outer stamps touched but still a very rare strip for the particular stamp

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30226   image10L Yellow-Orange used pair with strong embossing and large to very large margins, superb

SOLD for € 75.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30227   image10L Yellow-Orange in four distinctive colours in used pairs, superb condition

SOLD for € 160.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30228   image10L Yellow-Orange, the five distinctive shades all in superb used condition

SOLD for € 85.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30229   image10L Yellow-Orange from the very early prints of the consecutives, in a very fine mint pair (minor gum creases) and large to very large margins all around, very fine and rare

SOLD for € 350.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30230   image10L Yellow-Orange unused without gum, fresh colour and good to large margins, very fine

SOLD for € 200.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30231   image10L Orange mint, with large to very large margins all around, very fine

SOLD for € 200.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30232   image10L Red-Flesh on blue mint, good even margins, a unique stamp which is coming to be know as one of the greatest rarities of the Large Hermes Heads, presented at the 150th anniversary of the LHH in Athens on the 1/10/2011 by Mr Michael Tseriotis, an elusive showpiece. Expertise: Cert. Tseriotis (2010) Provenance: “Guire-Lea”

Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30233   image10L Yellow-Orange on blue unmounted mint with large to very large margins, very fine

SOLD for € 240.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM
30234   image10L Yellow-Orange, six examples (mainly with faults), together with two 2L yellow-bistre touched and 1L claret-brown on a cover from Livorno to Corfu (29/7/67), showing disinfection slits, a colourful and rare franking

SOLD for € 700.00
Closing..Apr-30, 12:00 PM

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