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Europe continued...

Lombardy-Venetia continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
7270 image1861: Postal stationery envelopes 'Interi Postali', reprints in small format with their typical long gum, a complete set of eight reprinted in 1866 with a print run of only 500 examples to be sent to other postal administrations, complete set from 1870 with a print run of 1'000 examples, complete sets in small and large format from 1884, also with overprint SPECIMEN, also the 3 s. overprints from 1885 & 1887. A complete collection of all reprints existing Ferchenbauer = € 3'047. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14)




Get Market Data for [Austria (Lombardy-Venetia) Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

SOLD for CHF400.00
Closing..Jun-02, 12:00 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
1951 imageAusgefallener Schleuderflug D. Bremen-NY 1933 (13. Mai): Karte Norddeutscher Lloyd ab "Luxembourg Ville 10.V.33" frankiert mit 1 Fr. in Mischfrankatur mit Dt. Reich Flugpost 20 Pf. (2) und 10 Pf. gest. "Köln Bahnpostamt 11.5.33 7-13", nur mit rotem Ausfallstp. "Schleuderflug nach New York ausgefallen / Seepostdampfer "Bremen" nach Akron, Ohio. Flug ausgefallen wegen Motorschaden. Seltene Zuleitung ab Luxemburg Graue / Leder K139 = Euro 1'050. (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF150.00
Closing..Jun-07, 11:59 PM
2323 image1874-2007: Basic collection used and unused, in Album on self-designed pages, from the later 50s on also never hinged, some better sets contained, collected up to 2007. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7)




Get Market Data for [Luxembourg Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

SOLD for CHF150.00
Closing..Jun-07, 11:59 PM
10143 image1931, (14. Sept.): 2. Südamerikafahrt 1931 (18. September): Mischfrankatur Luxemburg mit 'Polarfahrt 4 RM auf Brief von "Luxembourg Ville 14.9.31" nach Pernambuco mit rücks. AStp. vom 21. September. Sauberer Beleg Mi. 221b = Euro 400.rn  (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF280.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
10144 image1932, (19. Okt.): 9. Südamerikafahrt 1932 (24. Oktober bis 3. November): Mischfrankatur Dt. Reich und Luxemburg auf Einschreibebrief vom Anschlussflug Berlin nach "Pernambuco 27.X.32" Mi. 286b = Euro 400.rnProvenienz: Sammlung Ludwig Kofler, 127. Corinphila Auktion (2001), Los 277 .rn  (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF140.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2192 image1859: 5 Centesimi green, unused stamp with large part of original gum, hinge remnant, good to large margins, signed and certificate Enzo Diena, Sassone = € 2'400. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



SOLD for CHF240.00
Closing..Jun-07, 11:59 PM
2193 image1859: 20c.dark-greyblue, (violetto scuro) perfectly margined block of twenty of great freshness with full original gum. The certficate Colla describes this exceptional rarity of the Modena provisional Government as follows " [....] al pari della piena gomma integra ed è perfetto."  It is signed on the back and with certificate Colla (2014). (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



Closing..Jun-07, 11:59 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2324 image1885/1987: Collection in two Schaubek preprinted albums relatively complete without the rarities, many better stamps are represent twice, in the beginning used and unused, from 1940 on all the describer checked were unmounted, also the used stamps become sparser. Contained are e.g. Red Cross with all souvenir sheets 1949/1951, 'Birds' 1955, narrow perforation unmounted, etc. Added another Album with a parallel collection, but which contains also the modern souvenir sheets, some stationery and a few covers/FDCs - good condition. High catalogue value. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14) (Image 15) (Image 16) (Image 17) (Image 18) (Image 19) (Image 20) (Image 21) (Image 22) (Image 23) (Image 24) (Image 25) (Image 26)




Get Market Data for [Monaco Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

SOLD for CHF1,100.00
Closing..Jun-07, 11:59 PM
2325 image1885-1990ca. Convolute with many better sets in 5 stock books used, unused unmounted and used including also a box containing stock cards and also a few covers. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7)




Get Market Data for [Monaco Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

SOLD for CHF380.00
Closing..Jun-07, 11:59 PM
10145 image1932, (10. Sept.): 7. Südamerikafahrt 1932 (26. September bis 4. Oktober): Brief von Monaco (10. Sept.) mit vorder- und rücks. Frankatur nach Buenos Aires, mit Tagesstp. "Friedrichshafen 26.9.32" und rücks. Durchgangsstp. von Paris, bezw. Ankunftstp. "Buenos Aires Oct. 1-1932" Mi. 279a = Euro 550.rnProvenienz: Sammlung Ludwig Kofler, 127. Corinphila Auktion (2001), Los 2791.rn  (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF460.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
10146 image1933, (1. Mai): 1. Südamerikafahrt 1933 (6. bis 17. Mai): R-Brief ab Monaco (1. Mai) frankiert mit neun Werten, mit Tagesstp. von "Friedrichshafen 6.5.33" nach "Buenos Aires 11. Mai 33". ein sehr sauberer und frischer Beleg Mi. 294a = Euro 650.rnProvenienz: Sammlung Ludwig Kofler, 127. Corinphila Auktion (2001), Los 2794.rn  (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF220.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2326 1921: Exile government, complete issue of 18 diff. values in blocks of four, some marginal in unmounted og. condition.




Closing..Jun-07, 11:59 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2194 image1861: 5g vermillion, "Vittorio Emanuele II" inverted head (copa volta), hugely margined example with large portion of left neighbour and smaller part on the right, on small fragment. The stamp is tied by a "NAPOLI" single cirlce cachet (13. Aug. 1861). A very rare stamp, Certificates A. Diena (1965) and Bottacchi (1997). (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



Closing..Jun-07, 11:59 PM
6253 image1826 (Sept 18): Official Entire letter from the 'Hoch- und Deutschmeister Infanterie-Regiment No. 4', sent during the 1821-27 Austrian occupation of Italy from Capua to Vienna, struck on obverse by clear framed "K.K. FELDPOSTAMT IN ITALIEN" handstamp (Müller 1952b = 420 points) in black. rn  (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF180.00
Closing..Jun-02, 12:00 PM
6254 image1844 (Aug 22): Noble autographed Entire letter written in Neuilly to Napoli, sealed on both sides, written by Marie Amélie de Bourbon (1782-1866), spouse of Louis-Philippe, Roi des Français, and asking in the name of the king for the hand of Principessa Maria Carolina Augusta di Borbone (1822 - 1869) for her son, Prince Henry of Orléans, the Duke d'Aumale (1822 - 1897).rnrnNote: As can be seen from this entire letter, the negotiations for the marriage began in August 1844 and on 17 September of the same year the agreement was announced in the Revue de Paris. The wedding took place on 25 November 1844 in Naples , at the request of the groom, while Maria Carolina and her future in-laws would have preferred the ceremony to take place in Paris. The civil wedding was held in the royal palace of Ferdinand II. The bride brought the large sum of 517,000 gold francs as a dowry for the wedding. Maria Carolina left on 2 December 1844 with her husband for Toulon. From there they travelled to a large reception held in Paris, where the young couple had an apartment inTuileries Palace.rn  (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF360.00
Closing..Jun-02, 12:00 PM
6255 image1858: ½ gr. 'rosa carminio chiaro', plate I, a fresh and fine example with good to large margins all round tied by boxed ANNULLATO of Napoli, on circolare directed to Arce, reverse with Napoli datestamp in red (Feb 11, 1858). ½ grana rate on complete printed matter item. Cert. A. Diena (1974), Bolaffi (1987), Toselli (1989) Sassone = € 2'000 + 100% on circolare. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




SOLD for CHF750.00
Closing..Jun-02, 12:00 PM
6256 image1860: ½ gr. rosa, plate II with good to large all round tied by boxed ANNULLATO of Napoli, on wrapper of complete newspaper 'L'OMNIBUS' dated May 5, 1860, reverse with "PARTENZA DA NAPOLI 5 MAG 1860" cds in red, directed to Lauria. ½ grana printed matter rate, a fine and attractive item. Certs. E. Diena (1993), Sorani (1993), Brettl (1993) Sassone = € 3'850 + 50%. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




SOLD for CHF360.00
Closing..Jun-02, 12:00 PM
6257 image1860: ½ gr. carminio, plate II, two fine horizontal pairs with good to large margins all round cancelled by three strikes of "FOGGIA 27 SET 1861" 'doppio circolo con data' cds (Sassone = 13 punti), on cover to Napoli. Adhesives lightly toned, nevertheless a spectacular usage and cancellation to pay the 2 grana rate from office to office, six months after the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy during the last days of a possible usage of this issue. Cert. A. Diena (1972) Sassone = € 12'000 + 9'000. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




SOLD for CHF1,500.00
Closing..Jun-02, 12:00 PM
6258 image1859: 1 gr. 'carminio vivo', a superb horizontal pair from plate II with large to huge to enormous margins and sheet margin at right, cancelled by crisp ANNULATO 'a svolazzo' with "CASTROVILLARI 3 APR. 1861" cds (Sassone CS = 8 punti) to cover to Napoli. Pinhole away from adhesives and cancellation skillfully adjusted from the inner side, nevertheless a most attractive cover, the Napolitan franking accepted after the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy and tied with a rare cancellation. Signed A. Diena & Sorani Sassone = € 400 + 1'400. (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF200.00
Closing..Jun-02, 12:00 PM
6259 image1859: 1 gr. 'carminio scuro', a superb horizontal pair from plate II with large to huge to enormous margins and sheet margin at left, cancelled by "ROSSANO 1 GIU. 1861" cds (Sassone CS = 11 punti) to cover to Catanzaro. Reverse with "SPEZZANO ALBA." transit and CATANZARO arrival (June 4) cds's. An attractive and interesting cover, the Napolitan franking accepted after the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy and tied with a rare cancellation. Signed A. Diena & R. Mondolfo; cert. Chiavarello (1986) Sassone = € 400 + 3'250. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



SOLD for CHF340.00
Closing..Jun-02, 12:00 PM

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