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Brit. Colonies continued...

Ceylon continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
767 image1857/1901: mainly used collection incl. 1857 1s/9d, good to large margins, unused o.g., 2s. used, later D.L.R issues incl. some better, mixed condition, many fine. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5)




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SOLD for CHF650.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2627 imageCyprus Ottoman period 1688 (Aug 26): Long Entire letter with full content, written in Larnaca and directed to François Venturini in Livorno, internally dated "Cypreo Larnica Le 26 Aout 1688", no postal markings, some staining possibly due to vinegar disinfection.rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 644. (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF400.00
Closing..Jun-07, 11:59 PM
2628 imageCyprus Ottoman period 1752 (Aug 20): Entire letter with full content, directed to Marseille, internally dated "20 Agosto 1752 Cipro", endorsed "Con Bastimto francese C.D.S." (By French ship, may God guide her), some staining possibly due to disinfection.rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 647. (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF200.00
Closing..Jun-07, 11:59 PM
2629 imageCyprus Ottoman period 1815 (Oct 5): Entire letter with full content, directed to the Roux company in Marseille, internally dated "Chypre, le 5. Octobre 1815", endorsed "par Cape Etienne Lieutand L.D.C." (Le Dieu Conduise), closed with red wax seal and slitted for disinfection.rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 649. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



SOLD for CHF200.00
Closing..Jun-07, 11:59 PM
10121 image1934, (6. Juni): 3. Südamerikafahrt 1934 (23. Juni bis 6. Juli), sog. Argentinienfahrt: Eingeschriebener Brief ab "Nicosia - Cyprus 6. Jun 34", frankiert mit zwei Werten, zugeeitet via "Stuttgart 8.6.34" und dort mit drei Dt. Luftpostmarken nachfrankiert, weitergeleitet zur Auflieferung in "Friedrichshafen 23.6.34" nach "Pernambuco 27.VI.34". Seltene Länder-Mischfrankatur, in dieser Form in Michel nicht gelistet Mi. 370 = Euro 1'800 für normale Frankatur.rnProvenienz: Sammlung Ludwig Kofler, 127. Corinphila Auktion (2001), Los 232 .rn  (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



SOLD for CHF700.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
East Africa and Uganda Protectorates
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
980 image1927 (March 12): Lake Victoria (Kenya) - North Sea Aerial and General Transport Ltd.G-EBOP 'Pelican' crash cover from Kenya to Ireland franked with 20 c. and 50.c. tied by "KISUMU KENYA 4 MR 27" cds and with adjacent "KENYA-SUDAN AIR MAIL MR. 12 27" cds. in red, showing additional violet special cachet 'Owing temporary failure / Air Service Mail / forwarded normal route' on front. A scarce crash item and the only known addressed to Ireland to date Nierinck 270312a. (Image 1) (Image 2)


Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
981 image1927 (March 12): Lake Victoria (Kenya) - North Sea Aerial and General Transport Ltd.G-EBOP 'Pelican', crash cover from "NAIROBI KENYA 9 MR 27" to England with adjacent "KENYA-SUDAN AIR MAIL MR. 12 27" cds. in red, showing on reverse "KISUMU KENYA 10 MR 27" cds and special cachet 'Owing temporary failure / Air Service Mail / forwarded normal route' in violet (Nierinck 270312a) togther with group of five postcards and on envelope from Ireland bearing rectangle handstamp: "Service officially arranged to / operate from London, March 10 1927, but abbandoned owing to / breakdown of Hydroplane on / Lake Victoria" in red (Nierinck 270312c) Nierinck= CHF 3'300. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




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Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
984 imageCrash Mail of Imperial Airways in Africa 1931/33: Group of 14 covers to Ireland, including cover of 'City of Salonica' posted at 'Londania, Kenya March 16.1931' (Nierinck 310318), ten covers of IA first flight Cape Town - London, crashed at Broken Hill - Salesbury (Nierinck 320129), of which one from Victoria West, one registered usage from Blantyre and two from Salesbury S. Rhodesia, 'City of Arundel' crash at Wadi Halfa, Sudan with cover from "Nairobi March 5, 1932", referring to Ken Sanford only one postcard known (Nierinck 320309), as well as 1933 (Dec. 7) envelope posted at "Dar-es-Salam" with local  Wilson Feeder Service to Nairobi, the plane 'Knight of the Grail' crashed during take off in Mombasa (Dec. 8) due engine troubles. A fine and scarce offer. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10)




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SOLD for CHF410.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
Egypt Kingdom
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
768 image1865: Essay by Prevost of Paris, 10 pa. design in red on violet envelope with "1 piastre" overprint in circle below, fresh and very fine. Scarce. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post E9g. (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF240.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
769 image1869: Stampless Official cover from Alexandria to Constantinople with faint negative "Maktab / Omoon bosta masriya iskenderiye 1285" seal handstamp in black alongside circular "POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / ALESSANDRIA" despatch cds (Dec 23, date transposed and inveerted) in black. Reverse and obverse with "POSTE VICE-REALI EGIZIANE / COSTANTINOPOLI" cds in greenish-blue (Dec 27). A rare Official usage. Cert. Nakri (2021). (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
770 image1865: Essays by Prevost of Paris, 10 pa. designs (9), imperforate in a variety of colours with shades of green (2), in black on lilac, cream or yellow paper, brown on white and in shades of rose to red (3), a generally fresh and fine group. Scarce Nile Post E6. (Image 1)

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SOLD for CHF820.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
771 image1865: Essays by Prevost of Paris, 10 pa. designs (3) with circular overprint alongside, 10 pa. brown on thick cream paper, 10 pa. black on thin green paper and 10 pa. black on yellow paper, all with "1 piastre" circular overprint adjacent. Some minor creasing but a scarce group. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post E9a+E9b+E9e. (Image 1)

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SOLD for CHF450.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
772 image1871: Essays by Penasson (5), the unused imperforate selection in pairs without inscriptions at top and at base, printed in lilac, myrtle-green, deep green, red and in brown (largely following four of the shades from the 1867 issue), all on gummed unwatermarked paper. Fresh and very fine group. Signed Holcombe Nile Post E51. (Image 1)

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SOLD for CHF800.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
773 image1871: Essay by Penasson, an unused imperrforate block of four without inscriptions at top and at base, printed in red (colour of the issued 1 piastre), on gummed unwatermarked paper. Fresh and very fine multiple. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post E51a. (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF380.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
774 image1874: Essay for proposed 20 para value by Carlo Borani of Florence, showing Sphinx and Castle vignette, printed in green, imperforate with large margins all round, slight thin as usual. Rare. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post E57 = $ 500.rnProvenance: Collection Peter A.S. Smith, Corinphila sale 198, 28 May 2015, ex lot 5229. (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for CHF850.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
775 image1874: Essay for proposed 20 para value by Carlo Borani of Florence, showing Pyramid and Lady vignette, printed in yellow, imperforate on vertically laid paper with large margins all round, slight thin as usual. Rare. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post E56 = $ 300.rnProvenance: Collection Peter A.S. Smith, Corinphila sale 198, 28 May 2015, ex lot 5229. (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for CHF900.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
776 image1874: Essays (3) by the Continental Bank Note Company, New York, all engraved and imperforate on thick card paper and each with 'first issue' type Arabic overprint for 20 paras, with one in vermilion & green (Nile Post E62), another in pale brown & green (Nile Post E63) and a third in yellow & black (Nile Post E64). Fresh and very fine. Rare. All signed Todd AIEP.rnProvenance: Collection Peter A.S. Smith, Corinphila sale 198, 28 May 2015, lot 5231. (Image 1)

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SOLD for CHF2,000.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
777 image1877: Essays (3) by Westfehling of Zurich, submitted to the Postal Administration by J. Zoulikoffer, all being imitations of the Bulâq 5 pa. of 1875; with "Egiziane" spelt "Egizirne" in error; printed on wove unwatermarked paper in pale grey-green, brown and in blue; perf. 12½ or imperforate. A particularly fine group. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post E70/E70a. (Image 1)

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SOLD for CHF500.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
778 image1937/60: Lot 25 commemorative stamps in unmounted og. condition, incl. 1937 Montreux Conference, the sheet corner marginal set of three, all with Farouk oblique perforations, just 100 sets printed (Nile Post C69b/C71b = $ 255), 1957 Anniversary of poets Hafez Ibrahim and Ahmed Shawky, an imperforate block of four from top right corner of the sheet, just 50 imperf. pairs printed (Nile Post C187b/C188b = $ 400), 1958 U.A.R. Egypt, the definitive set of seven values, all in horizontal imperforate pairs, just 100 sets printed thus (Nile Post D245b/D251a = $ 560+), and 1955/60 definitive 35 m. blue, an imperforate corner marginal block of four, Control A/60, just 200 stamps printed thus (Nile Post D262a = $ 150+). Many signed Todd AIEP. (Image 1)

SOLD for CHF400.00
Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM
779 image1948 (Nov 10): Death Centenary of Ibrahim Pasha, 10 m. deep green & brown-lake, the special King Farouk sheetlets on nine: with one featuring the background of the Battle of Navarino and Duty Plate in brown-lake (Nile Post RPC121a = $ 5'000) and the other with Ibrahim Pasha in deep green (Nile Post RPC121b = $ 5'000), both imperforate on watermark upright paper, superb unmounted og., together with a corner marginal horizontal pair of the 10 m. from lower left of sheet with Farouk Oblique Perforation variety, unmounted og. (Nile Post C121b). Splendid and of great rarity.rnProvenance: Collection King Farouk, Harmers, Cairo, 15 Feb 1954, lot 1103; Collection Vahan Andonian; Collection Joe Chalhoub, DF, Geneva, 3-7 Dec 2018, lots 10173 and 10174 = € 22'000 + 20'%.rn               (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



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Closing..Jun-05, 11:59 PM

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