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Overseas continued...

Ecuador continued...
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
928 image1840/62: Two letters, the earlier from Quito 1840 (May 16) with oval framed "SELLO DE LA POLICIA" with superb "Eye" and laurel wreath surround struck in bright red, the second dated March 1862 with printed "Republica del Ecuador / Jefetura Jeneral de Policia" also from Quito with a re-cut version of the same marking with laurel wreathes and eye in more stylised format, struck in blue. In Addition 1868 stitched file document (30 pages) with printed heading "Gobierno Eclesiástico de la Diócesis / Palavio Episcopal / Riobamba" giving a fascinating insight to Church business in Ecuador. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14) (Image 15) (Image 16)




SOLD for CHF220.00
Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
929 imageBOLIVAR 1842/64: Group of 17 covers / large part of covers showing diff. handstamps two line and oval BOLIVAR / FRANCA" and BOLIVAR / DEBE handstamps in red (15) and two oval BOLIVAR / DEBE h.s. in blue. Fine. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6)




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Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
930 imageAMBATO 1842/64c.: Group of 25 covers / large part of covers showing diff. two line FRANCA / DEBE handstamps in red, including one in combination with QUITO/ DEBE handstamp in blue on fabric band, A fine assembly.rn (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14) (Image 15) (Image 16)




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Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
931 image1847/70: Group of seven entire letters to foreign destinations incl.1847 letter from Guayaquil via Paris to Bordeaux, three letters (1858/67) sent via Panama and British steamer to France, 1870 letter from Guayquil to London as well as two letters (1863/64) to New York. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




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SOLD for CHF460.00
Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
932 imageRIOBAMBA 1853/57: Group of six entire letters or lettersheets bearing oval RIOBAMBA / DE OFICIO h.s.in red (5, in diff. shades) and one in blackish brown on large part of dated lettersheet to Quito. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




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Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
933 image1865/72: ½ r. dull violet-blue, late impression (1871-1872) on thin white wove paper, large margins all round with portion of adjoining stamp at right, used on small envelope to Quito tied by bold strike of the dotted "FRANCA" lozenge in black. Scarce and most attractive Gi.1b. (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF200.00
Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
72 imageEgyptian Post Office 1874/75: 5 pa. brown, perf. 12½, eight examples including two vertical tête-bêche pairs and a horizontal pair, all cancelled by "POSTE KHEDEVIE EGIZIANE / MASSAWA" datestamps (Feb 10, 1878) in black. Trivial imperfections but an extremely scarce and fine multiple. Signed Todd AIEP.rnProvenance: Collection Colonel J.R. Danson, RL, London, April 1977, lot 516; Collection Nachum Kaplan, Corinphila sale 169, Sept 2011, lot 727. (Image 1) (Image 2)


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SOLD for CHF250.00
Closing..May-29, 11:59 PM
73 image1902/11: Group seven covers / stationeries incl. 1903 Malekt overprint in black on 1 g. blue postal stationery card (H&G 6d), used to Switzerland cancelled by Addis Abeba cds (Nov 29, 1904) in black; up-rated with 1903 Somali Coast 10 c. black & carmine (Ceres 57) ; 1902 Malekt in bluish-violet on 1 g. blue postal stationery card (H&G 6c), cancelled by bilingual "ADIS ABEBA" datestamps in black (June 17, 1904) and mailed to England in combination with Somali Coast 1903 10 c. black & carmine; 1906 (Jan 1) Small Minelik in violet on '10' on ½ g. salmon used on 1906 postcard to Antioch, Syria tied to viewside by bilingual "HARAR" datestamp in blue (May 26), in combination with Somali Coast 1903 10 c. black & carmine (Ceres 57), reverse with "Alexandrette" Austrian Post Office arrival datestamp, cert. Brun; 1909 4 g. green & rose on registered cover to Panama Canal Zone, tied by "ADDIS-ABABA / POSTES" in black (Feb 11); 1908 Cover with single 1894 ½ g. salmon tied by bilingual "HARAR" cds (April 2) in blue, addressed tro Paul Szantó of the Austro-Hungarian; 1908 cover with marginal pair of 1894 ½ g. salmon tied by dotted "DIRRE-DAOUA / ABYSSINIE" datesatamp and by "HARRAR / POSTES" arrival in blue, cert. Brun; and 1911 Dire-Daoua Provisionals, the set of seven values complete, used on philatelic cover to Harar. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5)




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Closing..May-29, 11:59 PM
74 imageItalian Post Offices 1888/89: Group with Cover bearing Italy 1879 20 c. orange used to Messina, tied by bold strike of "3862" numeral obliterator with "MASSAUA / (MAR ROSSO)" datestamp at right (Oct 19). Also 50 c. brown Parcel Card, an intact used example to Cremona cancelled by "MASSAUA / (MAR ROSSO)" datestamp at left (Sept 5) with perforated "Pacchi postali / 384 / Massaua (Mar Rosso)" label below. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



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Closing..May-29, 11:59 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
934 image1862/67: Entire letters (2) and a cover, two prepaid from London to Guatemala endorsed "VIA PANAMA" in black, with 1867 entire prepaid 6 shillings in manuscript and charged "4" reales due in red, 1862 entire prepaid 4 s. in manuscript and charged "8" reales due in black; and 1863 cover from Guatemala to France with blue GUATEMALA cds (April 7) with three line dated PANAMA / TRANSIT in black (April 21), via London with "GB / 2F 87½c." accountancy marking and charged "24" dêcimes due upon receipt (May 15). (Image 1)

Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
935 image1959 (27.Feb.): Airpost issue 'Pres. Castillo Armas Commemoration' - 16 colour proofs of frame colour shown on 35 c. value with center as issued, all mounted and numbered on sheetlet with typed printer's annotation on front: "Farbprobendrucke - Briefmarken Correos de Guatemala - Ausgabe: 1958", numbered '41A' and handstamped '11.Dez. 1957'. Ex the printer's archive SG 621. (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF420.00
Closing..May-30, 11:59 PM
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
6162 imageFrench Shipmail in the Americas 1877 (Aug 28): Entire letter from Cap Haïtien, Haiti to St. Thomas, Danish West Indies, endorsed "p Colombie", bearing Siège 40 c. orange and Sage brown-lilac type I, two adhesives in a deep fresh colour with good perforation, tied by octogonal "LE CAP HAÏTIEN" datestamp, a superb information strike alongside. Reverse struck with octagonal "LE CAP HAÏTIEN PAQ. FR. No. 2" Shipmail's datestamp. Horizontal file fold opened lightly at right, minor toning, nevertheless a most interesting and appealing Shipmail entire within the Caribean.rn (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



Closing..Jun-01, 11:59 PM
Imperial China
Lot Symbol Lot Description CV or Estimate
2 image1878: 3ca brown red, wide setting, cancelled by "CUSTOMS NEWCHWANG" AUG 2 82 in black, usual perforations, very rare stamp with a good postmark. (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF200.00
Closing..May-29, 11:59 PM
3 image1878: 5 ca yellow ochre, wide setting, cancelled by three strikes "CHEFOO" chop in blue, minor imperfections at top, very rare stamp. (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF200.00
Closing..May-29, 11:59 PM
4 image1878: 3 ca pale red, third setting, "CLICHE 21" hollowed out right 3, cancelled by two strikes "TIENTSIN" chop in black,very fine and very rare stamp. (Image 1) (Image 2)


SOLD for CHF300.00
Closing..May-29, 11:59 PM
5 image1883: 3 ca vermillion and 5 ca chrome yellow originating from the same letter, both cancelled with single "TIENTSIN" chop, 5 ca minor creasing from adhesion to paper. Very fine. (Image 1)

SOLD for CHF400.00
Closing..May-29, 11:59 PM
6 image1885: 1ca green to 5 ca olive-yellow, forteen copies selected for their postmarks, eight bearing mainly blue chops "PEKING" and various "TIENTSIN", others with red "CUSTOMS" or more rarely seen markings. (Image 1)

SOLD for CHF360.00
Closing..May-29, 11:59 PM
7 image1888: 1 ca green to 5 ca olive-yellow, all three values in fresh unused marginal copies, 3 ca mauve horizontal marginal pair, all with full og. very fine and rare in such outstanding condition. (Image 1)

SOLD for CHF360.00
Closing..May-29, 11:59 PM
8 image1888: 1 ca green to 5 ca olive-yellow, sixteen unused copies mainly with large part og. slightly mixed condition. (Image 1)

SOLD for CHF650.00
Closing..May-29, 11:59 PM
9 image1897: Small Dragon with new currency overprint 1 c to 5 c, five stamps in used and unused . Slightly varied condition. (Gi = 2'000). (Image 1)

SOLD for CHF240.00
Closing..May-29, 11:59 PM

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