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Grosvenor Sale: 137

Great Britain and British Commonwealth
Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery

Sale No: 137
Lot No:233
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: Collection in two F.G. albums with postcards from 1884 incl. 11/2d.+11/2d. and 1d.+1d. reply cards used 1892 and 1894 respectively to Germany with reply halves also cancelled, 1891 1d. card, 1d.+1d. reply card and 1899 1d. envelope overprinted "SPECIMEN", 1913 and 1938 letter cards, 1913, 1939 size H and 1960 (all sizes) registered envelopes, 1938 and 1960 (with band) cards, 1960 reply card, all unused, 1960 registered envelope size H used, formula registered envelopes unused and used, aerogrammes to 1985, chiefly fine. •ÈÀEx Leppard. Heijtz cat. £1,700 approx. (125)

Opening GBP 350.00
Sold...GBP 380.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 380

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:235
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1893-97 1d. reply card, reply half, addressed to Miss C. Lellmann in Stanley, returned from England cancelled by Wimbledon Oct. 27 1903 c.d.s. and carried on the "Oruba" with light F.4A "NO 26/03" receiving datestamp, slight faults but rare. SH P4v1, cat. £1,200. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 600.00
Sold...GBP 450.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 450

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:237
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1899 1d. envelope proof from Reqn. 29/99, ex De La Rue archive with ungummed flap and ms. "AA quality" at lower left, fine and unique. Also an unused example for comparison. SH E1, p, cat. £520. Ex Spafford (and mounted on his exhibition pages). •ÈÀPhoto. (Image1)

Opening GBP 160.00
Sold...GBP 150.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 150

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:238
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1899 1d. envelope, registered 1908 (Dec. 28) to Dorset with added 1904-12 2d. cancelled light F.4B c.d.s. with type 1 registration label and carried on the "Oravia" with Jan. 24 London transit and next day Poole arrival backstamps. SH E1 Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 150.00
Sold...GBP 220.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 220

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:239
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1899 1d. envelope, registered 1910 (Mar. 21) to London with added 1904-12 1d. pair cancelled by F.4C c.d.s's with type 2 registration label and carried on the "Oravia" with Apr. 16 arrival backstamps, very slightly creased and soiled. SH E1 Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 120.00
Sold...GBP 140.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:240
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1899 1d. envelope, commercially used 1907 (May 20) to London cancelled fine F.4D and carried on the "Oronsa" and 1910 (Apr. 27) inland to Mrs. A.F. Cobb on Bleaker Island cancelled fine F.4B. (2 items) Ex Cottis. (Image1)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 120.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:242
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1913 1d. letter card, uncancelled but locally used to Midshipman D.L. Gordon on board H.M.S. "Dauntless", probably during the cruiser's visit in December 1931, with an invitation from Maude Carey to "Come ashore as usual & sit by the fire", slight toning. Ex Moir, Perkins and Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 140.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:243
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1913 2d. registered envelope, used 1915 (Sept. 13) to London with added 1912-20 1d. partly overlapped by type 5A registration label, cancelled by light F.5 c.d.s. and carried on the "Orissa" with Oct. 13 hooded arrival c.d.s. SH R1. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 200.00
Sold...GBP 230.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 230

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:244
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1913 2d. registered envelope, used 1924 (Sept. 29) to Groves & Lindsey in Huddersfield with added 2d. cancelled by light PS.1A c.d.s's with type 5C registration label, carried on the "Ortega" with Nov. 2 arrival backstamp. SH R1. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 180.00
Sold...GBP 200.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 200

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:245
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1913 2d. registered envelope, used 1924 (Nov. 4) to Chile with added 2d. (2) cancelled by slightly indistinct PS.1B c.d.s's with type 5C registration label, carried on the "Oropesa" with Valparaiso Nov. 17 arrival backstamp. SH R1. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 150.00
Sold...GBP 210.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 210

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:246
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1917 1d. envelope, used 1919 (Nov. 13) unusually to Costa Rica with added 1912-20 1/2d., and 1d. (a trifle oxidised) cancelled by PS.1B c.d.s's, carried on the "Junin". SH E3. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 180.00
Sold...GBP 140.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 140

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:247
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1917 1d. envelope, used 1919 (Dec. 5) to London with added "WAR STAMP" 1d. toward the end of the War Tax period, cancelled by mainly fine F.4B c.d.s's and carried on the "Orcoma" to Valparaiso, vertical creasing and some soiling but scarce. SH E3. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 80.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 80

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:248
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1924 1d. envelope type II, uprated by 1/2d. pair and single to pay 21/2d. foreign rate 1926 (Mar. 8) to France with F.6 cancellations, carried on the "Magellan" with Maisons-Lafitte Apr. 10 arrival backstamp, rather roughly opened with slight toning. SH E2b Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 210.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 210

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:249
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1929 1d. envelope type III, uprated by 'Whale & Penguin' 1d. and 2d. for commercial registered use 1931 (July 14) to London, PS.1A cancellations and type 6B registration label, very scarce usage. SH E3c, Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 120.00
Sold...GBP 220.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 220

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:250
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1929 1d. envelope type III, used 1937 (Mar. 15) from Fox Bay to the West Store in Stanley with Mar. 24 arrival backstamp and 1939 (Aug. 11) also commercially used to Manchester, fine cancellations. (2 items) SH E2c. Ex Cottis. (Image1)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 320.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 320

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:251
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1932 1d. envelope, scarce type IV commercially used 1939 (Jan. 4) to London cancelled PS.2A. SH E2d, cat. £800. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 400.00
Sold...GBP 350.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 350

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:252
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1932 1d. envelope, scarce type IV, commercial registered usage 1935 (Apr. 2) to London with added 'Whale & Penguin' 1/2d. and 21/2d. franking cancelled PS.1A. with type 5F registration label at left, departing on the "Lafonia" bound for South Georgia with mail for onward transmission to Europe. SH E2d, cat. £1,200+. Ex Murdock and Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 1,000.00
Sold...GBP 750.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 750

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:253
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1932 1d. envelope, scarce type IV sent locally addressed to Madge Biggs with fine PS.2A "JU 8/37" c.d.s. (code B, inverted "8"). SH E2d, cat. £800. Ex Rose and Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 350.00
Sold...GBP 380.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 380

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:255
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1938 1d. envelope, commercially used 1943 (Oct. 25) to Cheshire, cancelled PS.2A and resealed by "Opened by Censor." label (type a, 84mm. inscription). Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 120.00
Sold...GBP 120.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:256
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1938 1d. envelope, used •ÈÀinternally 1943 (Dec. 1) from Stanley to Darwin with Estate Louis Williams handstamp, 1945 (June 25) to Ipswich and used 1945 (Sept. 14) to Connecticut with added 2d. to pay 3d. Foreign rate, showing Estate handstamp on reverse. (3 items) Ex Cottis. (Image1)

Opening GBP 120.00
Sold...GBP 95.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 95

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:257
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1938 4d. registered envelope type I, size G, commercially used 1939 (Jan. 9) to London, cancelled fine PS.2A and with type 9 registration label, carried on the "Lafonia" to Montevideo. SH R2a. Ex Rose and Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 350.00
Sold...GBP 260.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 260

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:258
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1938 4d. registered envelope type I, size G used 1939 (Mar. 27) to U.S.A. with added 1/2d. and 1d. for 51/2d. Foreign rate, PS.2A cancellations and type 9 registration label, May 12 arrival backstamps, scarce. SH R2a. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 200.00
Sold...GBP 200.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 200

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:260
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1938-46 4d. registered envelope, size G sent 1941 (Jan. 27) 4d. registered envelope, with added 2d. for foreign registered rate cancelled PS.2A with type 9 registration label alongside, commercially used to Connecticut, sent from Estate Louis Williams with handstamp endorsed "Under permit from Comp./Authority" and routed via Montevideo and London where examined and resealed by "OPENED BY/EXAMINER4680" label, backstamped New York Apr. 15 and next day Hartford arrival datestamps. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 500.00
Sold...GBP 380.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 380

image Sale No: 137
Lot No:261
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1938-46 4d. registered envelope, size H used 1949 (Mar. 7) to Canada. with added 1/2d. and 1d. for 51/2d. Empire rate, PS.3A cancellations and type 9C registration label, Montreal transit and and London, Ontario Apr. 25 arrival c.d.s. Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 160.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 160
image Sale No: 137
Lot No:262
Symbol: / On
Cat No:/Oncover,entire

Falkland Islands: Postal Stationery: 1960 4d. registered envelope, size G used 1967 (Sept. 2) with added 1d. from Fox Bay to Stanley, size H used 1964 (May 29) to Brighton with added 1d., 2d. and showing scarce "INSURED/(VALEUR DÌäCLARÌäE)" label with declared value of £12, (Dec. 14) to Salisbury, S. Rhodesia with added 21/2d. and 1977 (Jan. 6) to London with added 4p. (4 items) Ex Cottis. Photo. (Image1)

Opening GBP 150.00
Sold...GBP 280.00

Closed..Sep-22-2020, 04:00:00 EST
Sold For 280

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