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Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions Sale: 75

Worldwide Stamps and Covers
Transatlantic Mails - Foreign Mails 1861 to 1871 &

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:255
Cat No:63, 65

1861 (Oct. 1) New York, N.Y. to Barcelona, Spain. Folded cover bearing 1¢ blue (63) pair and 3¢ rose (65), tied by New York foreign mail black grid cancels (Kirke 60-02-01-GR), red "New York, Br. Pkt., Oct 1" exchange cds, reverse with blue "Forwarded By, Rivera & Hall, New York" double-line oval, carried by Cunard Line Europa from Boston Oct. 2nd to Queenstown arriving Oct. 12th, red London (10.14) transit backstamp, sent in closed bag by rail from Calais to the Spanish exchange office, "Espana, Junquera, 15 Oct 61" and Barcelone (10.17) backstamps, black "4.Rs" due handstamp; opened on three side for display, a Very Fine exhibition use at the 5¢ British open mail rate.
Estimate; $500 - 750. Est. $500-750 (Image)

Est. $500-750

Opening US$ 350.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:24:50 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:256
Cat No:63, 68

1862 (Jun. 28) New York, N.Y. to Amsterdam, Netherlands. Folded cover endorsed "P. Str. Etna, proof. open mail via Ostend", bearing 1¢ blue (63) and two 10¢ green (68) singles, tied by New York foreign mail circular grid cancels (Kirke 61-11-20-GR) and red "N. York Am. Pkt., Paid, Jun 28" exchange cds, slightly indistinct blue "E. SCHUGHARDT & SONS/ 20/ BANKERS/ NEW YORK" merchant oval, carried by Inman Line Etna from New York Jun. 28th to Queenstown arriving Jul. 10th, red London (7.11) transit backstamp and manuscript "4" pence debit to The Netherlands, Amsterdam (7.13) arrival backstamp and manuscript "55" Dutch cents due rating; small bottom edge mend, Very Fine.
Estimate; $200 - 300.

This letter was paid 21¢ for American packet rate only to England, from where it went unpaid to destination.
Est. $200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 160.00
Sold...US$ 160.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:25:23 EST
Sold For 160

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:257
Cat No:Stampless

1862 (Nov.) Far East to Boston, Mass. via London. Blue cover front with left flap only, bearing sharp strike of "Saved from the wreck of the Colombo." framed handstamp, red London Paid (1.1.63) transit cds and red "16 / Cents" credit rating, manuscript "8" rating, bold "Boston Am. Pkt. '5' Jun 14" exchange due cds; edge wear, Fine and scarce use.
Estimate; $500 - 750.

The P&O
Colombo struck on Minicoy Island Nov. 19th 1862 in a heavy fog. All of the passengers and crew were safely put into boats and were taken care of on Minicoy Island until they were rescued by the Ottawa on 30 November. The mail was recovered by divers about three weeks later. Est. $500-750 (Image)

Est. $500-750

Opening US$ 475.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:25:55 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:258
Cat No:Stampless

1863 (May 4) Messina, Italy to New York, N.Y. Folded letter sent privately to London where blue oval "Heath & Co. / London" forwarder backstamp was applied and posted unpaid, carried by Cunard Line China from Queenstown May 10th to New York arriving May 22nd, "London MY 9 '63" datestamp and "19/Cents" debit handstamp to U.S., New York "34" depreciated currency rating handstamp; file folds, F.-V.F., a very early depreciated currency cover., ex-Winter.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

Letter carried privately to London where forwarding agent, Heath & Co. posted letter unpaid to the U.S. Starting May 1st 1863, exchange office postmasters were authorized to collect on unpaid letters from Great Britain and Ireland, France, Prussia, Hamburg, Bremen or Belgium the postage due in coin or depreciated greenback currency, with a premium calculated daily on the latter. This letter was due either 24¢ in coin or 34¢ in greenback notes.
Est. $300-400 (Image)

Est. $300-400

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 425.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:26:36 EST
Sold For 425

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:261

1863 (Jul. 20) Mucheln, Prussia to Lafayette, Indiana. Handmade envelope (from postal form) which contained a letter accompanying a package sent through the mails to Hamburg (packetbegleitbrief). Parcel weighed 14 4/10 Lorraine and was marked prepaid "66" silbergroschen in red crayon, special label on reverse identified tax quadrant of parcel origin, "Munchen 7/20" framed origin datestamp and "Am Bestimmungsorte/nicht abgelfordert" framed backstamp, carried by Hapag Line Saxonia from Hamburg Jul. 25th to New York arriving Aug. 10th, "N.Y. Hamb. Pkt. '15 or 18 in U.S. Notes' Aug 11" depreciated currency exchange cds, F.-V.F., ex-Winter.
Estimate; $500 - 750.


Since there was no provision for sending parcels in the U.S.-Hamburg Treaty, Hamburg postmaster detached letter from parcel (which was forwarded privately by ship) and sent packetbegleitbrief in treaty mails. New York marked letter for postage due of 15¢ in coin or 18¢ in depreciated greenback currency. Lafayette post office advertised letter, adding 1¢ more to postage due. Unsuccessful, letter marked "Not called for" on right edge and returned to New York for transmission back to Hamburg, where boxed marking in German indicated letter not called for at destination.
Est. $500-750 (Image)

Est. $500-750

Opening US$ 450.00
Sold...US$ 450.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:28:29 EST
Sold For 450

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:262
Cat No:Stampless

1865 (Jun. 16) London, England to Philadelphia, Pa. Blue datelined folded cover bearing G.B. 1865, 6d lilac, 1s green (SG 101, 97) tied by barred oval "15" cancels, red oval "Registered, London, 17 JU 65" oval datestamp and red crayon "645" registry number, carried on Cunard Line Cuba from Queenstown Jun. 18th to New York arriving Jun. 27th, light strike of red "Phila. Br. Pkt. '24 Paid' Jun 28" exchange cds, Very Fine, this is the latest reported use of this Philadelphia exchange office postmark, ex-Needs.
Estimate; $200 - 300. Est. $200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 120.00
Sold...US$ 120.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:28:46 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:263

1866 (May 31) Clausthal, Germany to New York, N.Y. Blue cover with blue "Clausthal, 31 5" origin cds, blue crayon "2" sbr. rating(5¢) for transit fee beyond Hamburg, blue "Hamburg Packet '12' Jun 2" exchange debit cds to U.S., carried by Hapag Line Borussia from Hamburg Jun. 3rd to New York Jun. 16th, "N.Y. Hamb. Pkt., 15 or 24 U.S. Notes, Jul 16" depreciated currency cds, Very Fine, ex-Hugh Feldman.
Estimate; $150 - 200. Est. $150-200 (Image)

Est. $150-200

Opening US$ 120.00
Sold...US$ 120.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:29:11 EST
Sold For 120

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:265
Cat No:Stampless

1868 (Sep. 21) Arroyo, Puerto Rico to New York, N.Y. via St. Thomas. Folded letter datelined "Arroyo 7th Sept. 1868" and endorsed "via St. Ths.", entered mails with "St. Thomas, 14 / 9 1868" transit cds, carried on US Brazil Line Mississippi from St. Thomas Sep. 14th to New York arriving Sep. 21st, 10¢ green, E. grill, clear grill impression, tied on arrival by "New-York, Sep 21" cds, Very Fine.
Estimate; $750 - 1,000. Est. $750-1,000 (Image)

Est. $750-1,000

Opening US$ 675.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:30:38 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:267
Cat No:68

1867 (Jun. 13) Bowensburgh, Ill. to Dublin, Ireland. Orange cover bearing 10¢ green (68) vertical pair, guideline s.e. at right, tied by target cancels, matching "Bowensburgh, Ill. Jun 13" cds, partial "Boston Br. Pkt. '5' Jun 18" exchange cds with matching "Short Paid" framed handstamp and sent as an unpaid letter, carried on Cunard Line Cuba departing Boston Jun. 19th to Queenstown arriving Jun. 27th, Dublin (6.28) arrival cds and "1/-" due handstamp; small backflap fault., Very Fine and attractive example of short paid treatment under the 1848 treaty.
Estimate; $300 - 400.

The 1848 treaty did not allow part-paid letters, and stipulated that they would be treated as unpaid.
Est. $300-400 (Image)

Est. $300-400

Opening US$ 240.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:31:08 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:268

1867 (Jul. 26) Urknaa, Sweden to Lafayette, Ind. Gray cover with "Urknaa, 26/7" origin cds, blue manuscript "Via Prussia & Ostende" and "2½" rating, black "Aachen, 3/8, Cts." cds and framed "Aus Schweden / per Stralsund" handstamp, additional blue manuscript "5" debit rating on reverse, carried by Inman Line City of Paris from Liverpool Aug. 7th to New York arriving Aug. 17th, black "New.York, Am. Packet., Aug 17" cds, F.-V.F., A rare use of the "Aus Schweden" framed handstamp on incoming U.S.-Prussian treaty mail.
Estimate; $200 - 300. Est. $200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 150.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:31:24 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:272

1870 (Apr. 14) Suez, Egypt to Concord, N.H. Cover with sharp "A, Suez, AP 14, 70" British post office cds and bearing G.B. 6d purple tied by bold "B02" barred oval, black "PAID-ONLY / TO ENGLAND" two-line handstamp and matching "2 Cents" handstamp, red London Paid (4.25) transit cds, bold "New York, May 7" exchange cds and manuscript "5" due rating; no back flap, Very Fine.
Estimate; $300 - 400. Est. $300-400 (Image)

Est. $300-400

Opening US$ 550.00
Sold...US$ 550.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:33:31 EST
Sold For 550

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:274
Cat No:Stampless

1871, 1874 Peru to New York, N.Y. Pair of Lanman & Kemp correspondence folded letters paid to port by Peru 1868 1d green, first from Cuzco with Lima transit backstamp, British Post Office "Panama-Transit, Oc 20, 71" cds overstruck with "12" due handstamp, arriving with "New York '24' Nov 12" integral due cds (12¢ due the B.P.O., 10¢ steamship rate and 2¢ internal postage); second cover entered the British Post Office with "Callao Mr 27 74" backstamp, "Via de Panama" directive and three-line straightline "Panama / Ap 4 1874 / Transit" postmark and "12" due handstamp, arriving in New York with boxed "Due" and "24" handstamps; stamps slightly affected by file folds, a Very Fine pair.
Estimate; $400 - 600. Est. $400-600 (Image)

Est. $400-600

Opening US$ 325.00
Sold...US$ 325.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:34:55 EST
Sold For 325

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:275
Cat No:Collection

1839-68 Transatlantic Balance. Group of 15 covers; includes 1839 Boston, Mass. to Oporto, Portugal private ship letter showing red "Forwarded Through, Gilpin's Exchange, Reading Room and Foreign Letter Office, N-York" oval backstamp, 1845 Gibraltar to Richmond Va. sent privately to London where it entered mails, 1846 New York to Oporto, Portugal private ship letter, 1848 Zante, Ionian Islands to Boston, Mass. (ex-Winter), 1850 New York to Edinburgh, Scotland carried on Cunard Line Hibernia from Boston, 1853 Cincinnati Oh. to Blamont, France use by American Service direct, 1856 California to London, England, 1857 Genoa, Italy to Salem Ma. carried privately to England with red "Forwarded By, Baring Bros. & Co., Liverpool" forwarding agent cachet (Rowe rarity 3), 1864 Mayaguez, Puerto Rico to Portland Me., 1864 New York to Edinburgh, Scotland carried on Cunard Line Asia from Boston (ex-Hugh Feldman), 1868 New Orleans La. to Le Havre, France franked with 15¢ black (77) vertical pair, 1846 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to London, England endorsed "Express Packet", 1873 Miragoane, Haiti to Le Havre, France and 1865 Ponce, Puerto Rico to London, England carried on the RMSP Seine from St. Thomas, generally Very Fine.
Estimate; $2,000 - 3,000. Est. $2,000-3,000 (Image)

Est. $2,000-3,000

Opening US$ 1,400.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:35:20 EST
Sold For 0

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:276
Cat No:Collection

1840-46 Pre U.S.-G.B. Treaty of 1848 Group. Group of 7 covers: three per steamship Great Western 1840-41 w/ "Bristol, Ship Letter" handstamps (two VF, in red); 1846 folded cover from Nassau, Bahamas to New York via Baltimore; 1845 folded cover from New York to London via Cunard Hibernia., F.-V.F.
Estimate; $200 - 300. Est. $200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:35:45 EST
Sold For 150

image Sale No: 75
Lot No:278
Cat No:Collection

1851-67, Transatlantic Mail. Group of three covers comprising 1851 Mores, Switzerland to Indiana with "New-York 'Ship 12cts' Apr 19" due cds, 1863 New York to Germany via Hamburg Packet with blue "4½ Sgr. / 6 Xr" rating handstamp, and 1867 printed circular with red lettering from New York to Holland missing stamps, F.-V.F. trio.
Estimate; $100 - 150. Est. $100-150 (Image)

Est. $100-150

Opening US$ 70.00
Sold...US$ 70.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:36:23 EST
Sold For 70
image Sale No: 75
Lot No:279
Cat No:Collection

1850s-1866 Foreign Mail including Transatlantics. Group of 11 covers including 1855 Paris via Boston to Philadelphia, 1867 Cuba via Boston to London, 1862 New York to Bremer with "N.York Hamb Pkt '5' " exchange cds, 1860 St. Louis Mo. to Prussia w/ "N.York 'Paid 7' Br. Pkt." exchange cds, and "Charleston S.C. '12½' Dec 25" Christmas day cds on 1849 Cuba to Boston letter, etc., F.-V.F. group.
Estimate; $200 - 300. Est. $200-300 (Image)

Est. $200-300

Opening US$ 230.00
Sold...US$ 230.00

Closed..Oct-13-2017, 15:36:54 EST
Sold For 230

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