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David Feldman SA Sale: 19SE

Worldwide Stamps and Covers
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia » 1934 Kingdom Issues to date
image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30100
Cat No:Collection

1934-57 Tughra of King Abdul Aziz: Group of five covers showing array of different frankings, destinations, two registered and two airmail usages, some with Charity Tax stamps added, a scarce group (Image)

Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 460.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 460

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30101

1934 Zeppelin Flight to Brazil: Registered cover from Mecca (17.7) via Jeddah (18.7) and Alexandria (23.7), Austrian T.P.O. "Kufstein-München" (26.7), all on reverse, to the Zeppelin Airfield in Friedrichshafen (4.8) and from there by Zeppelin Airship to Pernambuco (arr. 8.8 on reverse), very fine and extremely rare as apparently only two covers recorded from Saudi Arabia on this flight. (Image)

Opening EUR 1,000.00
Sold...EUR 1,800.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 1800

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30102

1934 Heir Apparent issue: Money letter to Italy franked on both sides incl. Kingdom 1 1/2 G. imperforate and the new War Tax 1/2 G. (issued 15.5), sent via Mecca (15.6), Jeddah (20.6), Port Taufiq (1.7), Cairo (2.7), Alexandria (2.7), Napoli (TPO 7.7), Triest (arr. 8.7), a wonderfully attractive and rare franking (Image)

Opening EUR 600.00
Sold...EUR 650.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 650

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30104

1934 Occupation of Yemen: Kingdom 1/2 G. and 3 1/2 G. perforate on cover from HODEIDAH (15.6) via Aden Camp (8.7), Port Taufiq (16.7) and Tanta (16.7) to Mansoura/Egypt (18.7), the few covers posted during this short-lived occupation were only dispatched when it was over, showpiece (Image)

Opening EUR 600.00
Sold...EUR 1,700.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 1700

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30105

1934 Occupation of Yemen: Kingdom 3 1/2 g. imperforate (2) on registered cover from HODEIDAH (15.6) with boxed registration mark on the reverse plus "ADEN/REG." transit mark (18.6) and "BEYROUTH" arrival (26.6), and important postal history rarity as less than five registered covers are known from this brief occupation and this is one of only two not addressed to Aden or Egypt (Image)

Opening EUR 600.00
Sold...EUR 2,200.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 2200

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30106

1934 Heir Apparent Issue: 1/2 G. imperforate on domestic cover from Medine a paying a very rare rate, plus 3 1/2 G. imperforate on cover to the famous Saudi diplomat and politician Sheikh Hafiz Wahba, at the time Ambassador to England, a rare duo (Image)

Opening EUR 500.00
Sold...EUR 600.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 600

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30107

1934 Heir Apparent issue: Airmail cover addressed to Iraq. from Taif (12.5) to Basrah, via Jeddah and Cairo, franked with 1931, 1 3/4 G. and Heir Apparent 3 1/2 G. plus the 1/2 G. War Tax Stamp, used three days before the date of issue (15.5), a remarkable usage (Image)

Opening EUR 400.00
Sold...EUR 550.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 550

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30108

1934 Heir Apparent issue: Money Letter: 1926, 5 Pia. in mixed franking with 1932, 2 1/2 G. (2) and 1934 Kingdom 1 1/2 G. perforated - rarely seen postally used - on insured letter from Mecca (1.5.34), via Jeddah, Port Taufiq (7.5), Alexandria (arr. 8.5, dep. 9.5), Napoli TPO (12.5), Roma-Milano TPO (12.5), Milano-Brennero TPO (13.5) to Hamburg (15.5), a very fine and a rare usage (Image)

Opening EUR 400.00
Sold...EUR 550.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 550

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30109

1934 The Saudi-Yemen war: A remarkable sheet with the six Saudi stamps used in Hodeida during the short occupation, five are cancelled with the very rare Saudi type "HODEIDAH" datestamp on 23.6.34 (last day of occupation), the other is cancelled with the Yemeni type "HODEIDA" on 14.5.34 (first day of occupation), bearing Saudi Arabia 1927, 1/8 Pi., 1 Pi., and 1 1/2 Pi, 1928 30 G. and 1934, Proclamation 1/2 G. and 3 1/2 G, only one other such sheet recorded (Image)

Opening EUR 400.00
Sold...EUR 650.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 650

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30110

1934 Kingdom Heir Apparent Issue: Airmail cover to Transvaal, S. Africa franked with 3 1/2 G. strip of six, sent from Jeddah (20.3.34) via Port Taufiq (3.4), a stunning usage, rare (Image)

Opening EUR 350.00
Sold...EUR 750.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 750

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30112

1934 Pair of registered covers both from the Netherlands Embassy in Jeddah to Holland with different cds ("JEDDAH" and "DJEDDAH") and paying two different rates, 7 G. and 9G., with part of the franking on reverse, an attractive duo (Image)

Opening EUR 350.00
Sold...EUR 500.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 500

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30113

1934 Proclamation of the Kingdom: Airmail cover to Dutch East Indies, franked 3 1/2 g. imperforate mixed with Nejd 1929 20g and 1932 1/4 g. plus 1934, War Tax 1/2 g. on cover from Jeddah (15.5) inscribed "BY KLM - AIRMAIL / AMSTERDAM - BATAVIA" but sent via Egypt to Surabaya (1.6), with arrival cds. on reverse, a scarce franking. (Image)

Opening EUR 300.00
Sold...EUR 420.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 420

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30114

1934 Proclamation of the Kingdom: 1/2 G. red and 3 1/2 G. blue, both imperforate, with 1 1/2 G. perforate, making up the 5 1/2 G. rate to Iraq, sent from Mecca (10.4) via Bagdad (24.4) to Basra (26.4), cover faults, a very scarce franking (Image)

Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 240.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 240

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30115

1934 Heir Apparent: 1/2 G. imperf. mixed with 1 1/2 G. perf. on postcard to Germany (2G. rate), plus 3 1/2 G. pair on registered cover from Jeddah to USA (7G. rate), a fine and scarce usages of this short-lived issue (Image)

Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 950.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 950

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30116

1934 Heir Apparent Issue: 1/4g. (4) and 1/2g. (2) with 1926, 1 1/2g. on business cover from Mecca (27.2) via Jeddah (28.2) and Port Taufig (4.3) to Germany. (3 1/2 Pia. rate), a very scarce franking (Image)

Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 420.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 420

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30117

1934 Heir Apparent Issue: 1/2g. red mixed with 1932 1/4g. green (2) on printed matter from Jeddah via Aden to Netherlands India, with transit and arrival cds. on reverse (1g. rate), a rare rate and combination to a scarce destination. (Image)

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 420.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 420

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30118

1934-35 Pair of registered covers to Belgium and Holland, both with 7 G. rate, one from the PTT in Mecca (but fully franked), the other from the Netherlands Legation in Jeddah, a scarce pair (Image)

Opening EUR 250.00
Sold...EUR 380.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 380

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30119

1934-36 Commercial mail to Yugoslavia (2), one paying the Sea mail rate with 1934 3 1/2g. imperforate plus War Tax 1/2 Pia., and other 1936 cover franked 1/8g., 1/2g. and 3 1/2g., in pairs (8 1/4g. airmail rate) on covers from Jeddah to Celje, the latter with Belgrade cds., both with transit cds. of Port Taufiq and Alexandria on the back, a fine pair (Image)

Opening EUR 200.00
Sold...EUR 220.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 220

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30120

1934-51 Air Mail Instructional Markings: Pair of covers, 1934 Cover from S. Francisco (16.4) by air to Bahrain (arr. 2.5) and then to Jubail by boat, as the quickest route. Endorsed "VIA EUROPE" and man. "Via Bagdad and Bahrain.", yery scarce early incoming transatlantic mail. 1951, from Dhahran to Rome (9.11) with boxed "VIA TWA", a scarce pair (Image)

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 190.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 190

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30122

1937 Illustrated Hajj cover from Mecca to Java: Franked on reverse with 1934, 3 1/2 G. and the scarce 1936, 1 G. hospital tax stamp, "MECQUE 19.1.37", "SOERABAJA 11.2.37", a very early Hajj commemorative cover to an unusual destination, very scarce (Image)

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 220.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 220

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30124

1938 Insured mail to Austria: Large legal size cover from Jeddah (14.11) via Port Taufiq (20.11), Alexandria (21.11), Brindisi (26.11) and Udine (27.11) to Vienna, censored and re-sealed (29.11) before being distributed (30.11), franked (Image)

Opening EUR 300.00
Sold...EUR 420.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 420

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30125

1938 Money letter to Switzerland: Insured cover with 1934 10 G. and Tax 1/8 G. and complete wax seals, sent from Mecca via Jeddah (scarce "MANDAT" cds. 3.8.38), Port Taufiq (7.8), Cairo (7.8), Alexandria (8.8) and Milano TPO (16.8) to Berne (17.8), an attractive and scarce usage (Image)

Opening EUR 240.00
Sold...EUR 500.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 500

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30129

1941 Registered mail from Ojain/Hassa via Bahrain to USA, after the bombing of Dhahram by Italian planes in October 1940, mail from the Eastern Province (Hassa) to Europe and the USA was sometimes sent via Bahrain, almost all known covers are from CASOC staff in Al Khobar. Mail from other locations in Hassa is very rarely seen, franked Bahrain 1/2 A., 2 As., 12As., and 2 Rs., with stapled Bahrain censor's sealing label, sent 19.5.41 via Bagdad (7.6) and Honolulu (15.6) to Philadelphia (18-19.6), unusual and an extremely rare usage (Image)

Opening EUR 400.00
Sold...EUR 420.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 420

image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30130

1941 Italian Internees in Hejaz: Headed "Italian War Internees in Hejaz" and sent to the International Red Cross in Geneva With "FRANC DE PORT" (free of charge), "Poste de Prisonniers de Guerre" (POW mail), Egyptian censor's and Red Cross arrival cachets, the only recorded cover (Image)

Opening EUR 300.00
Sold...EUR 480.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 480
image Sale No: 19SE
Lot No:30131

1942 CASOC cover via Bahrain to Trinidad: Envelope from a CASOC (from 1944 ARAMCO) employee, franked with 1934, 1/2 G., 3 G., 5 G. and 10 G. plus the 1937, G. hospital tax stamp, posted in Al Khobar (12.6.42) and taken by CASOC launch to Bahrain, where it received the boxed "PASSED BY CENSOR / BAHRAIN". The cover was then sent via S. Africa where it was opened and re-sealed with the bilingual "DEUR / SENSOR / OOPGEMAAK / OPENED / BY / CENSOR" label, it arrived in Trinidad 9.9.42, a very unusual wartime routing and destination (Image)

Opening EUR 150.00
Sold...EUR 150.00

Closed..Jun-04-2019, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 150

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