Records 1 to 23 of 23

Argyll Etkin Ltd Sale: 51

image Sale No: 51
Lot No:1467
Cat No:Collection

1855 6sk Brownish Grey used with central Stockholm c.d.s, a couple of short perfs, probably reperforated at left, with Helena Obermuller Certificate (1989). F.3c, 1,200kr. Photo on Page 216. (Image1)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 85.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 85

Sale No: 51
Lot No:1469
Cat No:Collection

1856-58 Stockholm local stamps in black, 1856 1sk plate 1 on medium-thick paper, unused without gum (1973 Sjoman Certificate) or used with star cancel (one short perf, writing on reverse, 1983 S. Kaiser Certificate); and 1858 3ore unused without gum, used (minor staining, also another repaired stamp) or used on an 1861 entire letter. F.6a2, 6a3, 25,500kr. (6).

Opening GBP 200.00
Sold...GBP 170.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 170

Sale No: 51
Lot No:1470
Cat No:Collection

1862-85 3ore Stockholm local stamps and reprints, comprising 3ore olive yellow-brown unused without gum (centred to right, signed "Sjoman") or used (2, one with small faults, the other fine with 1999 H. Obermuller Certificate), 3ore olive-brown used (one short perf, 1983 S. Kaiser Certificate), 1871 perf 14 yellow-brown reprint, and 1885 perf 13 brown reprint unmounted (1983 S. Kaiser Certificate). F.13, 24,000kr. (6).

Opening GBP 200.00
Sold...GBP 170.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 170

image Sale No: 51
Lot No:1473

1872 50ore Rose, lower left corner marginal single, variety open base of "O" in "ORE", hinge mark in corner of margin, the stamp unmounted, fine and scarce. With H. Obermuller Certificate (2002). F.12h, v1, 13,000kr+. Photo on Page 136. (Image1)

Opening GBP 240.00
Sold...GBP 200.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 200

Sale No: 51
Lot No:1474

1885 5-50ore Perf 13 Reprint set of six fine mint. Also 1963 reprints with values overprinted, from the SFF handbook. F.5,500kr. (6).

Opening GBP 120.00
Sold...GBP 100.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 100

image Sale No: 51
Lot No:1476
Cat No:Collection

1868-72 Lying Lion 3ore orange-brown type II, variety printed on both sides (inverted on reverse), used with Stockholm c.d.s, a fine example of this rare variety, of which just 200 examples could have existed. With H. Obermuller Certificate (1999). F.14Bd, v1, 33,000kr. Photo included on Front Cover. (Image1)

Opening GBP 1,200.00
Sold...GBP 1,000.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 1000

image Sale No: 51
Lot No:1477

1871 Ring type issue, 6ore imperforate essay in grey and ultramarine by Schlachter and Seedorf, fine and scarce, with H. Obermuller Certificate (1998). F. 20,000kr. Photo included on Front Cover. (Image1)

Opening GBP 500.00
Sold...GBP 1,300.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 1300

image Sale No: 51
Lot No:1479

1875-77 Ring type perf 14 50ore carmine superb mint, excellent centreing, original gum, lightly mounted. With H. Obermuller Certificate (2006). F.26e, 8,500kr. Photo on Page 216. (Image1)

Opening GBP 220.00
Sold...GBP 250.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 250

Sale No: 51
Lot No:1481
Cat No:Collection

1877-86 Perf 13 Ring type, mint selection comprises 5ore yellowish green; 6ore bluish lilac on calendared paper; 20ore bright red, or orange-red on calendared paper (2); 30ore dark brown - brown (gum toning), dull brown with thick numerals, brown on calendared paper (shiny print), or olivish yellow brown - yellow brown. A good group, the 5ore and 6ore unmounted. F.30j, 31, 33c,f, 35d,f,i,j, 41,500kr. (9).

Opening GBP 360.00
Sold...GBP 400.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 400

image Sale No: 51
Lot No:1482

1879 Ring type perf 13 20ore orange-red with "TRETIO" error, repaired tears at upper right and lower left corner, pulled perf at lower left, a reasonable example of this rare variety of which just 970 stamps were printed, mint with original gum, lightly mounted. F.33b, v1, 90,000kr. Photo on Page 216. (Image1)

Opening GBP 500.00
Sold...GBP 420.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 420

image Sale No: 51
Lot No:1483
Cat No:Collection

1885-86 Ring type perf 13 30ore olivish yellow-brown, variety part crown watermark, well centred, a scarce watermark variety superb used with central Stockholm c.d.s. With H. Obermuller Certificate (1994). F35j,var. Photo on Page 216. (Image1)

Opening GBP 100.00
Sold...GBP 400.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 400

image Sale No: 51
Lot No:1485

1891 Oscar II 1kr Imperforate colour trial proofs, a pair and three singles in four differing colour combinations. F. 3,000kr. (5). Photo on Page 216. (Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image1)

Opening GBP 120.00
Sold...GBP 230.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 230

Sale No: 51
Lot No:1488
Cat No:Collection

Air Post. 1920 Luftpost surcharges, study on pages comprising 10ore mint (4) and used (6), 20ore mint (2) and used (3), 50ore mint (4) and used (6), with misplaced overprints, defective overprints including 50ore broken "5" (3, one mint), 10ore and 50ore overprint offsets, 20ore mint watermarked KPV only and 50ore used with inverted watermark (F.138cx), also forgeries of the 10ore and 50ore inverted surcharges, and 1920 registered C.O.D cover posted in Stockholm franked 40ore + Luftpost 50ore. F136/8, 12,500kr (approx). (28).

Opening GBP 150.00
Sold...GBP 160.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 160

image Sale No: 51
Lot No:1490

Landstorm Stamps. 1916 Landstorm II 5ore on 6ore, variety surcharge inverted, used. Fine and rare, just fifty examples possibly, only known used. F.118v, 18,000kr. Photo included on Front Cover. (Image1)

Opening GBP 600.00
Sold...GBP 500.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 500

Sale No: 51
Lot No:1492

Officials. 1874-77 Perf 14 Issue, study of the various shades and plate varieties on pages comprising 3ore (8), 4ore (3), 5ore (4, one mint), 6ore (9, including olive grey shade), 12ore (19), 20ore (4), 24ore (14), 30ore (7), 50ore (3) and 1kr (5), also covers franked 3ore or 12ore, mixed quality with some faults. (76 + 2 covers).

Opening GBP 120.00
Sold...GBP 100.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 100

Sale No: 51
Lot No:1493

Officials. 1881-95 Perf 13 Issue, the detailed study of shades and plate varieties written up in an album, comprising 2ore (35, eighteen mint including a corner block of ten), 3ore (102, including 84 mint, one of these the grey-brown - yellowish grey-brown shade), 4ore grey (18), 4ore grey-black (41), 5ore (39, including dull blue-green shade mint), 6ore (20, fifteen mint), 10ore type I (34, fourteen mint with an unmounted pair and upper right corner block of ten), 10ore type II (10), 12ore (54), 20ore red (55, one mint), 20ore blue (68, including missing "M" variety), 24ore (29, one mint), 30ore (65), 50ore red (14), 50ore grey (10, one mint) and 1kr (111), a few offsets noted, also covers bearing various values from the 4ore to 20ore (12), some faults though most are fine, a good lot. (705 + 12 covers).

Opening GBP 650.00
Sold...GBP 550.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 550

image Sale No: 51
Lot No:1494

Officials. 1889 10ore on 12ore, variety surcharge inverted, used with part "PKXP No" T.P.O datestamp, centred to left, one short perf at right, otherwise fine and very scarce, just 200 stamps printed with this variety. With H. Obermuller Certificate (1990). F.TJ25, v2, 60,000kr. Photo included on Front Cover. (Image1)

Opening GBP 900.00
Sold...GBP 1,200.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 1200

Sale No: 51
Lot No:1495

Postage Dues. 1874-82 Perf 14 and 13 postage dues, the detailed mint and used study well written up in an album, most varieties with the sheet position noted, comprising 1ore (129), 3ore (111), 5ore (24), 6ore (14), 12ore (170), 20ore (111), 24ore (64), 30ore (120), 50ore (61) and 1kr (22), some multiples, a useful lot. (826).

Opening GBP 450.00
Sold...GBP 380.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 380

image Sale No: 51
Lot No:1496

Booklets. 1913 1kr 50ore Booklet containing five Oscar II issue 5ore panes of six, control letter "N" on reverse, fine and complete. F.H3, 5,000kr. Photo on Page 192 (Image1)

Opening GBP 200.00
Sold...GBP 200.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 200

image Sale No: 51
Lot No:1498

Booklets. 1922 3kr Booklet containing two panes of ten of the Gustaf V left profile 15ore violet, fine. F.H17, 9,000kr. Photo on Page 192. (Image1)

Opening GBP 300.00
Sold...GBP 320.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 320

image Sale No: 51
Lot No:1501

Booklets. 1939 2kr Booklet containing two panes of ten of Royal Academy of Science 10ore, both panes with left stamps perforated on three sides, fine and scarce. F.H39, 11,000kr. Photo on Page 192. (Image1)

Opening GBP 400.00
Sold...GBP 400.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 400

Sale No: 51
Lot No:1506

Maritime Mail. c.1870-1970 Covers and cards (39), stamps and pieces (88) with various datestamps of Finland or Denmark, Paquebots or ship cancels, "Navire", "Fran Utlandet" or "Fra Sverige", Swedish Sea Post Office datestamps, cork cancels, Finnish stamps cancelled in Sweden, etc., also some picture postcards of ships. (127+).

Opening GBP 150.00
Sold...GBP 130.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 130
Sale No: 51
Lot No:1507

Special Events. c.1900-05 Picture postcards with special datestamps or cachets from various exhibitions, fetes, bazaars, shooting meetings, conferences, etc., including cards bearing cinderella stamps for 1903 Goodtemplars Autumn Festival and Dalarna Bazaar, also a few other special event postcards without cachets. (95).

Opening GBP 160.00
Sold...GBP 140.00

Closed..Oct-27-2022, 23:59:00 EST
Sold For 140

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